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For AWD owners wanting a P3D-

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They are manufactured to the same spec - they test to different specs.

If that were the case they'd do what every other MFG on earth does when binning parts that test to different performance capabilities.

Give them different PNs.

And yet the DUs for every rear DU ever made and installed on every version of all 2017 and 2018 model 3s got the same DU PN.

It's almost like the only place a difference exists on all those same PN DUs is your imagination.
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Of course they can.

It wouldn't even be the first time they offered a build-date dependent performance upgrade for money- they did this on the Model S at one point.

I believe you're referring to the 75D uncork. They gave people a full second off their 0-60 time for free. This happened three months after the introduction of factory uncorked 75Ds. I'm not saying it should be free this time, but just agreeing with you that Tesla has definitely done this before.
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They only match Performance buyers with AWD VIN #'s that are Performance rated. So I would only expect to see such an example if Tesla somehow overlooked that. And it's probably happened, there are a lot of examples of people who ordered a Performance model being told their VIN # was no longer theirs and they had to issue them a different VIN #. But I wouldn't expect this to happen too often as long as the person matching the VIN # to the order was doing their job properly.

Where's your proof? Do you have any? Do you even have an indication of someone who needed a replacement P3D- for reasons such as refused delivery due to cosmetic or other issues having anyone ever indicate this is the case?

As I mentioned, I recall one case where a gentleman refused his P3D- for cosmetic issues, they found an AWD on the lot and flashed it to P3D- for him. Did they find a "good" one for him? I find this assertion of yours that they are matching them with some super special secret code what we in the business call "weak sauce".
Where's your proof? Do you have any? Do you even have an indication of someone who needed a replacement P3D- for reasons such as refused delivery due to cosmetic or other issues having anyone ever indicate this is the case?

As I mentioned, I recall one case where a gentleman refused his P3D- for cosmetic issues, they found an AWD on the lot and flashed it to P3D- for him. Did they find a "good" one for him? I find this assertion of yours that they are matching them with some super special secret code what we in the business call "weak sauce".

There must be a "secret handshake" involved; perhaps a NDA and other covert requirements... :p
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There must be a "secret handshake" involved; perhaps a NDA and other covert requirements... :p

Yeah, you'd think if there was some "it's an AWD but we can make it a P3D-" code existed that somehow knowledge of that secret would have leaked out, especially considering how many low paid service employees Tesla wipes its ass with on a quarterly basis.
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My only regret in purchasing my LR AWD Model 3 is that I didn't spring for the extra $11k for the Performance. At the time I looked at it as $11k for 1.3 seconds. I wasn't too concerned with the other extras like brakes/wheels etc but MAN do I wonder what the extra 1+ second 0-60 would feel like everytime I launch in my AWD. Don't get me wrong, I still love my AWD and it's very fast! I just wish they would "software unlock" performance speeds for a fee if its possible and I would happily pay (within reason).
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Any car has the potential to kill its occupant. Christine did it decades ago, becoming sentient through the supernatural.

Stealth, It seems to me you want to justify the premium you paid for your P3D- by telling yourself that you save special, binned parts. I get that.

Actually, you know nothing about me. The "Premium" I paid for the Performance means so little to me you can't even begin to "get it". So don't talk about things you nothing about. And I really do mean nothing.

But all of the accumulated data points to you being incorrect on this issue.

Why haven't you (or anyone else) presented these "accumulated data points" that refute (in any way) what I have stated? All I've seen are things like "My AWD was converted to the Performance I ordered after delivery" or "the early Performance and AWD drive units have the same part number stamped on them", neither of which refutes that the drive units are binned for themal performance to avoid buring out the power electronics. And yet, the irrational people who insist everything is identical in a P3D and an AWD cannot explain why the drive units now have different part numbers. Guess what! It's because they have different requirements. The reason the very early ones didn't is that time was of the essence and it would have removed a good amount of flexibility from early production/deliveries.

That said, Tesla will not simply give a P3D- upgrade away for free. My guess is if they offer it will be 5-6K. I'm not sure I would spring that much, but maybe I would. 3K I'm giving them my money today.

I learned a long time ago not to dwell on theoretical possibilities that were extremely unlikely to happen. And I'm done commenting on this so all you starry-eyed dreamers can refute what I have shared with you with more non-sensical examples of why you must be right and live happily ever after in your fantasies of Tesla suddenly changing course and offering Performance upgrades to all AWD owners, damn the part numbers and the binning (whether the part numbers are the same or different, whether a drive unit binned high or low) - it simply does not matter in this fantasy world, LOL!
At the time I looked at it as $11k for 1.3 seconds.

I'm happy to inform you that you can cheer up! The extra $11k would have only bought you a boost (with today's numbers) of at most 0.9 seconds! (From ~4.0 to 3.1+, excluding rollout for both vehicles.) Due to Tesla's website a lot of people think the difference is larger, but it's not.

That would be $1200 per 0.1 seconds!

Now, of course, it is just $222 per 0.1 seconds.
Where's your proof? Do you have any? Do you even have an indication of someone who needed a replacement P3D- for reasons such as refused delivery due to cosmetic or other issues having anyone ever indicate this is the case?

As I mentioned, I recall one case where a gentleman refused his P3D- for cosmetic issues, they found an AWD on the lot and flashed it to P3D- for him. Did they find a "good" one for him?

Yes, it's likely that most AWD are "good enough" for Performance. But obviously not all. And "good enough" is fungible. All AWD's could be flashed to Performance and they would all work. At least for a time. But some would burn out. Fail. Tesla's goal is zero failures. So they have standards. It has to do with how much heat the parts generate when switching high levels of current. The amount of current going through those little teeny power transistors is impressive, even in the AWD model.
My only regret in purchasing my LR AWD Model 3 is that I didn't spring for the extra $11k for the Performance. At the time I looked at it as $11k for 1.3 seconds. I wasn't too concerned with the other extras like brakes/wheels etc but MAN do I wonder what the extra 1+ second 0-60 would feel like everytime I launch in my AWD. Don't get me wrong, I still love my AWD and it's very fast! I just wish they would "software unlock" performance speeds for a fee if its possible and I would happily pay (within reason).

If it makes you feel any better, the difference was never actually 1.3 seconds, it was 1 second at original release, and is currently nearer 0.9 seconds.

The P (real world magazine testing) putting down 3.1, and the AWD putting down 4.0.

Tesla dishonestly uses 2 different methods of measurement when they list the 0-60 of P vs non-P cars on their website to make the Ps look better (or the non-Ps look worse I guess)

Why haven't you (or anyone else) presented these "accumulated data points" that refute (in any way) what I have stated? All I've seen are things like "My AWD was converted to the Performance I ordered after delivery" or "the early Performance and AWD drive units have the same part number stamped on them", neither of which refutes that the drive units are binned for themal performance to avoid buring out the power electronics.

Except lots of people have shown you the data. And explained why binning does not work the way you suggest (and why it'd be stupid to do it that way in MFG).

Your refusal to accept all these facts doesn't make them cease being facts. That's a cool thing about facts.

Instead you've invented fantasy notions divorced from all evidence and reality that there's some SOOPER SEKRIT HIDDEN CODE somewhere behind all this.

And yet, the irrational people who insist everything is identical in a P3D and an AWD cannot explain why the drive units now have different part numbers.

Uh... what?

The entire point is that up until a few months ago they had identical part numbers and thus were identical parts

You insist this isn't "really" the case- while offering 0 evidence to support it. Insisting Tesla uses the same PN because they already have some SPECIAL MAGIC WAY to tell without needing to do 2 part numbers.

And then you ALSO cite "Hey, they recently switched to 2 part numbers, so we KNOW they're not the same!"

Without understanding that second thing makes your first thing look even crazier than it was to start with.

Indeed, why WOULD they now have a 2nd part # if the could MAGICALLY ID PARTS WITHOUT THAT?

They wouldn't.

The AWD cars built with 990 motors are, obviously, physically different rear DUs than all the other model 3s

Including all Model 3s AWD or not built in 2017 and 2018 and some AWDs in early 2019- which were not physically different DUs than the P cars got.

I learned a long time ago not to dwell on theoretical possibilities that were extremely unlikely to happen.

Like making up imaginary hidden BINNING INDICATORS NOBODY CAN ACTUALLY SEE? :)
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I'm happy to inform you that you can cheer up! The extra $11k would have only bought you a boost (with today's numbers) of at most 0.9 seconds! (From ~4.0 to 3.1+, excluding rollout for both vehicles.) Due to Tesla's website a lot of people think the difference is larger, but it's not.

That would be $1200 per 0.1 seconds!

Now, of course, it is just $222 per 0.1 seconds.

I would pay $12,000 for another 1 second off my Stealth P3D. Then I would have the fastest production car in the world. :D

That's gotta be worth a measly 12K, no?
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I'm happy to inform you you can cheer up! The extra $11k would have only bought you a boost (with today's numbers) of at most 0.9 seconds! (From ~4.0 to 3.1+, excluding rollout for both vehicles.)

Tesla's website currently lists Performance as 3.2 and LR AWD as 4.4 - so basically the same differnce as before. My car seems to have gained only .1 second of 0-60 time. Or is there some other real world measurements that show LR AWD is faster than 4.4?

Either way it's all relative right? .9 seconds is still a considerable 20%+ of the full 0-60 time. Like I said though, I love my LR AWD!