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Fox news business reporter claims Model S only has 16 miles of range.

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I think Elon was on to something recently when he said that the reason the right doesn't like green tech is because Al Gore was the spokesperson raising the global warming issue. So the right was reflexively against the doing anything about it when it should be a universal concern.

Twitter / elonmusk: It is unfortunate that climate ...

Absolutely. Climate change (and, by extension, electric cars) have become labeled as a "leftist ideology" when there is nothing ideological about either of them...it's science and product technology, respectively (in the interest of full disclosure, I love the environmental aspect of the Tesla and it is the main reason I bought it...but, in the grand scheme of things, the Tesla is a car, just like other cars, that happens to have an electric power train as opposed to an internal combustion engine...there is nothing ideological about that). This is part of the reason that the Roadster and Model S are so great...they appeal to car fanatics and environmentalists alike. Having shown my Model S at several exotic car shows, I've had plenty of people come up to me and comment on the beauty and styling of the Model S...long before they realize it is electric. So, instead of the extremists judging Tesla's product for what it is...a car (regardless of power train)...they see an electric car, assume it must be tied to the "leftist ideology" that is climate change and that the only people who would be remotely interested in a Tesla are tree-hugging liberals...and thus the ideological attacks start up in opposition to it. They are taking issue with a product based on statements that aren't true...and it is this kind of misinformation that makes it extremely difficult for EVs to succeed.
I think Elon was on to something recently when he said that the reason the right doesn't like green tech is because Al Gore was the spokesperson raising the global warming issue. So the right was reflexively against the doing anything about it when it should be a universal concern.

Twitter / elonmusk: It is unfortunate that climate ...
Here’s that quote from Elon’s twitter account:

elon tweet gore.png

I’m going to have to respectfully disagree with Elon on that one. Al Gore tried to do something! How can that be a bad thing?

I’ve seen An inconvenient truth – the movie in question. Of all the Gore-bashers, how many have actually seen the movie?

Full disclosure: I have not read the book with the same name.
Here’s that quote from Elon’s twitter account:

View attachment 22929

I’m going to have to respectfully disagree with Elon on that one. Al Gore tried to do something! How can that be a bad thing?

I’ve seen An inconvenient truth – the movie in question. Of all the Gore-bashers, how many have actually seen the movie?

Full disclosure: I have not read the book with the same name.

I agree that Al Gore tried to do something...and I'm not debating the merits of that attempt.

I do agree with Elon, however, that the unfortunate side effect of Al Gore doing it in the United States' political climate is that Climate Change gained a public face...that of a left-wing politician... and, thus, made it a "left-wing" issue.

I think the interesting thought experiment is: What if An Inconvenient Truth had been done by a prominent U.S. Republican? Would Climate Change be a right-wing issue, a centrist issue, or a left-wing issue?
I agree that Al Gore tried to do something...and I'm not debating the merits of that attempt.

I do agree with Elon, however, that the unfortunate side effect of Al Gore doing it in the United States' political climate is that Climate Change gained a public face...that of a left-wing politician... and, thus, made it a "left-wing" issue.

I think the interesting thought experiment is: What if An Inconvenient Truth had been done by a prominent U.S. Republican? Would Climate Change be a right-wing issue, a centrist issue, or a left-wing issue?

SwedishAdvocate, I have seen the movie. I'm a big fan of it and Al Gore.

I also think Elon is on to something about why big parts of the right (see, I'm not generalizing--there are some people on the right who agree we need to do something) are against anything related to solving global warming.

I see the point.

It just strikes me as so incredibly sad that folks won’t judge the truth of an argument on the merits just because it’s being made by a Democrat former vice president/presidential candidate. And that folks also won’t judge the truth of that argument by taking an open-minded look at the science behind it.

On an American political scene I would probably tip the scale off the charts in the left-wing “treehugging” democratic direction.

But, that doesn’t mean for example that I by default would have disagreed with Senator John McCain (R) about the moral responsibility in 2011 to prevent the Gaddafi regime from killing the people who bravely rose up to put an end to the tyranny in Libya.

Another example: I’m also not going to disagree with any Republican who makes the argument that paying for ‘sexual services’ is morally wrong (as in prostitution). Even if that were to mean that the first amendment of the constitution would have to be altered in some way in order to criminalize the sale of photographically depicted pornography involving people engaging in sexual acts. Why? Because to me that is just such an obvious abuse of economic inequality to have the legal right to be able to pay women – because it is mostly women – and young at that – thousands of dollars within this legal ‘framework’. My argument being: Money is the medium of force, and provides the cover of consent – bending the arm of ’the free will’ – metaphorically speaking. And that’s where I morally draw the line.
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She took a chance that telling a bold face lie would incite a reply from Elon and she would have a few moments of fame. Instead, it didn't work out for her. In the end, she just looked like a liar that nobody should ever trust for accurate information. Career essentially over.
I do agree with Elon, however, that the unfortunate side effect of Al Gore doing it in the United States' political climate is that Climate Change gained a public face...that of a left-wing politician... and, thus, made it a "left-wing" issue.

I think the interesting thought experiment is: What if An Inconvenient Truth had been done by a prominent U.S. Republican? Would Climate Change be a right-wing issue, a centrist issue, or a left-wing issue?

Interesting theory. The same happened with the Afordable Care Act. If it wasn't introduced by left wing it wouldn't have been seen as such a "left-wing" issue. (It's not left-wing by any means - left-wing prefers progressive over regressive taxation.)

And on that one we actually have more than just theoretical prove. Even though it started of as a right-wing idea, just by the virtue of being repeated by a left-wing prominant, it immediately became a left-wing idea.

On the other hand the EPA was started by Nixon, and it's today being seen as left-wing. On that one you can argue that the left-wing stayed the same, and the right wing moved so far to the right that the left-wing ended up with all the older centrist ideas.

I think it's more of the latter. Even if Climate Changed was somehow originally introduced by either Reagon or G.H.W. Bush (actually not impossible), the recent movement of the right-wing to the far-right would have caused the issue to still drop on left-wing's lap.
besides fox's brainwashed following cult, anyone with common sense knows thats not true, and if someone does believe that then eventually they'll find out that it is not true.

What we have right here, dear friends, is a perfect example of the elusive species of statistical weed know as rectalus derividus. Once thought to be endangered, they are currently making a comeback. Unfortunately, their favorite prey is anything of the factualus family of language.