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Garage door openers and Tesla's Faraday Cage

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My home link only works from less than 5' from the garage door. Anyone know anyway to boost this range? My wife's highlander works from 1/2 block away.

Couple of quick things to try - put new battery in remote and re-program. I couldn't even get mine to program until I put in new batt, yet remote opened door, go figure.

Make sure antenna on garage door is straight - I know it works with other car, but doesn't hurt to try.

They (homelink) have intentionally been reducing range on their modules for safety reasons - within sight of door so you can see it, so as not to close it on someone, etc...

and if your curious as to where the transmitter is located, I will attach pic, it is right next to frunk latch.

Also this range challenge is with many new models of cars - do a google search 'how to increase range of homelink' and you will see many complaints, and even some modifications to extend the range of the homelink units.

My home link only works from less than 5' from the garage door. Anyone know anyway to boost this range? My wife's highlander works from 1/2 block away.

Wow, mine works great, even aimed away (bouncing off other houses/cars). Not half a block away since the house is on a bit of a hill, so I couldn't aim it quite right, but mine works a lot better than yours.

- - - Updated - - -

Not a Homelink: It's a underground parking lot with a gate halfway down for residents.

Open your window and stick your arm out? Open pano roof and stick arm up? I'm serious about both; this is how I had to use EZpass, sigh....
My homelink garage door opener only pays attention to my Model S about one house before mine. Which is just barely before the Model S presents the list of nearby homelink receivers that it has been programmed to cooperate with.

I really wish the range was greater (whether due to a SW or HW fix), so that I could push the button several houses up the road afore mine and ensure that the garage door was open fully by the time I was at the end of the driveway!
Sorry, I was referring to the drop down opener commands in the car. Not a separate remote opener.

Your best bet is to reprogram the Homelink at a position where you'd like the drop down to occur. Maybe at the top of your driveway or your neighbor's driveway along the way you come home. It's programmed to drop down where you program it, it couldn't care less where you garage door actually is.
I'm not as concerned where the drop down occurs as I am that pushing the drop down does nothing until I'm less than 5 feet from the door. I've tried pushing the drop down icon for my door at just about every distance from 60' until I almost touch the door with my front bumper.
What battery are you referring to?

I think Jason is referring to the battery in your hand held garage door opener. Has happened to me in other cars as well; garage door opener worked fine to open the gate but when I used it to program my home link it either wouldn't take or was very unreliable. replaced the battery in the garage door opener then reprogramed the home link and worked much better.
Our Homelink has been reliable. We also are able to use our regular remote from inside the car w/o problems. Our 2-year-old likes to push buttons and so he has become the official garage door opener and closer - since he's in a car seat in the back seat we just hand him the remote that came w/ the GDO. Works fine from the driveway - 10' or so away from the door.

I did extend the antenna on the opener in the garage. You should see a bit of wire hanging down from the opener. I just stripped the wire and added ~2ft of light-guage wire in a loop and range was dramatically increased. I'll try to take and post a picture if that isn't clear.
Agree with the advice to check the opener's antenna. Should be perpendicular to the vehicle. (OK, better said, it should lie in the plane that is perpendicular to line from the receiver to the vehicle - vertical is usually pretty good).
I have to say, as a non-tech package car owner, this was one of the things I was worried about, but oddly enough it has been a total non-issue for me. I clip my garage door opener to the sunshade, like I have on every other car I have ever owned, and it operates the garage door flawlessly, just like ever other car I've ever owned. not sure what it is, but for whatever reason the windshield coating has caused zero issues with my particular opener.
No Homelink here either. I clip my opener to the side of the center cubby under the screen. Works great.
On a car of this price range that should not be an option; home link, driver profiles, automatic keyless entry should all be included. The others are bigger changes so I can see why there would be an up charge for them, but driver profiles are just a software update aren't they? and home link and automatic keyless are probably 1 sensor each. Sorry to get off topic.
On a car of this price range that should not be an option; home link, driver profiles, automatic keyless entry should all be included. The others are bigger changes so I can see why there would be an up charge for them, but driver profiles are just a software update aren't they? and home link and automatic keyless are probably 1 sensor each. Sorry to get off topic.
You've obviously never optioned a Porsche or similar "car of this price range." Hell you can spend as much on options on a 911 as you do for the base car. Options pricing and packaging are very contentious topics in all sorts of applications. Cable TV anyone? Buying a new house? You name it. Companies have to make decisions about how to package and price options. You're not going to make everyone happy.