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Gripes about the Beta interior

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I think his point is valid. The interior sucking doesn't stop the car from getting you to point B as happened in some cases with the Karma.

I don't believe anybody is trying to compare the S to Fisker. I don't even want to compare the S to another 100K car. Take the battery cost out of the equation and compare the S to an E/5series/A6. I understand not getting all the options/color choices available on these cars at launch. It's a bit bare boned and expect it will continue that way through 2013.

I also expect talent will become diluted with the assembly of X and the probable introduction of another line in 2013ish.
I don't believe anybody is trying to compare the S to Fisker. I don't even want to compare the S to another 100K car. Take the battery cost out of the equation and compare the S to an E/5series/A6.

huh? did you read the referenced post?

Fisker is an excellent case study. I can't believe you can honestly compare the lack of a place to put your sunglasses in Model S to a car that doesn't actually get people from point a to point b which is the whole point of a car. No one gives a crap about how great the interior is if the car doesn't work.

That's what I was commenting on. Not sure how we got to battery costs and such.

I'm as hopeful in Tesla as anyone, but I honestly don't see any super improvements coming before now and the delivery of the sigs that will wow us. I also don't think Tesla is playing mind games -- I think they put what they thought was their best foot forward and it was received with criticism. Whether or not they retract said foot and put on a new shoe before we see it again remains to be seen -- but come on... to think they're just toying with us and there's something super and great waiting just behind the curtain seems extremely unrealistic to me.

Again, I'm accepting of the interior. I think they could have done many things differently, but at this point, I don't see it as a disaster. I just want my car already.
I'm sorry, but I think you're bordering on naive with all of the sunshine and rainbow posts. I think it's fair to assume what we see is close to what we get. If we get some storage solutions after launch, I'd be pleasantly surprised... I'd be outright shocked and amazed if we got integrated storage solutions before launch.

...unless of course you have info none of us have...

The info I have is available to all, it's called common sense.

Do you really believe after years of hard design work, exeptionnal engeneering, great exterior design, great marketing. They would release a car with sub-standard design?

Did you see a Tesla mockup interior like the one we see in Revenge of the electric car for the Volt? The scene where Bob Lutz whine about the screen position? Probably not, it's a well garded secret.

I'm sure Tesla has one of those.

They have lots of secrets, they will release one at the time. This way of doing things is right out of the Apple playbook.

Hype building is the best marketing strategy when you don't want to spend much on marketing.

Dont believe everything they say ;)
So Tesla MUST get the mechanical/driving parts right on day 1. If the cupholders are in the wrong place on day 1 or the plastic parts only come in black no one will care. Car magazines and every owner I've talked to have complained about BMW's iDrive yet they keep selling BMW's. But if BMW put out a poorly driving car they would be spanked right on the bottom line.

You're certainly right that getting the mechanics working from day 1 is far more important than a sub-standard interior. Any negative press related to the Model S bricking or having driving issues will be far more disastrous than any complaints about the interior. However, BMW sold BWM's despite iDrive because they are BMW and have some serious brand recognition. The name sells itself...it's like crack. Tesla doesn't have this luxury. Do you realize how many new automakers have come before Tesla and have failed? We're pretty much stuck with the same automakers that existed nearly a century ago. The cards are stacked against Tesla, so they do need to hit a homerun in a lot of ways.

We all want Tesla to succeed. If any of you are going to get a Model S, it's in your best interest for Tesla to succeed. So I'd encourage people not to be complacent about any aspect of the car. Given how many of us are EV enthusiasts and Tesla loyalists, some are quick to defend the company like their own mother. I'd say that's the wrong approach to take. Even if you are content with how things are with the car, acknowledge how certain limitations of the interior (or other aspects) may prove problematic with the Model S gaining wide-spread appeal. So if you care about the success of Tesla, you should encourage them to make the necessary changes to achieve that even if you personally are content with how it is in present form.

the one thing that'll really bother me is if Tesla chooses to not do anything about that molded plastic seat bottom and back!

It's barely tolerable with Black leather and maybe, Gray too but, it's indeed a real eyesore when paired with any lighter leather color :(

You're preaching to the choir my friend. Couldn't agree more.
All this is assuming, of course, that they're not paying attention to the very things you're worried about.

I suspect the Design Studio interior options are not online yet for a reason other than just website delays. Give them a little credit and see what they do - before jumping in and motivating the troops to 'not be complacent' and 'encourage them to make the necessary changes'.

You don't KNOW they're not paying attention, nor do you know that they haven't already figured things out (prior to all the conversation about this). You only know that the beta versions aren't the way you want. And you believe that this is critical to the success of Tesla. We don't have all the info, they monitor the forums so you've been heard.

You have every right to feel the way you do and to want the car you want. You obviously have every right to speak up as often and as loudly as you want. Assume good intent here. The reason so many Roadster owners are quick to defend is because we have personally experienced Tesla's willingness to listen and respond to their customers. I understand you haven't. But we're not blindly defending a company. If you listen to what people saying, you'll see we're saying we have first-hand knowledge that they listen. And that's something you won't find at many other car companies.
I'll toss a couple of thoughts out there that so far, everyone has been avoiding:

a) The first model year of almost every car that later becomes a classic has been both highly desired, and filled with little quirks. (The Ford Musting comes to mind. Tinny, not-so-great handling, back seat suitable for grocery bags or small pets, an an instant hit. So does the Mazda RX-7 or the Miata)

b) Successive model years worked out a bunch of the bugs.

c) Successive model years had a price tag that was *considerably* higher than the first year.

So I do not think that I will complain prematurely, lest my complaints be heard, and the price is jacked up beyond my reach.

-- Ardie
All this is assuming, of course, that they're not paying attention to the very things you're worried about.

I suspect the Design Studio interior options are not online yet for a reason other than just website delays. Give them a little credit and see what they do - before jumping in and motivating the troops to 'not be complacent' and 'encourage them to make the necessary changes'.

You don't KNOW they're not paying attention, nor do you know that they haven't already figured things out (prior to all the conversation about this). You only know that the beta versions aren't the way you want. And you believe that this is critical to the success of Tesla. We don't have all the info, they monitor the forums so you've been heard.

You have every right to feel the way you do and to want the car you want. You obviously have every right to speak up as often and as loudly as you want. Assume good intent here. The reason so many Roadster owners are quick to defend is because we have personally experienced Tesla's willingness to listen and respond to their customers. I understand you haven't. But we're not blindly defending a company. If you listen to what people saying, you'll see we're saying we have first-hand knowledge that they listen. And that's something you won't find at many other car companies.
I agree. They said many times they were following TMC forums almost religiously. And they are not commenting on this "Interior contreversy" they even pour oil on fire when they talk about it...

They must find this very amusing ;)

Just wait and see. Interior will be as amazing as the rest of the car.
The info I have is available to all, it's called common sense.

Do you really believe after years of hard design work, exeptionnal engeneering, great exterior design, great marketing. They would release a car with sub-standard design?

Did you see a Tesla mockup interior like the one we see in Revenge of the electric car for the Volt? The scene where Bob Lutz whine about the screen position? Probably not, it's a well garded secret.

I'm sure Tesla has one of those.

They have lots of secrets, they will release one at the time. This way of doing things is right out of the Apple playbook.

Hype building is the best marketing strategy when you don't want to spend much on marketing.

Dont believe everything they say ;)

Why would Tesla talk about volume manufacturing and the costs associated with the interior design out to the enthusiasts (pretty much say some of the parts of the car look the way they do because it costs too much to do it a different way)? Would it not make more sense to keep quiet like Apple does rather than throw wrong information out to the enthusiasts? Heck one of the Tesla Reps said that they are hoping the open console would be a signature of the Tesla brand.

If what you are saying is true, this is the worst PR stunt ever. I do not see how this is from the AAPL "playbook". Tesla would risk losing reservations, it would make absolutely no sense to create negative hype at this point.
I agree. They said many times they were following TMC forums almost religiously. And they are not commenting on this "Interior contreversy" they even pour oil on fire when they talk about it...

They must find this very amusing ;)

Just wait and see. Interior will be as amazing as the rest of the car.

:rolleyes: I certainly hope so. I assume you have an S reservation -- do you like or dislike the current interior?
You're certainly right that getting the mechanics working from day 1 is far more important than a sub-standard interior. Any negative press related to the Model S bricking or having driving issues will be far more disastrous than any complaints about the interior. However, BMW sold BWM's despite iDrive because they are BMW and have some serious brand recognition. The name sells itself...it's like crack. Tesla doesn't have this luxury. Do you realize how many new automakers have come before Tesla and have failed? We're pretty much stuck with the same automakers that existed nearly a century ago. The cards are stacked against Tesla, so they do need to hit a homerun in a lot of ways.

We all want Tesla to succeed. If any of you are going to get a Model S, it's in your best interest for Tesla to succeed. So I'd encourage people not to be complacent about any aspect of the car. Given how many of us are EV enthusiasts and Tesla loyalists, some are quick to defend the company like their own mother. I'd say that's the wrong approach to take. Even if you are content with how things are with the car, acknowledge how certain limitations of the interior (or other aspects) may prove problematic with the Model S gaining wide-spread appeal. So if you care about the success of Tesla, you should encourage them to make the necessary changes to achieve that even if you personally are content with how it is in present form.

You're preaching to the choir my friend. Couldn't agree more.

Tesla also does not have lease program in place for the Model S.....Most BMW owners and luxury car owners in general lease, which will make it more difficult to move units.

Also the Model S does not have maintenance included...I know a ton of people who procure BMW's because of the free maintenance. I think it was a huge oversight not to include free maintenance in the purchase price of the car. If Tesla wants to highlight the advantages of an EV and the reduced cost of ownership why not include free maintenance?

Tesla is a new company, they are inexperienced.
The info I have is available to all, it's called common sense.

Do you really believe after years of hard design work, exeptionnal engeneering, great exterior design, great marketing. They would release a car with sub-standard design?

Did you see a Tesla mockup interior like the one we see in Revenge of the electric car for the Volt? The scene where Bob Lutz whine about the screen position? Probably not, it's a well garded secret.

I'm sure Tesla has one of those.

They have lots of secrets, they will release one at the time. This way of doing things is right out of the Apple playbook.

Hype building is the best marketing strategy when you don't want to spend much on marketing.

Dont believe everything they say ;)

This does seem a bit naive. What possible advantage would they have to string people along who are frustrated with the current interior? I would be willing to bet cash money that the interior that they recently showed in advanced betas is 90% of the way towards what final production is going to be like. Understandably Tesla is putting the bulk of their efforts into building a world class drive train and a car that is over-all compelling to buyers who would compare it to other luxe marquees.

Realize that it takes months and costs tons of money to change the tooling for even one interior part, which is why it is very hard to believe that they have some secret interior that they've been holding back revealing... absolutely nothing they've said seems to indicate that. Honestly (and don't take offense) this sounds like wishful thinking on your part.

As to Apple, Apple simply doesn't show their products before they are ready and more or less finalized. Apple doesn't show an iPad and then redesign it for the launch four weeks later. They show the shipping product. You'll also see pie in the sky wishes for each new iProduct as well that simply don't pan out, such as the unfounded rumors of things like Haptic Feedback in the touchscreen of the new iPad which totally didn't pan out.

Tesla doesn't have to worry about a redesign of the interior until demand for the car starts to fizzle... which would fit perfectly into the strategy of delivery of the first year+ of vehicles before doing a Version 1.5 update to keep demand strong later.
Yes, I think the interior is pretty much a done deal atleast at the macro level (i.e. the cupholders, the armrest and the two-tone seats from the 70s are here to stay) - GeorgeB clearly said here that the two-tone seats in particular were a design choice.

Given how far along they are (or should be) with production/material-inventory/supply-chain/crash-testing prep, the best that Tesla can do about these is to 'polish' them up and make the fit and finish as good as they can get. Despite Steph's optimism, it's probably best if we all prepare for this eventuality and let these facets 'grow' on us. Let's also hope for a decently-designed and affordable center console accessory later.
Yes, I think the interior is pretty much a done deal atleast at the macro level (i.e. the cupholders, the armrest and the two-tone seats from the 70s are here to stay) - GeorgeB clearly said here that the two-tone seats in particular were a design choice.

Given how far along they are (or should be) with production/material-inventory/supply-chain/crash-testing prep, the best that Tesla can do about these is to 'polish' them up and make the fit and finish as good as they can get. Despite Steph's optimism, it's probably best if we all prepare for this eventuality and let these facets 'grow' on us. Let's also hope for a decently-designed and affordable center console accessory later.

Like I said, I hope to be pleasantly surprised, but I'm fully expecting this to be just about what we see at delivery (and I'm fine with that). If Steph's RDF is strong enough to change what I think is a given at this point, more power to it.
All this is assuming, of course, that they're not paying attention to the very things you're worried about.

I suspect the Design Studio interior options are not online yet for a reason other than just website delays. Give them a little credit and see what they do - before jumping in and motivating the troops to 'not be complacent' and 'encourage them to make the necessary changes'.

You don't KNOW they're not paying attention, nor do you know that they haven't already figured things out (prior to all the conversation about this). You only know that the beta versions aren't the way you want. And you believe that this is critical to the success of Tesla. We don't have all the info, they monitor the forums so you've been heard.

You have every right to feel the way you do and to want the car you want. You obviously have every right to speak up as often and as loudly as you want. Assume good intent here. The reason so many Roadster owners are quick to defend is because we have personally experienced Tesla's willingness to listen and respond to their customers. I understand you haven't. But we're not blindly defending a company. If you listen to what people saying, you'll see we're saying we have first-hand knowledge that they listen. And that's something you won't find at many other car companies.

I think Tesla will eventually change the interior (and you are lucky because you are getting the Model X, so the improved interior that will be done on the Model S 2.0 will make its way to the Model X).

If you had purchased a 1.5 or even a 2.0 Roadster I think you would see this whole situation differently. There is no doubt in my mind that Tesla will change the interior on subsequent Model S revisions. I think there should be some communication from Tesla. If the interior is going to be revised or another trim level is going to come out in the near future, Let us know! I do not want to buy this 1.5 car then find out 8 mos down the line version 2.0 comes out which solves all of the quams everyone here has about the interior. They did this to the 1.5 Roadster owners and I would hope they would learn and be more forthright on the Model S.

Some people are happy with the interior, let those people buy this Model S with its interior...if Tesla is going to come out with a higher end trim level that is fitting for a 100k car in the near future, I will be more than happy to defer. Tesla absolutely knows if they are or are not going to do this.
I think Tesla will eventually change the interior (and you are lucky because you are getting the Model X, so the improved interior that will be done on the Model S 2.0 will make its way to the Model X).

And the poor people who bought 2005 Jettas, I bought a 2006 with a NEW BETTER interior. This happens everywhere. Things generally improve over time. The next Model S will be better than the current one. I don't think they will change it until they burn through their wait list, are not making profit or 4 years passes, whatever comes first. They might add more options, but the base car wont really change. They might just get some new colors year to year.

EDIT: Actually I bought a 2005.5 Jetta, I think the 2005 Jettas were MK4 to my MK5 Jettas.
And the poor people who bought 2005 Jettas, I bought a 2006 with a NEW BETTER interior. This happens everywhere. Things generally improve over time. The next Model S will be better than the current one. I don't think they will change it until they burn through their wait list, are not making profit or 4 years passes, whatever comes first. They might add more options, but the base car wont really change. They might just get some new colors year to year.
1.5 came out like in 2009. By 2010 Tesla had the 2.0 and 2.5 already out...This company moves much quicker than a normal car company.