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Has anyone repaired cooling louvers?

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so when there is enough "air" to cool the central radiator there is no need for AC to help cool it down
Not sure, maybe when it is super hot outside and you hammer it hard, so the temp dissipation of all power components is very high, then maybe it opens either, who knows..
but when supercharing the air is not enough and AC kicks in at cools the radiator, therefore side louvers should open?
Yes, but only if the temp of the batt is approaching the active cooling target temp and the active cooling is needed. If the battery is cool, it is completely quiet, louvers stays closed.
yes, yes, understood.

my car just sounds like a jet engine when SuCing :)
Same here. Fans sound like a harrier jet taking off under these 3 scenarios on our old S85:

1) Supercharging after a 40+ mile drive on a day that is more than 90F.
2) 15 minutes into Supercharging on a warm day with while the A/C is on (fan noise attenuates after turning the A/C off)
3) Supercharging for more than 40 minutes and above 85% SOC.

I'm still getting a radiator right shutter feedback and active aero error in Service Mode, despite the right and left louvers opening and closing. I've hit Supercharging rates as high as 134kW and I've had one amazing Supercharging session that went from 12%-65% in about 20 minutes...which is usually takes about 30 minutes ever since the 2019 software nerf.
I finally repaired my side louvers. Cars cooling works much better now.

Will write a how-to with pictures tomorrow.
Hi, congrats on your success! I used to have also recircValve and RCCMact with activeAero faults, changed only the recirc valve for some from Ali and not immediately, but after some time all the faults had disappeared...
End of last year I noticed the active aero alert (which means the car will not move the louvers in case of need) but due to space problem (I have no garage to work on the car) I had to postpone fixing this to more suitable weather.

finally the day has come!

I had both front louvers error. The right one I could fix with toolbox 2 but the left one would not work.
So had to remove the bumper, only the left part as I could access the louvers without fully removing the whole bumper.

As @Stivi83it pointed out the louver moves too far thus the "control unit thinks" its broken even thou its not.


Close up:


Then I drilled 2mm hole and put around 8mm long part of toothpick throw it. I decided for toothpick becaues its still rather soft and can break in case my solution would not work and I dont want to break the motor.



There are no more errors and louvers open at the SuC when needed.

The car is still heavy on the fans but a lot less than with louvers close. Battery temp was kep at ~45° while earlier it could raise almost up to 60°, so defo big improvement.

I wonder how long the toothpick will last or I will just replace it with some smaller screw.

The hardest part was unhooking all the clips under the car due to lack of access, everything else was smooth.
This is truly ridiculous. Tesla KNOWS there is an issue with these louvers (I KNOW THAT BECAUSE A SERVICE CENTER MANAGER TOLD ME SO and REMOVED A $500 Louver replacement charge) and they have known for YEARS. The failure of these louvers can directly affect the A/C system, leading to malfunction or complete breakage requiring thousands of dollars to repair. It is painfully obvious that Tesla does not care about this and, as of now, has zero plans to resolve it. You can't even contact anyone (every other car manufacturer has a customer service line where you can at least open a ticket) and any service app messages just go in a GD circle then into the void. Instead of Tesla actually fixing the problem, people must resort to f**** toothpicks for our state-of-the-art cars. As a long-time owner, I am getting to the end of my rope and NOT RECOMMENDING Tesla cars.
@wtshirley I understand your anger, but what would tesla do? These things just have some lifespan and after which they need to be changed. Its made of plastics that deforms - bear in mind the car can do several louver cycles per day if you drive it a lot and each time a little bit of plastic is damaged.

"our" fix makes it a cheaper repair, there is always an option to buy a new louver.
@wtshirley I understand your anger, but what would tesla do? These things just have some lifespan and after which they need to be changed. Its made of plastics that deforms - bear in mind the car can do several louver cycles per day if you drive it a lot and each time a little bit of plastic is damaged.

"our" fix makes it a cheaper repair, there is always an option to buy a new louver.
My point is that the NEW ONES have the same defect and Tesla Engineering knows it. You could go and buy a brand new one from Tesla and it will fail almost immediately. My car stayed at a service center for over a month with them trying to fix the issue. They put SIX different louvers on it and they all failed within 24 hrs. (Note that this is for the RIGHT Louver. The left one does not appear to have the same defect) The service manger contacted Tesla Engineering and after a long battle of back and forth... was told that this is a KNOWN ISSUE, but they also weren't going to (at that point) release a service bulletin. The Model S and X are notorious for failed A/C compressors and this louver failure is a direct contributor because the car cannot get the additional airflow that is needed on very hot days. If you have a Legacy Model S or X, and your A/C failed or sounds like a 747 during takeoff when you activate A/C while parked... then it is possible that you have this issue. Not only does the right louver not open, it communicates with the Left Louver so it may not open when needed either. My A/C failed 1 year before I realized that the louver was even an issue. This was 100% confirmed to me by the Service Manager and I believe that his or her frustration with the situation convinced him or her to give me for honesty than management would prefer, which is why I won't mention the person by name and label as him/her. The service manager refunded me completely even for the A/C repair and did give me a loaner during this month. The SM was awesome, but ultimately his or her hands were tied. I will GLADLY pay for a new louver part that actually functions correctly. My issues are that 1) Tesla won't even tell you what the Service Codes actually mean (I had the rightShutterNoFeedback code for years and everyone (plenty in these forums) either said it was a common/ghost code/don't worry about it... if you get these codes you need to worry about them because that means THINGS DON'T WORK CORRECTLY 2) the Service Center team had "a hell of a time" getting communications from Tesla Engineering, and 3) There is just no where to go within Tesla from the customer perspective.

For what it's worth, I love my Model S. She is a 2015 and I baby the sh*t out of her. I hope to continue to do so.
Odd. I had both louvers error and managed to fix the right one with toolbox calibration and left one with a “toothpick”. Most likely right will fail soon, but at least I know how to fix it now.
The sourced parts might be different based on your location, so hopefully you are in the clear. I know that there was a "G" version of the part that showed up in the part guide, but was quickly removed.