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Much as I despise the old grey lady's coverage and especially Broder's review of the Model S, here is something useful from the op ed.

Opinion | Trump and Xi Sittin’ in a Tree

Most interesting to me is the explanation we lost a big lever by dropping the TPP, directly aimed at marshaling collective defense against China.

To be honest I opposed it too based on Krugman's concern it expanded US pharma control. I can't comment on the box Xi has created for himself which is also interesting.
American immigrant founder. From a "sh-thole country," according to our President.
That's not a nice thing to say about Canada.

Edit: ,
Elon imigrated to the US from Canada, not South Africa. (Or you don't like Canada?)

Though in context, Trump tells native born US of Aians to go back to where they are from, so I can see how that might extend more than one hop back.

From Wikipedia :

Although Musk's father insisted that Elon go to college in Pretoria, Musk became determined to move to the United States. As he states, "I remember thinking and seeing that America is where great things are possible, more than any other country in the world."[39] Knowing it would be easy to get to the United States from Canada, he moved to Canada against his father's wishes in June 1989, just before his 18th birthday,[40] after obtaining a Canadian passport through his Canadian-born mother.[41][42]

South Africa (1971–present)
Canada (1989–present)
United States (2002–present)

Born and raised in Pretoria, South Africa, Musk moved to Canada when he was 17 to attend Queen's University. He transferred to the University of Pennsylvania two years later, where he received an economics degree from the Wharton School and a degree in physics from the College of Arts and Sciences.
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Is it really necessary to load up this chat room with political nonsense? Do you really want open borders with Africa? Is anybody dumb enough to think that that is a good idea?

Well, I don't think anyone does. That's because Africa is across the ocean from the US, and thus, we don't border them. It's impossible to have open borders with them, unless you don't include the ocean as a barrier.
Is it really necessary to load up this chat room with political nonsense? Do you really want open borders with Africa? Is anybody dumb enough to think that that is a good idea?


1. Africa is a continent not a country.
2. There is almost zero support anywhere for open borders with Mexico and Canada. Pretty much everyone wants some form of regulation on border crossing, despite republicans painting the democratic position as dissolving the border, it is in no way the case.
3. Pointing out that an individual came from a country other than the US makes an excellent case for easing migration. Steve Jobs was descended from a Syrian immigrant btw. As many other major disruptive company founders are.
4. Acknowledging the benefits of engaging in trade and immigration with foreign countries is actually on topic as while the US is a big market, Tesla’s states goals and financial success are without question reliant on business outside of the US.

TL/DR: stop being a xenophobe
Given current interest in mass shootings and any connection to white supremacists, this is interesting.

Barr, Trump DoJ hid 2018 report on white supremacy and domestic terrorism

To be fair, the article does not address the possibility denial of the report to Congress was part of the blanket denial of docs. or specific. Given what we know if not specific it would be consistent with Trump's white violent coverups in any case.
After the recent shootings it came to light that most of those who normally would be watching domestic terrorism and extremist groups were all diverted to Trump's manufactured crisis at the border leaving the door open. These resources have been diverted back and a number of would be terrorists were stopped since the last mass shootings.

Since it was created the FBI has always infiltrated any group that even has a hint of being a threat to the security of the US. They were so successful with the communist party that when membership started declining in the 50s a lot of leadership positions ended up being held by FBI agents undercover. They have even infiltrated such organizations as the SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism) because they have a sub-group who are dedicated to rediscovering the techniques of making medieval weapons.

I'm not surprised Trump suppressed the report on domestic terrorism. Trump has to hide or blame others for anything that might make him look bad. He would have a very hard time blaming white supremacist domestic terrorism on the Democrats or Hillary especially a report that says it's him. He will anyway, but it will make him sound even more like an old man who lost his marbles.
After the recent shootings it came to light that most of those who normally would be watching domestic terrorism and extremist groups were all diverted to Trump's manufactured crisis at the border leaving the door open. These resources have been diverted back and a number of would be terrorists were stopped since the last mass shootings.
After Trump took over they stopped covering white supremacists and instead declared BLM as an extremist organization.

Leaked documents show FBI targeted post-Ferguson ‘black identity extremists’ over white supremacists
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Warren moves up in Fox polling. Poll shows any of the top 4 Dems would beat Trump.
Poll: Warren jumps over Sanders for second place behind Biden
At this time, best to concentrate on fundamentals.


Its funny how the "Bernie Bro" myth was spread by Hillary - 53% of Sanders supporters are women and 51% are POC ;)

There was also noise about declaring ANTIFA a terrorist organization. How many people have ANTIFA members killed?

On the other hand how many people on 8chan killed?
Trump just tweeted that he is considering naming ANTIFA as a "terror" organization. BTW, police are heavily infiltrated by white supremacists. It is very common for them to completely trust neo-Nazis, have their back to the neo-Nazis and point guns at ANTIFA.

Arun Gupta on Twitter

ps :

Trip Gabriel on Twitter

From a disillusioned GOP operative: ‘The Trump campaign is well aware of the organized participation of Proud Boys rallies merging into Trump events. They dont care. Staff are to treat it like a coalition they can’t talk about.’​
Warren moves up in Fox polling. Poll shows any of the top 4 Dems would beat Trump.
Poll: Warren jumps over Sanders for second place behind Biden

Fivethirtyeight gives pollsters letter grades and Fox is actually one of the few A graded pollsters. Despite the reputation of the channel, their polls are fairly accurate and have been for a few years. I've been watching the presidential approval polls and the higher grade a pollster gets on fivethirtyeight the worse Trump's approval. One interesting thing about the latest Fox poll is Trump's approval number has barely moved, but his disapproval shot up and the Don't know/undecideds went to 1%. Between the late July poll and the most recent his strong disapproval rating went from 41% to 48%.

His strong approval numbers hold steady in the high 20s. That's his core base. I believe the rest of his approval are financial, fair weather support who don't like him but approve of him as long as the economy is good. If we do go into a recession, they will probably abandon him.

There are rumors leaking out of the White House that Trump is panicked about the economy but his people are doing nothing to shore it up because they don't have a clue. At least GW Bush had some people around him who had some idea to do something when the economy went bad in 2008. There are good arguments they weren't the best options, but they knew enough to do something and they did prevent a global meltdown.

Fox poll details:
Fox News Poll 8/15

At this time, best to concentrate on fundamentals.

Most Democrats Are Excited by ‘Several’ 2020 Candidates - Not Just Their Top Choice

Its funny how the "Bernie Bro" myth was spread by Hillary - 53% of Sanders supporters are women and 51% are POC ;)

View attachment 442998

To be fair some of Bernie's support has spread to other candidates and the demographics of his supporters might be different from 2016. It's still an interesting breakdown.

Trump just tweeted that he is considering naming ANTIFA as a "terror" organization. BTW, police are heavily infiltrated by white supremacists. It is very common for them to completely trust neo-Nazis, have their back to the neo-Nazis and point guns at ANTIFA.

Arun Gupta on Twitter

ps :

Trip Gabriel on Twitter

From a disillusioned GOP operative: ‘The Trump campaign is well aware of the organized participation of Proud Boys rallies merging into Trump events. They dont care. Staff are to treat it like a coalition they can’t talk about.’​

Trump's embrace of white nationalists has become news lately, but I hope it becomes a solid meme in the coming months. Rick Wilson and Steve Schmidt were among the first Republican campaign people to split with the party over Trump. Wilson wrote a memo to the RNC the day after Trump jumped in the 2016 race telling them Trump was dangerous. He said the GOP could spend a few thousand defeating Trump before his campaign got off the ground, or spend millions late in the nomination process, or if he got elected the GOP would spend at least a decade if not a generation out of power and it would cost billions to rebuild. He said that someone high up in the RNC at the time has acknowledged Wilson was right.

There are really only two paths for the RNC here. Turn the US into a dictatorship or watch the party destroy itself when Trump is gone. Up until the late 1970s Evangelical Christians were not a voting block. They voted, but had no identifiable political identity as a group. Along with the Southern Strategy started by Nixon, the Republicans created the Evangelical voting block and ensured they were reliable Republican voters. By empowering them they became much more vocal and became the focal point of a number of political controversies. The right wing media has been able to routinely stir this coalition up by trotting out the fictitious War on Christmas or abortion or one of the other hot button topics.

Trump has now done the same thing with white nationalists. The Evangelicals were more accepted by the general public because they share many views with non-Evangelicals. For example Joe Biden is personally anti-abortion, but where he splits with the Evangelicals is with the political solution rather than the core idea.

With white nationalists, it's a much deeper divide between their views and the rest of the country. Of course the non-whites who might agree with them is so tiny as to be non-existent, but also a fairly large number of whites strongly disagree with them. Most of the counter protesters on Portland today were white.

The white supremacists threaten the peace more than Evangelicals. There were attacks by Evangelicals on abortion clinics, but other than that they have not been very violent. A large number of Americans are willing to let people they disagree with but want to speak up have their say. As long as the people speaking out aren't violent, it's considered tolerated behavior even if disliked. But when people are violent or look like they could become violent at any minute, people feel differently.

I was living in Seattle during the WTO protests and I remember there were a lot of stories going around from the protesters that the property violence was started by people who just showed up dressed like them, did something like break windows and ran off. ie someone was agitating to make the protesters look bad. That's tougher to pull off today because someone will get cell phone video of the whole thing.

So we have is the president calling peaceful protesters terrorists and violent thugs "some good people". Trevor Noah saw Trump coming. He has pointed out since 2015 that Trump was an African dictator with paler skin.
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