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Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

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Speaking from experience. I'd take what your SA tells you with a huge grain of salt. My SA told me I'd take delivery the 2nd week of December. Which then became "for sure delivery last week of December." Here we are March 1st and I'd wager my car hasn't even been built yet.

To be fair, you are waiting on a Performance model. Not that it makes your SA right, but typically, LRs do get delivered by quarter end from what Ive seen as long as you don't order on like March 20th
Documents just showed up in my Tesla account for an e-signature. The Customer Support guy said they will appear on your account 24 hours prior to your pickup. He said not to sign them (basically click approve) until they confirm the car will be ready tomorrow, just in case it has to be pushed back a day or so. I can see the finish line.
I would not trade this 5 week wait for any other car though. I don't think I've ever been this excited about a purchase.
Speaking from experience. I'd take what your SA tells you with a huge grain of salt. My SA told me I'd take delivery the 2nd week of December. Which then became "for sure delivery last week of December." Here we are March 1st and I'd wager my car hasn't even been built yet.

You're in socal right? I always thought they were last? December, I'd just be pressing my face against the glass at the service center.



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I ordered a blue-on-black LR last week in Portland. No VIN, and my SA didn’t have a delivery estimate except for “March.” If you look at the spreadsheet on this forum, pacific NW customers seem to get their VIN just a couple of days before delivery, and almost always get delivery in the last week of the quarter. We’ll be waiting a bit.
Good guidance. Thanks!
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I just got my new pick-up date... Wednesday. The service center tracked down the delivery driver and got an ETA when the car will be at their store. Just rescheduled my rental car. I'm not upset because I don't think this was something they had control over. The service center was really helpful and said they were going to send me updates regarding where the car is at along the way. Must be nice to have a product so many people want, but so hard dealing with not being able to provide it to all the folks.
1 more day waiting sucks but at least I can afford a Tesla (for now) and I have a garage with its own charger. In the big picture, I'm feeling really blessed.
Based on this timing no way I get my car in March.

Look at the spreadsheet. Really. Folks who order early in the quarter wait three months. Those who order in the middle wait six weeks. Those who order late might only wait a week or two. EVERY west coaster gets delivery in the last few weeks of the month, unless their order slips to the next quarter, which is rare for LRs (but common for M3P). You should get your car this month.
Anyone else order a MSM M3 Long Range last week? Was told by my Tesla rep here in Seattle there is a chance I could get my VIN this week. I am skeptical though.

Oh you're giving me hope. I'm waiting on White/Black and pretty much have accepted that it will be the last day of the quarter before I should even think about picking it up. It's been almost total radio silence since ordering on 1/3.
Yes it would ... not going to hold my breath though. Delivery predictions seem to be pretty hit or miss

I too am Seattle with order date of 1/21 - white/white LR.

I looked through the spreadsheet for previous time periods and it looks like those of us in the NW typically get our VINs beginning to middle of the last month of the quarter (March in this case) and then from VIN to delivery is between 3 and 9 days with most people in the 5-7 day wait time.

Knowing this info helped set expectations for me a bit and maybe will help you.
Based on this timing no way I get my car in March.

no - you are west coast and Tesla fills the orders here in the last month of the quarter. You ordered plenty early to get in on the March deliveries from what I have seen. Lots of people order about the 12th - 18th of the last month of the quarter and get cars within a week based on history in spreadsheet.
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