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Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

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First off congratulations you seem to have gotten very very lucky. This is by no means an attack at you but this is what seriously aggravates me about how Tesla does delivery sometimes since we have the EXACT same car and I have been waiting since April for mine. Idk how you have higher up the delivery line then me (yes I know west coast vs east but still). Anyway I hope you greatly enjoy the car!

Thanks a lot for this super informative reply of yours! I greatly appreciate it!

Hahaha, I truly feel you, (and I'm super happy to have a similar configuration fellow with me as well. I just loved going all black on my M3LR, and it kinda stands out from the common white ones I always see here in the Bay Area!) and don't worry, I would never take your comment as an attack on me! Rather, I found this to be of a great insight, and this is what I like about online forums! I don't know about the lucky part, but coincidentally I took a test drive yesterday at 11 AM with the exact same configuration as mine, just to see how it feels for the drive and for looks as well! It was drop dead gorgeous! And then this text of VIN popped up in a few hours! (Very intriguing)

Even I'm truly perplexed now by their algorithm pushing me up way ahead in the delivery line! :p

To answer some questions: I'm not in California so I may be mistaken but good rule of practice is to have all your paperwork, insurance, financing lined up within the next day or so to prevent any issues with delivery
You will get the mobile charger based on what we are seeing here, they are coming in all deliveries currently.

Gotcha, I'll make sure to have all of my paperworks in order. Fingers crossed on the mobile charger! Anyone from California, if you are reading this, then could you kindly let me know with all of the registration procedures prior to delivery? It would really mean a lot ot me, as this will be my first vehicle purchase, and I have no clue with any sort of registration prior to this! 😅

Your VIN is likely in line with a new car as we have seen here but it could possibly be a reject, if you are very curious you can ask your SA when the production date was. The one thing concerning about your order ( which I hope isn't the case) is that a late June order would be next in line over March-May still waiting. This raises a flag that this could be a similar story to another poster @ColoradoMike . To summarize he got a vin very quickly after ordering but turns out the car had major defects and likely was rejected multiple times. You can read his story on this forum if you are so inclined. Again fingers crossed but if I was you I'd mentally prepare for that possibility. Black/ black is rare but I still can't believe a June order would be the next one in line. That being said you might just be a very lucky person lol.

Duly noted. Will call my SA and speak with him. Although for the past 1 week, whenever I type in his extension number, I no longer get connected to him and I'm redirected to the general Tesla hotline. Strange!

I am highly inclined towards this particular vehicle being multiple rejects from past owners. Fells like RED FLAGS everywhere with my order! I'll give a proper and due check to the vehicle (Take some pictures and post them here as well!) Things I know to check would be for panel gaps in the trunk and frunk area. Will check for paint chips, if any. Visible dents, if any. Window panel alignments and door panel alignments as well. I had read of some holding tapes for the roof window as well. Will check for these too, although I'll need a step stool as I'm a short guy! 🤣

For the interior - Will check for an resin like cracks with the seats, the wood panel and cluster area, glovebox if functioning or not, and the interior panel qualities (I had seen dirt marks on pictures previously from some owners.)

I agree with you, if I can't see defects from afar with my naked eye, then it truly shouldn't be a bother!

Couldn't find @ColoradoMike story on the similar situation as mine, but if you (@ColoradoMike) could let me know, then that would be great. Thanks in advance!

As far as payment you can pay it the day of delivery after inspection but some places are more strict about this then others as far as how much they allow you to inspect. That said hold onto your money as it is your only bargaining chip
As far as inspection you can go as crazy as you want. There are 200+ checklists people post here, as for me I'm under the philosophy that if I can't see it with a close look its nbd. Tesls gives you about 72 hrs/100 miles to report any issues you ma notice. Always make sure you take pics and document these especially before you drive off the lot.

Again best of luck and I hope that helps

Cool, will definitely hold onto my money and thanks for everything! Truly means a lot to me! I honestly hope for you to get your car soon as well!

PS - I wanted to like this comment, but somehow I can't find that button anywhere. Maybe because I'm a newbie to this forum!
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As for your comment about Tesla making your configuration, they don't make your car for you so to speak. It's not like a deli counter where they pull your number and make your order. They have some algorithorim and they make a batch of cars (black/black, black/white, red/black...etc) and then the system assigns this to whoever is up for the next shipping location. This doesn't actually change anything but just wanted to clarify that as well

Oh LOL, that would have been truly amazing in a parallel universe though, hahaha!
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I got the trade in call last week and this Sunday morning I got great surprise, so I think yours is coming soon too
Got some great news today finally: I got my VIN: 314xx
Saw it when I went on the app, no text or call yet though.

OD: 3/26
In Florida
MSM/black/aero, basically no $$ other than LR AWD

It seems like they are cranking them out, wonder if they are trying to beat cancellations with interest rates going up quickly?
Good on you for doing your research. There's a lot of valuable information hidden in this thread.

An estimated delivery date is just a ballpark of when the car will be available for pickup. There is a separate notification where the app offers you a choice of a specific day and time on which to pick up your car. It's setting up an appointment. From the rest of your post, I get the impression that you haven't reached that point yet. It just means that the delivery site doesn't know exactly when they'll have the car ready for you.

You ordered a new vehicle, and a company cannot offer you a demo car without telling you that's what it is.

I totally agree with you. This forum is like an invaluable gem to me!

Gotcha, will wait for the app's notification on letting me know of the actual delivery window period! I presume, this is when I choose from one of the 3 days and the time as well, when I'll be heading to the Fremont factory for inspection (and pickup if all's well!)

As of now, I have opted for Tesla insurance on the app, put in my details and have got a quote for the basic insurance (Pretty high at $130 per month I feel, but hey, I'm a totally new driver as well, so knew that this was coming for me!) On the last page however, where I get to purchase this insurance plan, it states that I have to wait until Delivery window, so this falls in line with my above comment and so I can't currently buy it because of this! (Basically the "Purchase Now" is a Greyed Out option for now)

And as for the "Make Your Final Payment" tab - I see an option to "Add Payment Method", and the total cost of my vehicle with taxes and registration included.

My question is that if I don't add any payment methods here for now, will I still be able to schedule delivery for inspection? Please let me know!

For now, all I have done is selected all options available to me in the various tabs in my app, but I plan on INSPECTING FIRST, and then while at the factory itself, will make all of the final steps. I hope that they could wait for some time with me, as similarly to them having made all of us wait for months to get our cars! Tit-For-Tat 😉

Only the "Agreements" and "Accept" Tabs are not available to me as of now!

Lastly, I did think of that as well. If it were to be a demo vehicle, they would have been obliged to let me know. And so in a similar fashion, are they obliged to let me know that this vehicle was previously assigned to other owners as well, and that they rejected for some personal reasons? (I don't want their names or any other details, but just knowing that it was previously assigned to someone else other than me, gives me a lot of information as well!)
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I just want to post this for the new people to offer some clarification on how the delivery queue works. Disclaimer: I do not work for Tesla nor am I a logistics expert this is simply a summary based on trends, notes posted by others and reading tea leaves. If anyone sees any errors or has any changes please let me know

Woah, thanks for these details!
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I'm with you on this. You can see I got frustrated last night when a black/black that ordered end of June got a VIN while I'm sitting here waiting. This is when things get hard for us because we'll start seeing people with our same config get VINs. Soon it will be over don't worry :)

Truly sorry for your frustration! But I'm probably going to decline this order, if for obvious reasons!
When was your OD?
Got some great news today finally: I got my VIN: 314xx
Saw it when I went on the app, no text or call yet though.

OD: 3/26
In Florida
MSM/black/aero, basically no $$ other than LR AWD

It seems like they are cranking them out, wonder if they are trying to beat cancellations with interest rates going up quickly?
🥳 Fantastic news! I'm so glad these March orders are finally getting VIN'ed. Your wait if finally over. Enjoy the ride!!!
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There are 200+ checklists people post here, as for me I'm under the philosophy that if I can't see it with a close look its nbd. Tesls gives you about 72 hrs/100 miles to report any issues you ma notice. Always make sure you take pics and document these especially before you drive off the lot.

Again best of luck and I hope that helps
Is there a way to find the checklists? A separate thread or post #s in this thread?


Have you seen the car yet? And again to reiterate any frustration is not at you

Nope, I haven't yet seen it. (And I get it that no frustration is against me! 😇)

But the craziest thing has happened just now to me!

I just got a text that Delivery has been confirmed. And to my surprise, the app shows a Delivery Appointment for this coming Tuesday, July 26th, during the afternoon time, for a DELIVERY to my House. Like Noooooo...... I wanted the flexibility for me to choose my window of availability, and then inspect it at the Fremont factory, rather than have it delivered to me!

Literally the last thing I want is for them dropping it off to my house, which is like barely an 8 minutes drive away from the factory itself. Major RED Flags vibe are coming off now and I now feel like they just want to dump this vehicle on me LMAO. Going to call my SA right now and speak with him to clarify on any previous owners assigned to this VIN and to change the delivery location from my home to pickup at the factory!

My day just got worse! 😂
My question is that if I don't add any payment methods here for now, will I still be able to schedule delivery for inspection?
I see that they're dropping a car off for you, but the normal pattern is that you select the cash option until you see a VIN, then you set up financing if you're going that route. That allows you to lock in your rate and get credit checked only once - as opposed to waiting for months and having the temporary rate lock expire multiple times.
I hope that they could wait for some time with me, as similarly to them having made all of us wait for months to get our cars! Tit-For-Tat 😉
It's all about the supply versus demand. If you don't want the car, somebody else will, and they know it. Well, unless it's just a bad build.
And so in a similar fashion, are they obliged to let me know that this vehicle was previously assigned to other owners as well, and that they rejected for some personal reasons?
Nope. The car hasn't been owned by anyone nor has it been used by Tesla for business purposes, so it's still a new car. It would be like requiring dealerships to tell people how many other customers passed on a given car on the lot because they didn't like it.
Literally the last thing I want is for them dropping it off to my house, which is like barely an 8 minutes drive away from the factory itself. Major RED Flags vibe are coming off now and I now feel like they just want to dump this vehicle on me LMAO. Going to call my SA right now and speak with him to clarify on any previous owners assigned to this VIN and to change the delivery location from my home to pickup at the factory!
You're not obliged to accept the car. It shows up at your house, then you inspect it, and either accept it or reject it. The annoying bit about home delivery is that they don't seem to be too concerned about when you're ready to receive the car. As always, don't pay money for something this expensive unless you're sure it's the one you want.

You'll either get a car out of it all or a unique story to tell to your grandchildren.
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