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Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

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Whelp, just got EDD changed again. Ordered 2/7 with a March EDD. 2 days later that changed to 5/1-6/4. A week later it changed to 3/12-3/31 and sat there for weeks. Now edit button has disappeared and EDD changed to 4/23-5/21. I give up! I've ordered a ID.4 so I suppose it's a race...🤷🏾‍♂️ Whoever gets it here first get the money.

M3 LR AWD/Blue/Aeros/White Interior/No FSD

Pick-up: Schaumburg, IL (Chicago)

OD: 12/25
EDD: 02/18-03/18
EDD (2/19): 04/18-05/06
EDD (2/21): 03/05-03/16
EDD (2/28): 03/12-03/31
EDD (today): 03/13-03/23
Do me a favor and call Tesla and see if they can see when your car is supposed to be manufactured. Trying to validate if you're within 3-4 weeks of a consistent window that they can provide this. I called and they said mine is scheduled to be manufactured March 3rd.
Probably my next-to-last post in this thread.

This has been like Groundhog Day... a new cast of folks coming here once they order their car, the older folks leaving after they take delivery and 'graduate.' The same hopes, fears, expectations, and questions refreshed every few weeks.

For me, it's down to brass tacks. Twenty-four hours until that long-hoped-for-and-long-imagined day... delivery.

I've been luckier than most... 29 days from order to VIN. And assuming everything continues going according to plan... 43 days from order to delivery.

Having read each of the hundreds of posts here since mid-January, here are my takeaways:

- Where you live, and when you order within a quarter, are the two factors more than any other that dictate when you will get your car. There's definitely a regional bias to how Tesla ships.

- Tesla's EDDs are truly schizophrenic. Especially subsequent ones to the first one after ordering. The advice would be to pay attention to the first one; and smile and shake your head at the others. But who can do that?!

- SA's, for the most part, don't have access to a lot more information than what you can see through your account on the web site. And SA's - God bless 'em, for they're just people trying to do their jobs - are just like any other employee in any other occupation... some are better than others, some are more knowledgeable than others, some are more motivated than others. They are most definitely not always right about things.

- The bugaboo that continues to catch out people - and the singular thing that you have control over - is making absolute certain that all ordering tasks are COMPLETE. Financing, in particular, is the reason that any number of people think they are in line for a car, but aren't. As their EDD keeps getting pushed out, they can't understand why. Understand that this is not loan approval, this is simply making sure that either CASH, LEASE, or LOAN have been selected when your car is ordered. Skip that step and you're not in line. The easiest thing to do, even if you intend to finance your vehicle, is select CASH when ordering. When you get your VIN, have it changed to LOAN or LEASE.

- The trade-in text is an exciting moment for most. It certainly was for me. Alas, I've not seen any evidence that it suggests one is close to a VIN.

In the event it's helpful, below is a summary of my order process. I'll (hopefully!) make a last post here tomorrow, after delivery.

Best of luck to all!

Do me a favor and call Tesla and see if they can see when your car is supposed to be manufactured. Trying to validate if you're within 3-4 weeks of a consistent window that they can provide this. I called and they said mine is scheduled to be manufactured March 3rd.

What number did you call?

I’ve only communicated through text and receive the standard reply:

“Hi, your estimated delivery date is not guaranteed. Your delivery date depends on several factors, including configuration and manufacturing availability.

You have completed your necessary task in your account. We'll notify you when it's time to schedule your delivery appointment.- Liz with Tesla”
What number did you call?

I’ve only communicated through text and receive the standard reply:

“Hi, your estimated delivery date is not guaranteed. Your delivery date depends on several factors, including configuration and manufacturing availability.

You have completed your necessary task in your account. We'll notify you when it's time to schedule your delivery appointment.- Liz with Tesla”
I think it's 1 (888) 518-3752
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Anyone else have an order data of October 2021 or earlier? Starting to think my account is broken... Seems like they forgot the north east exists.

Am I supposed to have an SA assigned at this point?

Order date October 2021, in perpetual March 2022 date range.

I've done all the tasks, Trade in still pending is the only "unchecked" item there.
Anyone else have an order data of October 2021 or earlier? Starting to think my account is broken... Seems like they forgot the north east exists.

Am I supposed to have an SA assigned at this point?

Order date October 2021, in perpetual March 2022 date range.

I've done all the tasks, Trade in still pending is the only "unchecked" item there.

This usually means you have some pending task that isn't completed and it may be vague and not obvious. I would recommend calling Tesla directly and they usually can let you know what is missing.
This usually means you have some pending task that isn't completed and it may be vague and not obvious. I would recommend calling Tesla directly and they usually can let you know what is missing.
Definitely reach out to someone to verify everything. I texted the # that sent the trade in text and a SA responded within an hour. She was very informative and responsive. Best of luck
For shiz n giggles I called the tesla support line just to inquire :)
Current EDD March 11-23

Basically told that they forecast my car coming off production line on the 1st day of my current EDD window (March 11) which is when I would receive the VIN assignment. And then on average its around a 10 day delivery timeline from factory floor to Texas. Along with a day or two to prep/state inspection etc. So March 22-23rd delivery (End of EDD window March 23). So theoretically, they may know what they are doing on this one. Hopefully.

Sad and Happy All at the same time 🤣
Sold the trade last weekend to avoid any downward market adjustments with large suv/gas prices/etc. So carless until then.
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