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Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

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Been looking and drooling for a few years, and finally ordered M3LR FSD on Friday the 13th (our lucky day). I didn't know how bad the wait anxiety would be! Can't believe how many times I check the app every day.
Congrats on making the plunge! The wait anxiety will be bad - I can almost guarantee that. Without upgrades, you'll likely have a 100+ days wait. And your EDD may move in random patterns, and Tesla may decide to change components around unannounced, and banks may increase auto loan rates, and people will be posting about their deliveries with or without success. You may even change your mind about the color or wheels you want. You'll be stressed, you may be heartbroken, but in the end you'll live, you'll have a Model 3, and you'll be stronger and happier.
My coworker just took delivery yesterday. M3LR, blue, black, 18" aero, FSD, Chicago delivery. Ordered mid March. Vin 244xxx, old headlights. Just another data point. I don't know the build date. I don't have the heart to tell him about the lights. I'm just going to let him figure it out (if he even is aware or cares). I don't want to ruin his experience or excitement.
Camarillo. One stop closer to Freemont right? LOL! I wished I did Santa Barbara but had no idea of all these details and information that I have learned about from everyone here at TMC. Plus I don't want to I take any chances of delays of changing. Plus we're in the home stretch, well I would like to believe that. But looking back while talking with my SA after the test drive and him telling me April and "we will look for a car if one comes up sooner" yeah right. Not knowing the real date is more looking like June.
Santa Barbara isn't any better haha. My SA has not been any better. He even reached out to me at one point and said "I am still looking for a car for you and should have one in April (this was in March). Like why even reach out unless you found me a car. I reached out about the Matrix headlights before more info had surfaced and he told me in an email "The info you are getting is clearly not true. Tesla doesn't remove features like that". Later that day, the manager emailed me from SB saying "Yes, some Model 3s are being shipped without Matrix headlights". Like guys.... how difficult is it to do your job. If you don't know then send an interim response like "Hello. I have not heard of that happening, but will absolutely look into it for you" or "We have seen reports of it, but let me get some more information".
Anyone else picking up their car at the West Palm Beach location have a "hold" on their account for the charge port issue? Been trying to get in contact with somebody that actually works at the WPB location but has proven not possible...had a car shipped from MA to FL and they said the car is ready to go and now that it has arrived, they said that it is in a containment hold because of the charge port issue...anyone picking up their cars at WPB yet?
Yesterday I got an email from Tesla inviting me to a webinar to get to know my new Model 3 but still have no delivery date.. I thought for sure this was me getting hacked but it linked to the official site and the events are real 😳 This is just cruelty at this point 😭

…….unleeeessssss… they are trying to tell me that I’ll be able to take delivery before the next one on June 2nd? That’s got to be it, RIGHT?!

(Car has been at delivery center for 21 days now)


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Anyone else picking up their car at the West Palm Beach location have a "hold" on their account for the charge port issue? Been trying to get in contact with somebody that actually works at the WPB location but has proven not possible...had a car shipped from MA to FL and they said the car is ready to go and now that it has arrived, they said that it is in a containment hold because of the charge port issue...anyone picking up their cars at WPB yet?
My car is there as well, waiting on charge port but my account does not say hold and we are about 10 days past when it arrived.
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Yesterday I got an email from Tesla inviting me to a webinar to get to know my new Model 3 but still have no delivery date.. I thought for sure this was me getting hacked but it linked to the official site and the events are real 😳 This is just cruelty at this point 😭

…….unleeeessssss… they are trying to tell me that I’ll be able to take delivery before the next one on June 2nd? That’s got to be it, RIGHT?!

(Car has been at delivery center for 21 days now)
Wow I already have my delivery scheduled for this friday and I have not received anything like this. Would love to join a webinar to learn more about my M3 (even though I watch youtube videos all day).
So I received the update to make final payment and to schedule my delivery. First available was 5/25 (week from today). This morning I went to the Service Center to see if my car was there and it is not. Is it odd that they would schedule a delivery without the car being delivered?

ALSO: there were three M3LRs (two 240xxx and one 241xxx) on site all with Matrix lights.
The delivery date is when the vehicle will be ready for pickup. Until then it could still be on the train/truck.
Yeah I think we need to have realistic expectations of Tesla. While they are a trillion dollars' company, they are a tiny auto manufacturer by volume and the youngest one that has an established product. They are ahead of the competition in driver train and battery, but they have not had the time to perfect sales and customer service. Some of their innovations became their flaws:

1. Sharing EDD with buyers means when EDD shifts, customers get frustrated, and customers ask for even more transparency
2. Relying exclusive on custom order means some customers experience longer wait times
3. Retaining their ability to modify components regardless of the model year results in SAs not being informed of component changes and thus not being able to answer customer questions regarding these.

None of the traditional manufacturers has these problems because they run a different business model.
"The best part is no part", so Tesla deleted the dealership. Seems the customer service department was also deleted when that happened 😂
Wow I already have my delivery scheduled for this friday and I have not received anything like this. Would love to join a webinar to learn more about my M3 (even though I watch youtube videos all day).
Basically AFAIK the webinars are these videos.
It's like the Tesla delivery team ran a twitch stream and are answering questions from the chat.
I have arrived! But now I still have to wait lol.
I'd say you're about halfway there!
FYI, place this info in your signature.
Day 51 and still waiting for a VIN Located in California M3LR/SMG/ No FSD/ 18 inch wheel OD 3/27 EDD 8/5-9-17 EDD 6/05-07/22 EDD 07/05-08/16.
Daily update.
Day 52 for me: Order date: 3/26 (M3LR white exterior and black interior) 18” aero no FSD EDD: 7/14- 8/24..Fremont pick…we are are getting there.
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108 days since OD in the Tampa Bay, FL region. I've had a 4-day delivery window for the past almost 2 weeks with no updates. Every day when I enter the first day of the 4-day window, the EDD updates and pushes the window by a day. As I'm writing this, EDD is 5/17-5/20. I don't care anymore...
Yours is one of the oldest here. You have a base model so that likely contributed to the amount of time that it has taken but it seems now there must be an issue like the charge port.
I guess you’ll get good use of the AutoPilot! I’m only about 1 hour away, barely enough time to complete calibration.
I have a 7 hour drive from my pickup location. If it doesn’t calibrate until I’m home, that’ll be some real insult to injury.

I’m sure it won’t take that long, but it would be the thing to happen.
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