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Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

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Thats awesome news! Where are you picking up from? How did the VIN notification come?
Originally it was Burbank. But that will be on the 31st which I won't wait since it is New Year's Eve unless I have no choice. So it is gonna be Buena Park instead. Just finished all the agreements and will have it by tomorrow evening. Wish everyone get theirs soon too! The VINS are flocking in!
RC10M3P:10/31 - No VIN or estimate. Orange county, CA.
jmbloom_m3P: 11/4 - NO Delivery Date but VINned
Jeffffffffff: 11/11 - VINned
c4Lvin: 12/09 - NO Delivery Date No VIN
avn1284: 12/14 - No VIN/delivery estimate (Central Valley, CA)
Antweezey: 11/22 - No delivery date/No Vin (Bay Area)
BB987777: 10/24 - Got VIN an hour ago (Bay Area)

I just got assigned a delivery date at my home on 12/31 (at 2am!! LOL. I will probably be awake anyway in anticipation.).
RC10M3P:10/31 - No VIN or estimate. Orange county, CA.
jmbloom_m3P: 11/4 - NO Delivery Date but VINned
Jeffffffffff: 11/11 - VINned
c4Lvin: 12/09 - VINned/Pickup 12/30 - SoCal
avn1284: 12/14 - No VIN/delivery estimate (Central Valley, CA)
Antweezey: 11/22 - No delivery date/No Vin (Bay Area)
BB987777: 10/24 - Got VIN an hour ago (Bay Area)
westernvine: 10/23 - No VIN or estimate. Seattle, WA
royinla: 11/19 - No VIN, No ETA. SoCal
While I didn't pick up from Costa Mesa, the website showed the actual Tesla showroom as my location but the text I received showed the true pickup location of the vehicle since Burbank was using an offisite parking structure. I'd imagine the same thing holds true for Costa Mesa.

Thanks. I just got the updated text with all the details. Oddly though, they don't mention anything about paying with a cashier check....which is my plan.
My SA told me the car will be delivered to my house on 12/31 between 2-4pm even though it says 2am on the website. I am a bit iffy about this given all the QC issues and was told I won't be able to inspect the interior or even open the door until I accept delivery, in which it will be too late if anything major was identified. I asked and my SA told me they can't switch me to a delivery center given how busy things are the next 3 days. Would you delay your delivery?
My SA just gave me a call, saying he and his entire management is aware that I do not have a VIN, and “we’re not sure what’s up with a number of these performance cars right now”, and “there’s not even an estimated production date for your car in the system”.

Pretty annoyed, as I have a trade-in depreciating monthly with their valuations (should have sold it instead), and this was a 10/23 order that had an original delivery range over Thanksgiving!

Sigh. Trying to have grace, I just have to remember that all Tesla delivery experiences are best forgotten, and easy to forget, once you take delivery.
My SA just gave me a call, saying he and his entire management is aware that I do not have a VIN, and “we’re not sure what’s up with a number of these performance cars right now”, and “there’s not even an estimated production date for your car in the system”.

Pretty annoyed, as I have a trade-in depreciating monthly with their valuations (should have sold it instead), and this was a 10/23 order that had an original delivery range over Thanksgiving!

Sigh. Trying to have grace, I just have to remember that all Tesla delivery experiences are best forgotten, and easy to forget, once you take delivery.

I’m with you with the trade in depreciating. My SA told me the quote would be good through the end of the year when I first got it appraised in early November. Well that end of the year is coming quick! Lol ... if they don’t deliver, i might just sit back and wait to see how these model s refreshed rumors play out. We’ll see!
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I’m with you with the trade in depreciating. My SA told me the quote would be good through the end of the year when I first got it appraised in early November. Well that end of the year is coming quick! Lol ... if they don’t deliver, i might just sit back and wait to see how these model s refreshed rumors play out. We’ll see!

JFYI I ordered on 10/23, after getting my trade-in quote solid enough at a great figure, that I was happy moving forward. On 11/23, they expired the first quote (“instead of 7 day quotes, we are offering 30 day quotes now”), and the new quote I received was !!! $3,600 less than the prior, which is quite a depreciation bite, for sure. Thankfully they don’t seem to be rotating them now - I expected to get another mail on 12/23 saying a new valuation - but who knows. I now fully understand why years on the forums lurking has taught me to never trade-in, but I didn’t contemplate this situation, given my original delivery window was 11/20.
I’m outta the waiting room!
12/5 ordered
12/26 VIN
12/29 picked up in Decatur, GA. I actually live in Florida but I flew up and drove it back. Half the cost of $750 ship charge and waiting several more days.

SA also gave me the story about how the beginning of the quarter they ship new builds to Asia/Australia, then Europe, then at end of quarter deliver domestically.

VIN 850xxx which is oddly a Nov build but only had 6 miles on it and was issue free. I didn’t have to report anything. Old headlights but they work great.


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My SA told me the car will be delivered to my house on 12/31 between 2-4pm even though it says 2am on the website. I am a bit iffy about this given all the QC issues and was told I won't be able to inspect the interior or even open the door until I accept delivery, in which it will be too late if anything major was identified. I asked and my SA told me they can't switch me to a delivery center given how busy things are the next 3 days. Would you delay your delivery?

It's a catch-22. Sending it to the SC will only help if you find small problems. Larger problems will lead to a dilemma - let them fix it later or reject the car and, it appears, wait 3+ months to get another one (or get something else).

In my case, my pickup was moved to a home delivery. The whole process is quick and silent... kind of like the ordering process! lol You only have a range on when they'll be there (9:00-6:00 in my case... so it's like a an appt with the cable compaby... but hopefully with less likelihood of a no-show) and they're in and out so fast. I didn't hear a thing when they dropped it off then got a text to go outside and meet my new car - no one to be seen.

Gotta roll the dice on those home deliveries. My car ended up having a dent in the corner of the trunk lid near the rear pillar, so even if I were at the SC it's not something they could have fixed (shame on Fremont for not fixing this in the factory where it likely happened).

Fortunately, nothing else major - now that I've detailed the car fully and pushed all the buttons and played with the settings - I've found that I also have a squeaky window, a poorly aligned headlight, and a scrape on one wheel spoke - all minor stuff that I'll ask them to fix at my service appt for the trunk lid in a few weeks.

My main annoyance is that it's a brand new car and I have to waste precious time during work hours to deal with this, but c'est la vie... No point in crying over spilled milk, ha ha.

Overall, I'm happy with the car so far. It looks nice (other than the dent which you'd probably miss if you weren't looking for it), drives nice, and is hoot to hoon around. :)
^ Forgot to add that the Plaid account link never worked with my bank to pay before delivery, so I didn’t, So I just brought a PAL to delivery. Plus a personal check for the overage ($23k). My FL check in GA at that! They took no probs.

Plaid was a nightmare and I kept getting a 'something went wrong' error when using both the app and the website. Eventually, I stopped searching for the name of my bank and started typing in stuff like 'unknown' and 'other' to see if I could find a workaround. Eventually I stumbled on a way to manually enter your routing and account numbers and then everything went through instantly.
Plaid was a nightmare...
Yeah I was really worried about this because I use an obscure little credit union that is 2 counties away. I was hoping they'd just take a check or better yet, a credit card. The last car I bought included a free trip to Fiji thanks to credit card miles.

The Plaid website is super-sketchy and I really didn't want to sign up with some stupid new "startup" banking app and give them access to my *everything* but when the time came I just clicked pay now from the Tesla site and my weird little bank was the 7th one on the list. I entered my banking password and the car was paid for, just like that.
Congrats to everyone who got their M3Ps. I had to push my order to next quarter due to deployment extension. Looking in has been agonizing. I have a blue on order but have never seen it in person. Every photo I have seen blue looks totally different. Cant wait to get home and go to a Tesla Store and see it in person because even though white is free it seems to look best in photos. Congrats again!!!
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