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Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

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Yup, looks like March it is for those of us who didn't get a VIN. I'll wait till my SA reaches out before cancelling as he is "finding out what's going on", but no way am I going to rent a car for 3 months. At least Porsche had the decency to loan my wife a car for a month when her E-Hybrid was delayed due to emissions certification. Expecting a "tough luck, sorry for the delay" response from Tesla.

This is what I said about a month ago. That a lot of people were going to be upset. I don’t know what happened with the performance cars this year. It could have been they made a lot (or more than they thought for overseas) I saw pictures on Twitter back when the they started shipping overseas. It was a ton of M3P. That could have factored in. They had a tire shortage on the model Y performance for a while. Tesla also switched the tires to Perelli vs Michelin. That could have played a role in it as well. I still think this is NOT the customer fault. If you ordered before thanksgiving you for sure should have a car. But I knew this was coming, vins have to be matched to by a certain time if you are on the east coast or Canada. Of course this it not 100% of the time. But it’s close enough. The demand was high this quarter for sure. And for once they had more demand by a lot vs what they could build. I’m sorry that some of you won’t get your Tesla, myself included. (As I won’t believe it until I see the car tomorrow morning). But to me, Tesla knew this before hand, and the expectations should have been set before getting to this point. That ties back into the customer service experience. Which is where a lot of their issue stems from. If they controlled their QC all year they would have been further along with their deliveries. Tesla is a young company but they are no longer a start up. I stand by that statement. Yes, every company has issues. This is true. But most don’t have this level of communication issues. I think Tesla will go far but their customer service will hold them back from completely evolving into is final form. (Dragon ball z reference for those who don’t know). you’re not alone, lots people didn’t get their car. And they will go on and buy something else. But they will try again later. Tesla hasn’t really changed much how they do things. That shows. it’s just they have to many customers for what they can handle. Until they are ready to slow down a little bit and catch up the other portion, they will be stuck in this wave of up and downs. Giga Tesla will help. But again it all starts with setting the expectations and overall experience from the beginning. First impressions are long lasting. I know for a fact this is our last Tesla. Or at least last time ever buying at the end of the year. But overall I’m happy they are somewhat trying to get a goal accomplished, because that drive and want is what pushed them to get to the top. But it’s way of treating people can also be the decision maker if you stay there.
They do not have vins most likely. And if they did, they sure will remove them and give it to someone they can secure delivery on.

yeah I had a long phone call with the manager at my DC. they spoke directly with the driver of the truck which my car is assigned to. It will be at my DC at 10am tomorrow morning. I’ll believe it when it happens. They were nice. And answer all our question. They gave good customer service in this case. And that should be noted. Again, it’s Tesla. Anything is possible. I have planned for the worst. To drive 3 hours to the DC and either have to wait because the car isn’t here yet, or they messed up the tag transfer, or the car doesn’t show at all. I’m not getting excited at all. No point. If the car arrives great. Next will be, is it ok, does it have QC issue. Tomorrow will be nasty weather. So that adds to the worry. You know how people are when it rains. Things move slow. So we shall see what happens. How about you @SpringfieldM3P

No real update since yesterday. They called me in the morning yesterday and said that the truck that will deliver my M3P won't arrive until today after 7:00 PM, so they wouldn't be able to commit to delivery until tomorrow after 12:30 pm. They set my deliver appointment for 12/31 at 12:30 over they phone though. They said that I can come pick it up any time after that. I didn't ask where exactly my car was, and what the delay was.

I'm half expecting them to call me back tomorrow morning before 12:30 to tell me that there's been another delay. I hope not, but based on your post and the posts of others, I wouldn't be at all shocked. Would suck to lose a year of free supercharging (which I probably won't use much of) and a 3 month trial of FSD (again, probably won't use much of) but oh well. If I get my car before the end of the weekend I won't be too upset.

What I do find annoying is that there is an apparent lack of M3P compared to the abundance of SR+ and LR. Most of us ordered our cars weeks and weeks ago.
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Tesla Update - thank you for supporting Tesla's mission as a future owner of a Model 3. Due to high demand and limited supply, we now expect your Model 3 to be built in March - however we may have some similar vehicles available to take delivery this year.

Please reply YES and a Tesla Advisor will reach out to discuss available options and the benefits of taking delivery in December.”

Tesla, you suck!
Great news for me, I’m getting the new headlights. Bay Area, ordered black on black November 22, just got the text that I won’t be getting my car until March.


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Tesla Update - thank you for supporting Tesla's mission as a future owner of a Model 3. Due to high demand and limited supply, we now expect your Model 3 to be built in March - however we may have some similar vehicles available to take delivery this year.

Please reply YES and a Tesla Advisor will reach out to discuss available options and the benefits of taking delivery in December.”

Tesla, you suck!

Same, damn.
This is what I said about a month ago. That a lot of people were going to be upset. I don’t know what happened with the performance cars this year. It could have been they made a lot (or more than they thought for overseas) I saw pictures on Twitter back when the they started shipping overseas. It was a ton of M3P. That could have factored in. They had a tire shortage on the model Y performance for a while. Tesla also switched the tires to Perelli vs Michelin. That could have played a role in it as well. I still think this is NOT the customer fault. If you ordered before thanksgiving you for sure should have a car. But I knew this was coming, vins have to be matched to by a certain time if you are on the east coast or Canada. Of course this it not 100% of the time. But it’s close enough. The demand was high this quarter for sure. And for once they had more demand by a lot vs what they could build. I’m sorry that some of you won’t get your Tesla, myself included. (As I won’t believe it until I see the car tomorrow morning). But to me, Tesla knew this before hand, and the expectations should have been set before getting to this point. That ties back into the customer service experience. Which is where a lot of their issue stems from. If they controlled their QC all year they would have been further along with their deliveries. Tesla is a young company but they are no longer a start up. I stand by that statement. Yes, every company has issues. This is true. But most don’t have this level of communication issues. I think Tesla will go far but their customer service will hold them back from completely evolving into is final form. (Dragon ball z reference for those who don’t know). you’re not alone, lots people didn’t get their car. And they will go on and buy something else. But they will try again later. Tesla hasn’t really changed much how they do things. That shows. it’s just they have to many customers for what they can handle. Until they are ready to slow down a little bit and catch up the other portion, they will be stuck in this wave of up and downs. Giga Tesla will help. But again it all starts with setting the expectations and overall experience from the beginning. First impressions are long lasting. I know for a fact this is our last Tesla. Or at least last time ever buying at the end of the year. But overall I’m happy they are somewhat trying to get a goal accomplished, because that drive and want is what pushed them to get to the top. But it’s way of treating people can also be the decision maker if you stay there.

I agree their customer service is terrible and will prevent me from getting another Tesla. I had a great experience with my first one, even still I tempered expectations for the second. I would have been annoyed but fine if they delivered a few weeks late,I even planned for it just in case, but nearly 3 months?!? No compensation, no incentives (they were so eager to give them away late December). All the while my SA, who has been communicative, telling me. “Car is coming early December, “I expect your car here in two weeks”, “I’ve been assured by the factory that your car will be here before new year”. I mean you can’t expect me to not believe him and then WHAM an automated, no car till March. It’s a big joke to them really.
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I was counting on this new vehicle by end of year and so let me current car registration (tabs) expire... looks like I have to renew that now, regardless of the outcome on these failed Performance model deliveries. Since Washington State punishes EV drivers, that's $1,020 that isn't partially refundable if the car comes.


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I agree their customer service is terrible and will prevent me from getting another Tesla. I had a great experience with my first one, even still I tempered expectations for the second. I would have been annoyed but fine if they delivered a few weeks late,I even planned for it just in case, but nearly 3 months?!? No compensation, no incentives (they were so eager to give them away late December). All the while my SA, who has been communicative, telling me. “Car is coming early December, “I expect your car here in two weeks”, “I’ve been assured by the factory that your car will be here before new year”. I mean you can’t expect me to not believe him and then WHAM an automated, no car till March. It’s a big joke to them really.
I agree it really will take some company to meet Tesla at least 50% on tech, and way better customer service and for their share to fall and take a beating to realize. Mind you now I’m a stock holder. For people ordering back in October, waiting 5-6 months is nuts. Sorry it’s not a Ferrari, Porsche, McLaren etc. not even the model s plaid. That’s crazy. But hopefully 2021 has a better look for Tesla. Maybe things will change. He’ll most likely they will change something else in the car or offer something else that people in 2020 couldn’t get
In a wild turn of events. My delivery for 1/7 was updated to today at 4pm. @Tholland you are most likely right that my car wasn’t built when I was told it was as the transport would have never made it here in time. Also new headlights confirmed 869xxx vin.
Well that’s awesome news! Happy they got your car in. Take pictures
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I also received the same same text. What a joke! Even more frustrating is just trying to get some answers to understand how this happened?!! I ordered 10/31, repeatedly told "don't worry, you'll get a car by EOY" which I knew was just lip service. You can't believe anything until they actually fulfill. You ask 5 SA's the same question you will get 5 different answers. This is why customers don't trust Tesla, their communication (internal and external) is terrible!
Thank you! That is my specification. I woke up and saw it this morning and placed an order (another $100) and guess what - immediately got a VIN (873...). How is that possible? Why wouldn't Tesla assign this car directly to someone like me who has been waiting? My other order from 11/19 with NO VIN NO ETA...in any case I was wondering if someone knows:

1. Does that mean I will get the car soon? I am in SoCal and this car appeared in the Bay Area?
2. Will Tesla ever "forgive" the $100 on the original order? Small change at this point but still...

For comparison, I did a similar move to an inventory car up here in Seattle. Ordered 12/27, they moved it to me (60 miles) and then I picked it up 12/29. They move quickly.
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And I also go the same text. Had already told my SA that I'd take blue instead of grey, but everything else was locked down, and I have no reason to believed they THAT degree of flexibility will make the difference.

Should have gotten that "yeah, this year won't be an issue" verbal commitment in some recorded medium. :)
Oh man that stinks. I ordered one day before you but got my vin yesterday and a delivery appointment for tomorrow night (we'll see, anything can happen). I live about 120 miles from the factory, though.

Are you in the Central Valley by any chance? I still don’t have a delivery appointment but was assigned a VIN yesterday.

Friend of mine said all remaining performance builds are being gated today and tomorrow, but I’m not sure if mine will make it to Fresno in by tomorrow.
It's a catch-22. Sending it to the SC will only help if you find small problems. Larger problems will lead to a dilemma - let them fix it later or reject the car and, it appears, wait 3+ months to get another one (or get something else).

In my case, my pickup was moved to a home delivery. The whole process is quick and silent... kind of like the ordering process! lol You only have a range on when they'll be there (9:00-6:00 in my case... so it's like a an appt with the cable compaby... but hopefully with less likelihood of a no-show) and they're in and out so fast. I didn't hear a thing when they dropped it off then got a text to go outside and meet my new car - no one to be seen.

Gotta roll the dice on those home deliveries. My car ended up having a dent in the corner of the trunk lid near the rear pillar, so even if I were at the SC it's not something they could have fixed (shame on Fremont for not fixing this in the factory where it likely happened).

Fortunately, nothing else major - now that I've detailed the car fully and pushed all the buttons and played with the settings - I've found that I also have a squeaky window, a poorly aligned headlight, and a scrape on one wheel spoke - all minor stuff that I'll ask them to fix at my service appt for the trunk lid in a few weeks.

My main annoyance is that it's a brand new car and I have to waste precious time during work hours to deal with this, but c'est la vie... No point in crying over spilled milk, ha ha.

Overall, I'm happy with the car so far. It looks nice (other than the dent which you'd probably miss if you weren't looking for it), drives nice, and is hoot to hoon around. :)
Here's a question. I was planning on giving them a check for mine AFTER I inspect it. But it sounds like home delivery I have no option on that front? So how does this work. I am not financing and do not want to use Plaid. Thx!
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