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Next Gen Seat Change

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I'm surprised this is not getting more attention. So that's it? No more Next gen rear seats anymore? Most people seemed to like the next gen rear seating, I was hoping Tesla would still have them when I purchase my next Tesla. :wink:

We've got the Diono Radian RXT's they fit perfectly... Can even fit 3 across!
as for boosters, the bigger problem is getting the seat buckle to buckle in.
Totally agree the rear seats visibility is a non issue. Not sure exactly why but I was thinking maybe the mirror angle reduces the issue somehow.
I think @ecarfan was suggesting that maybe tesla had switched back to seat version 1.0 but I don't think that is likely. When this happened before people still received 1.5 seats despite the picture showing 1.0 flavour.

I was thinking about trying to take some pictures with the seats up and with the seats folded from the same angle. Then put both in photoshop with the seats folded as a background layer and the seats unfolded as another layer. Draw a layer over that as the outline of the seats and then delete the seats layer. That should clearly show how little of a view you actually end up losing. Maybe I'll try to do that tomorrow sometime.
Went into the Tesla store on Thurs and they confirmed that next generation seats are now front only. The rear seat is now the same regardless of which seating option you choose. They are the 'original' bench design plus slightly larger headrests. No side bolsters.
I'm a little disappointed in this. I would think Tesla would've realized how good the rear next gens are when every P85D owner pretty much wanted to keep their next gen rear seating. I feel if Tesla aims to have their interiors be level with Merc/bmw/audi they should have kept the rear next gens as an option. And frankly it doesn't look like the next gen fronts and old rears match well IMO.

Well, good for owners w/the next gen rears, the resale value on their Teslas went up a tad bit I'd say.
I'm a little disappointed in this. I would think Tesla would've realized how good the rear next gens are when every P85D owner pretty much wanted to keep their next gen rear seating. I feel if Tesla aims to have their interiors be level with Merc/bmw/audi they should have kept the rear next gens as an option. And frankly it doesn't look like the next gen fronts and old rears match well IMO.

Well, good for owners w/the next gen rears, the resale value on their Teslas went up a tad bit I'd say.
Maybe. But the whole thing still leaves a sour taste in my mouth. The flip-flop-flip-flop on this is not a good sign regarding their planning and decision making process.
It was a very short time frame where the front and rear next gen seats were available to the 85D, which is a pity. Maybe they are supply constrained, thus the yoyo with the design studio and the price.
Here's hoping that they reverse their decision and allow a uniform interior.


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    Capture d’écran 2015-03-21 à 16.11.37.png
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It was a very short time frame where the front and rear next gen seats were available to the 85D, which is a pity. Maybe the supply constrained, thus the yoyo with the design studio and the price.
Here's hoping that they reverse their decision and allow a uniform interior.

I managed to order mine in that window. Looks like I may end up with a fairly rare configuration. :)
I confirmed my order on 2/12. On 3/14, I made a trip to SC with my wife. As soon as she saw the next gen front seats, she wanted it. She had earlier opted for "Executive Rear Seats". I obliged. Initially, my DES told me that I can't have next gen front seats with Exec rear Seats. After this visit, I told/requested him to make it happen. After a day, he came back saying that the change was approved. Apparently, they got to approve any change after the order confirmation date. Fortunately, I didn't have to pay any change fee. This is because the next gen front seats weren't available when I confirmed my order. I just have to pay for the upgrade. I read on the Tesla forum (Mar 13 /14 2015) that couple of people got a call from Fremont asking whether they would like to have free upgrade from standard seats to next gen seats due to unavailability of standard seats. Hmm...lucky people.
I'm surprised this is not getting more attention. So that's it? No more Next gen rear seats anymore? Most people seemed to like the next gen rear seating, I was hoping Tesla would still have them when I purchase my next Tesla. :wink:

I'm a little disappointed in this. I would think Tesla would've realized how good the rear next gens are when every P85D owner pretty much wanted to keep their next gen rear seating. I feel if Tesla aims to have their interiors be level with Merc/bmw/audi they should have kept the rear next gens as an option. And frankly it doesn't look like the next gen fronts and old rears match well IMO.

Well, good for owners w/the next gen rears, the resale value on their Teslas went up a tad bit I'd say.

I think this has to be a temporary situation again, as it was last time. I'd be shocked if Tesla isn't selling both front and back Next Gen seats again soon.

It makes no sense for Tesla to be selling seats that don't match. No one at Tesla will admit to this because a) they probably honestly don't know, and b) because that's how they operate.

Shortly before I ordered my P85D I called to ask about whether Tesla would ever be offering the P85D with 19 inch wheels. I was assured that they would not be, as the P85D was designed to use 21" wheels, and that if I wanted 19" wheels I should opt for the S85D. A few days later the P85D was available with 19" wheels. I don't think the person that gave me the wrong information was lying to me. I think she gave me the information that she had at the time.

Be patient, and the Next Gen back seats will come back.
What a clusterf***
I wonder what the '*' stand for...
anyway... if this was a critical system, I'd agree with the assessment. Given that it's "only" a comfort system, I consider this nothing more than massive, unnecessary and distracting self afflicted pain.
It's a result of bad planning, made worse by horrifyingly bad communication.
But I'll be honest (hey, I'm biased, I have ng seats back and front, I know) - I'd much rather have them mess things up around the seats than around the battery or the breaks or ...

So I'm not trying to be a Tesla-apologist. I think this is embarrassing at best. I'm just saying "maybe this is a sign that in the presence of limited resources they didn't put their best people on making sure this is handled the best possible way".

My 2 cents
So I'm not trying to be a Tesla-apologist. I think this is embarrassing at best. I'm just saying "maybe this is a sign that in the presence of limited resources they didn't put their best people on making sure this is handled the best possible way".

Also, if the supply of Next Gen back seats really is limited for whatever the reason, Tesla might be taking this approach so that they can actually do right by the P85D owners who are still waiting for their Next Gen seats. Temporarily stopping new sales of rear Next Gen seats would allow Tesla to deliver those seats to the P85D owners sooner, instead of continuing to sell Next Gen front and back seats with new cars, while making P85D owners who took delivery in November and December continue to wait for their seats.
Also, if the supply of Next Gen back seats really is limited for whatever the reason, Tesla might be taking this approach so that they can actually do right by the P85D owners who are still waiting for their Next Gen seats. Temporarily stopping new sales of rear Next Gen seats would allow Tesla to deliver those seats to the P85D owners sooner, instead of continuing to sell Next Gen front and back seats with new cars, while making P85D owners who took delivery in November and December continue to wait for their seats.
Hmm. That's actually a reasonable explanation. If they communicate this, they risk people delaying their orders and get in trouble with WallSt. So instead they choose to look like utter morons. And pissing of the people ordering right now who might get very upset when the back next gen seats become available again in a few months...
Hmm. That's actually a reasonable explanation. If they communicate this, they risk people delaying their orders and get in trouble with WallSt. So instead they choose to look like utter morons. And pissing of the people ordering right now who might get very upset when the back next gen seats become available again in a few months...

I agree that the people ordering now could be upset. On the other hand, they will be getting exactly what they ordered. Also, if they are smart enough to do a little research they should realize that if they wait a while they are likely to be able to order with the Next Gen rear seats. It doesn't take a lot to see that this exact scenario has already played out once before. I was brand new to Tesla, and even so, and even in the face of Tesla telling me point blank that they would not be making a P85D with 19" wheels, I chose to wait, expecting that they would. I think reasonably intelligent people will figure out what's going on. Why in the world would a company like Tesla be selling mismatched seats in a six-figure car as a permanent configuration option? That just doesn't make sense. People should see right through that.