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NOA tried to take wrong exit!

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Average guy who loves autonomous vehicles
Aug 3, 2017
I went on a 600+ miles round trip almost entirely on NOA this past weekend (using the latest version 2019.36.2.1). Overall, it was a very good experience. Auto lane changes were perfect even with cars in my blind spot. And for the most part, NOA handled exits and highway transitions pretty well, with just a few disengagements because of constructions zones and one cloverleaf exit.

I did have one weird issue where NOA tried to take the wrong exit. I am cruising along. NOA does an auto lane change back into the right lane because my exit is coming up in about 1.5 miles. So far so good. Then, I am about 1 mile from my exit, there is an exit for a truck stop and NOA veers me into that exit! I jerked the wheel and got back into my lane and reengaged NOA. Then, a mile later, as I approach my actual exit, NOA correctly veers into my exit.

I suspect this might be a navigation issue. I'm hoping that these issues will be fixed with AP3 when Tesla is able to rely less on navigation data and more on camera vision and detect road signs and such. We know already that AP3 can detect traffic cones and driveable space in constructions zones. Presumably, when Tesla also adds reading road signs, NOA will handle exits better as well.
Did you happen to notice if the display was consistent with NoA taking an exit (grey "path" line doing the jig off to the right side while crossing line markings) or a weird case of lane keeping gone wrong? Also, it would be interesting to see where the lane split anchor is placed on OSM. There's an exit near me that has a right exit off-ramp that quickly splits into two, one going to the left and the other going to the right. The first off-ramp split point is placed correctly, but the second split point between the two sub-ramps is placed way too far back on OSM. When my route calls for taking the ramp that goes left of the split point, NoA sticks right to keep to the right side of the exit lane and then sharply corrects itself towards the left to take the correct left off-ramp. I tried to move the lane split marker into the correct spot, but the local youth mapping group admin got combative about it so I dropped the issue and just disable NoA before this exit, but this makes me think that "stick to the right visible line marking" is the default behavior for lane keeping near exists when NoA is engaged. This kind of makes sense since many exists do not have the dashed lane boundary on the left.
Did you happen to notice if the display was consistent with NoA taking an exit (grey "path" line doing the jig off to the right side while crossing line markings) or a weird case of lane keeping gone wrong?

No, I don't remember if the display showed the grey path going to the right or not. There was the dashed lines separating the highway and the exit lane so it was not a case of NOA getting confused with the lanes. The lanes were well marked.
We just did a short trip into Arlington, VA that included a quick entry on the left, three lane changes, and an exit on the right within about one mile. NOA did a great job with it, in crowded traffic. Good thing, since I had no clue where I was going. However, there was an exit that it changed lanes away from that I was able to catch. For the most part it was navigating better than me, since I don't live here. On the other hand it had some strange lane changes, or times when I wanted to stay in the right lane for an exit and NOA was willing to try to pass a car first. And the usual wide "lane" centering when merging lanes didn't have full lane lines. I'm sure I pissed off a black SUV behind me for several turn signals where nothing happened and a few instances of wrestling the wheel for control over NOA.

I figure I'll keep using it when it makes sense and hope it gets better in future revisions. I do expect HW3 and FSD will help.
Are you 100% that it wasn't a dynamic shortcut of some sort due to traffic? Two or three times, I've run into NOA freaking me out because I thought I knew better, but, in fact, it was saving me from traffic jams.
There's an exit here where that happens all the time, and I can't tell if it's outdated routing (the exit forks were revised in 2015), or it's due to traffic weights. I guess you can disable "online routing" just to be sure.
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