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Order Confirmation Dilemma

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Not sure what to do – We have an MS on order, final date to confirm/cancel is tomorrow. I was awaiting the Elon Musk announcement today before confirming, and now that announcement is on Wednesday. We also have been unable to decide on air suspension or not, as they simply don’t have cars with it anywhere around us

I talked with the SA, he said you could

1) Cancel and reorder after the announcement, the downside being that if there are any price changes, we’d get the new price. Seems unlikely to me, but I guess a price on the car or options could change anytime. Also, my delivery date gets pushed out a bit, currently quoted as December. Would like to get the tax credit for this year, not next

2) Keep order – keeps me in queue for getting car delivered a bit earlier. SA said I could still make changes on that order up until it goes into production, or worst case, sometime relatively soon before it goes into production. I am wondering if that was your experience. He said I *might* have to pay a $500 change fee, or I might not have to pay

My fear is they announce something that materially affects the MS – i.e AP 2.0
Not sure what to do – We have an MS on order, final date to confirm/cancel is tomorrow. I was awaiting the Elon Musk announcement today before confirming, and now that announcement is on Wednesday. We also have been unable to decide on air suspension or not, as they simply don’t have cars with it anywhere around us

I talked with the SA, he said you could

1) Cancel and reorder after the announcement, the downside being that if there are any price changes, we’d get the new price. Seems unlikely to me, but I guess a price on the car or options could change anytime. Also, my delivery date gets pushed out a bit, currently quoted as December. Would like to get the tax credit for this year, not next

2) Keep order – keeps me in queue for getting car delivered a bit earlier. SA said I could still make changes on that order up until it goes into production, or worst case, sometime relatively soon before it goes into production. I am wondering if that was your experience. He said I *might* have to pay a $500 change fee, or I might not have to pay

My fear is they announce something that materially affects the MS – i.e AP 2.0
I was in the same dilemma in March before the refresh, upgrades, and a price hike. I put the order in and got a late 2016 MS for the price of a late 2015. If something significant were to happen, I'd just pay the $500 change fee.

You could also cancel, wait a day, and reorder so that your two week window resets. A bit of a pain for those involved, but an option nonetheless.

Either way, you're getting a new Tesla! Good luck!
I would go for option #2. Anecdotally I believe TSLA is pretty good about letting customers change their orders with new announcements if the car is not already in production. Might want to check the P100D threads, I think existing P90D orderers were allowed to change.

I have a S with air suspension and one with coils. I rarely change the setting from standard. I do have it auto raising at my office so I don't think as much about scraping the curb in the front but I still park carefully to avoid curb rash. If you know of a steep driveway you'll climb often I would add it otherwise save the money.
