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P85 Badging?

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picture of OEM p85 badge

Picked mine up from the factory a few hours ago (VIN5448) and it does indeed have the "P85" badge. Sounds like its going to be standard.

Here's a pic of the p85 badge from a car at the Costa Mesa factory center that I took last week. it's going to be standard on p85 performance cars.

p85 badge.JPG
jesus, I'm glad I don't live in CA. I've never seen anything like that out here - keying cars or painting nazi symbols on hoods. wow. just wow. too much sun getting to people's heads out there? lol

The "too much sun" theory doesn't work over here.

There are just too many idiots out there who destroy other people's property just for fun! (Our neighbours' house was graffiti-ed massively some months back, cars are scratched, tires ripped, antennas broken off, lights kicked in, stuff smeared of the paint, and the "best" bit - especially popular in Berlin - cars are set fire to at the roadside!
Bloody anarchists/left-wing radicals/anti-capitalism activists. Just too many of these around nowadays. And of course there are many young unemployed and frustrated people who just like to vent their frustration by destroying stuff - especially property of people who seem to be "better off".
Sad really. :mad:
I would the P85 badge if your car indeed does come with it and you have it removed. I just got my car 4 days ago and for some reason, it came with no badge.

Took delivery of mine yesterday from a truck out of Chicago, and also have no badge. Must have been one of the last performance machines not to get the badging. VIN 5191. Not certain whether I want it or not. Already getting frustrated with the "how much did you pay for that thing?" question. At least for those ignorant folks, I can just quote the overall range, and there is no outward indication of where mine is within the range.
jesus, I'm glad I don't live in CA. I've never seen anything like that out here - keying cars or painting nazi symbols on hoods. wow. just wow. too much sun getting to people's heads out there? lol

Yeah, it's a California thing. I'm sure nothing like that could ever happen in New Jersey. :)

Seriously, it's just a problem everywhere, in any locale. Haters gonna hate. I try to park my car where it will be pretty visible, but that kind of stuff can happen anywhere. Sorry for the Model S owner with paint on the hood. That's pretty aggressive.
No upgrades & debadging procedure

I was told at the Rockville SC on Friday (when picking up my 85 from service) that there is no plan or opportunity to upgrade cars that were produced without number badging. Mine is a '13, so it isn't purely a model year thing - it was described as a production-line upgrade and the luck of timing as to whether you got it or not. I don't care either way. The advisor did say that ALL Model S vehicles will be badged going forward, including the 40 and 60.

Forgive me if this was covered elsewhere: Debadging any car made since about 1990 is very simple and there is no chance of damaging or scratching the car if you do it this way: Get some plain (unflavored) dental floss, wrap a couple feet around your hands, and slide it behind one edge of the badge. Then use a sawing motion to cut through the foam tape. All emblems are applied with 3M Automotive double-sided foam tapes or equivalent. You will cut through the foam, and can then "roll" off any residue from the tape that is left behind. There are no longer any holes used in applying auto trim of this kind.
I was at the Watertown (Boston) service center today and saw 27 newly-delivered Model S's, all with VINs in the mid-upper 5000s. Didn't have time to compare the status based on VIN, but there were both P85s and regular 85s with and without badging, though more unbadged than badged in my unscientific sample. I don't know if there were any 60s or not - certainly none badged as such.
They are adding a P85 badge to performance models

I was at the Denver Tesla service center getting my spoiler put on and they had a performance model with the badging they said the new P85's were coming with the badging and owners will have the option of getting it added soon. I'm personally very happy about this decision.


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