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PCN at supercharger Kings Lynn despite reasonable efforts

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I used to have a drawer full of letters.. they'd use increasing amounts of red ink, increase the fines to silly levels, then give up. Threats to credit rating were particularly hillarious as I clearly didn't have a credit agreement with them.. That whole industry needs serious regulation.

I remember a BBC article saying the fines were limited to £100.. no idea who told them that.. never seen one below £200 and that their starter for 10.

In recent times they have been more ready to persue in court than they used to, though, so you have to be ready to respond with good evidence. But appealing.. don't waste your energy. There is no appeals process. They *always* reject.

TBF it's been a while since I've been caught out by them.. I avoid superchargers near hotels. Last one I had was when I was 'fined' for parking in a hotel car park.. as a hotel guest!!
In the circumstances stated by the OP the hotel was closed and the car park empty of all cars except one broken down vehicle. It doesn't matter what signage is up prior to entering a car park except that it forms the basis of a contract, its not a fine for parking its a fine for a breach of contract, A breach of contract has to be proven by the company managing the car park and the only way to determine if a breach took place is in a court. If a court finds against you then they determine what the damages are - doesn't matter what the company ask for as a "fine" and the court has to determine that based on reasonable losses suffered by the owners of the car park. An empty and closed hotel suffers no loss.
Ignore the PCN and any communication from the company,, don't reply at all until they send you the notice before action mandatory letter, then challenge them to take you to court as you would like a court to decide. Most will give up at that stage.

You will receive lots of letters from the company indicating fines, CCJ, credit score affected etc etc etc - they are all false. If a court decides in their favour any fine imposed must be paid within 28 days - If you do this then you will have no CCJ, no damage to your credit rating and most likely a lower fine than the company were asking for.
Majority of the parking companies fail to send letters recorded delivery - so there is no record you received their first letter asking for payment, (This is why you ignore their letters) the second letter increases the fine or rather withdraws the discount offered for early payment - Now as they cant prove you received their first letter and the offer of a discount for early payment they have breached their code of practice - so their lawsuit fails.

These companies rely on ignorance of the law and fear induced to get you to pay, they want an easy life and to generate lots of money, they don't want to spend what they have on court processes that they are most likely to loose - indeed companies like ECP threaten a lot but don't take people to court as they have lost so many times - so they operate on win most loose a few because most people just pay their demand..

You will get letters for a few years but they eventually just go away - just never talk to them until the pre-action letter arrives and never appeal, most appeals are a waste of time and all you have done is confirmed you received their letter.

Agree with all of this, however some people aren't comfortable receiving threatening letters, so for those I would recommend appealing against it which will be rejected but then you just take it to POPLA and win.
Sorry, trying to understand here... Superchargers are placed inside private parking areas/garages that require payment to get into? So you pay to park AND to charge? Only seen that one here in the states, but here are probably more. In Denver there is a bank inside a garage and you have to pay to get in/out. It was $1 last I was there a few years back.

In Amarillo there is a Holiday Inn with 8 superchargers that charges $10 to park overnight if you are a guest, but nothing if you are just charging.
Sorry, trying to understand here... Superchargers are placed inside private parking areas/garages that require payment to get into? So you pay to park AND to charge? Only seen that one here in the states, but here are probably more. In Denver there is a bank inside a garage and you have to pay to get in/out. It was $1 last I was there a few years back.

In Amarillo there is a Holiday Inn with 8 superchargers that charges $10 to park overnight if you are a guest, but nothing if you are just charging.
The SuperChargers being referred to here are in hotels which generally don’t charge for parking whilst you are charging.

The parking companies working for the hotels have cameras recording who comes in and out of the car park and if you are charging or visiting the hotel for any reason they expect you to register your car inside the hotel and if you do, all is fine and there is no cost. If the hotel has no record of your car being registered, the parking company attempts to issue a fine on behalf of the hotel as they think you’ve used the car park without permission.

The problems arise when people don’t know they have to register and don’t see the signs saying that you need to register. I’ve only been to one like this myself and it was dark and poorly lit at the back of the car park. Fortunately I’d read this thread before and knew I had to register in the hotel.
Just received my first supercharger private parking ‘PCN’ after charging at Kings Lynn, Norfolk. The site was exactly the type that you’d expect this to happen, based at a hotel. I was highly suspicious about it, checked everything I could think of, and have still ended up with one.

Not impressed with this because:

- I already know the risks of supercharger PCNs having not experienced one, but read about them here. I was also on high alert because the site ‘felt’ like just the sort of place it might happen.

- I checked this forum for previous threads to remind myself how it all worked, and saw that ticket recipients are often accused of failing to read the supercharger information screen. Not going to be caught out that way, I know better than that now I’ve read the forum threads. So I double checked by reading the supercharger information screen. I even compared it to the Northampton site as I knew that one had PCNs. I could see the warning at Northampton, but nothing at this site. I wondered if the car and Tesla web directory might show different things so triple checked that too.

- The hotel was deserted with all the lights off. The entire car park contained not a single other car apart from one that had broken down. Some people exited through a hotel door near the superchargers that looked sort of like a main door, but when I went to try the door, it had locked behind them and it could not be opened and there was no buzzer or sign. Hotel seemed empty and dark.

- I checked all around the superchargers and the surrounding deserted car park for any explanatory signs. I asked my two passengers to also look, explaining about the PCN system in place at superchargers and that you have to look actively for instructions. We all looked. For most of the 25 minutes of charging. Around the entire car park. There were no signs. My non-Tesla owning passengers made fun of me for my ridiculous paranoia, saying that it was obvious to anyone that they wouldn’t have a charging station and then fine you for using it.

- There was a couple stopped with a breakdown in the car park, and a grounds maintenance type person looking like they were helping. I asked them and the maintenance person said they did look after the car park property, but had no idea about payments worked but did know that it was allowed, to use the supercharger.

Here we are ten days later, with a PCN for £100, covered in warnings on the back saying that this may go to court, that the popular believe that private parking tickets are overturnable is incorrect and quoting a court case, warning that I may receive a CCJ, my credit record may be affected, and I may receive a visit from bailiffs.

This system is unbelievably terrible. It isn’t just the sort of terrible where someone has failed to do something well enough. It is the worst sort of terrible where actual effort, time, money and ongoing work has been put into making the experience as poor as possible.

I cannot believe someone has gone to all the effort of:

- Erecting cameras and an AI system to detect vehicles entering and leaving and record their details.

- Sending these details to a third party company to research the vehicle and its keeper by making a formal request to DVLA.

- Finding out that the vehicle is a Tesla vehicle, that it entered the supercharger station and then left less than 30 minutes later, and even writing these details on the ‘PCN’ letter.
- Writing to the registered keeper to charge £100, including various irrelevant notes about bailiffs, credit reports and so on.

The system is so crap that even a driver who knows about these forums, specifically searches for previous threads, finds out where on the Tesla display the warning should appear, double checks the Northampton site for comparison, triple checks on the Tesla web listing as well as in-car, does a car park walk around specifically looking for explanatory signs, enrols two others to search for signs for most of the 25 minutes of charging, tries to gain access to a locked hotel door, and asks a member of staff in the grounds, still receives a fine.

Have rung hotel. Pleasant enough and they will undo it. So this isn’t a rant at the fine per se. It’s just the completely unnecessary effort required as a driver / charging user, by the hotel, and by the third party parking company. All the steps involved seem completely unnecessary. Why not just let drivers know what steps are necessary? Or, recognise that a Tesla entering the supercharger for less than half an hour and then departing, is pretty likely to be charging.

Hi just have exactly the same issue on 7 th Oct 2022 and hotel reception when phoned won’t cancel parking charge at 04:53 to 05:35 just over half an hour charging pitch black middle of the night nobody around ,didn’t see sign but if I had I wouldnt have gone to reception as wasn’t parking ….. only charging I see that as different .
any advice appreciated Norrie
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Just received my first supercharger private parking ‘PCN’ after charging at Kings Lynn, Norfolk. The site was exactly the type that you’d expect this to happen, based at a hotel. I was highly suspicious about it, checked everything I could think of, and have still ended up with one.

Not impressed with this because:

- I already know the risks of supercharger PCNs having not experienced one, but read about them here. I was also on high alert because the site ‘felt’ like just the sort of place it might happen.

- I checked this forum for previous threads to remind myself how it all worked, and saw that ticket recipients are often accused of failing to read the supercharger information screen. Not going to be caught out that way, I know better than that now I’ve read the forum threads. So I double checked by reading the supercharger information screen. I even compared it to the Northampton site as I knew that one had PCNs. I could see the warning at Northampton, but nothing at this site. I wondered if the car and Tesla web directory might show different things so triple checked that too.

- The hotel was deserted with all the lights off. The entire car park contained not a single other car apart from one that had broken down. Some people exited through a hotel door near the superchargers that looked sort of like a main door, but when I went to try the door, it had locked behind them and it could not be opened and there was no buzzer or sign. Hotel seemed empty and dark.

- I checked all around the superchargers and the surrounding deserted car park for any explanatory signs. I asked my two passengers to also look, explaining about the PCN system in place at superchargers and that you have to look actively for instructions. We all looked. For most of the 25 minutes of charging. Around the entire car park. There were no signs. My non-Tesla owning passengers made fun of me for my ridiculous paranoia, saying that it was obvious to anyone that they wouldn’t have a charging station and then fine you for using it.

- There was a couple stopped with a breakdown in the car park, and a grounds maintenance type person looking like they were helping. I asked them and the maintenance person said they did look after the car park property, but had no idea about payments worked but did know that it was allowed, to use the supercharger.

Here we are ten days later, with a PCN for £100, covered in warnings on the back saying that this may go to court, that the popular believe that private parking tickets are overturnable is incorrect and quoting a court case, warning that I may receive a CCJ, my credit record may be affected, and I may receive a visit from bailiffs.

This system is unbelievably terrible. It isn’t just the sort of terrible where someone has failed to do something well enough. It is the worst sort of terrible where actual effort, time, money and ongoing work has been put into making the experience as poor as possible.

I cannot believe someone has gone to all the effort of:

- Erecting cameras and an AI system to detect vehicles entering and leaving and record their details.

- Sending these details to a third party company to research the vehicle and its keeper by making a formal request to DVLA.

- Finding out that the vehicle is a Tesla vehicle, that it entered the supercharger station and then left less than 30 minutes later, and even writing these details on the ‘PCN’ letter.
- Writing to the registered keeper to charge £100, including various irrelevant notes about bailiffs, credit reports and so on.

The system is so crap that even a driver who knows about these forums, specifically searches for previous threads, finds out where on the Tesla display the warning should appear, double checks the Northampton site for comparison, triple checks on the Tesla web listing as well as in-car, does a car park walk around specifically looking for explanatory signs, enrols two others to search for signs for most of the 25 minutes of charging, tries to gain access to a locked hotel door, and asks a member of staff in the grounds, still receives a fine.

Have rung hotel. Pleasant enough and they will undo it. So this isn’t a rant at the fine per se. It’s just the completely unnecessary effort required as a driver / charging user, by the hotel, and by the third party parking company. All the steps involved seem completely unnecessary. Why not just let drivers know what steps are necessary? Or, recognise that a Tesla entering the supercharger for less than half an hour and then departing, is pretty likely to be charging.
Email below ask for Bethery


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Hi just have exactly the same issue on 7 th Oct 2022 and hotel reception when phoned won’t cancel parking charge at 04:53 to 05:35 just over half an hour charging pitch black middle of the night nobody around ,didn’t see sign but if I had I wouldnt have gone to reception as wasn’t parking ….. only charging I see that as different .
any advice appreciated Norrie


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