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You guys are killing me. I guess I am also a double FUSCer by means of order date and referral.

I think it is immensely clear... we were offered an incentive. If you 'double qualify' for the incentive, that doesn't mean you get it twice, just once. We have been subsequently offered an option to trade that incentive for another incentive. Make your choice... one or the other, but not both.

It doesn't matter that some goofball in customer service said something about getting it twice. They clearly didn't think it through.

By this same logic, I guess I should go to my property tax board and ask for double my restoration exemption because I just re-restored the windows.
Also worth noting in Elons tweets- someone asked again about Track Mode for the -... he said

Which, again, supports the idea it requires software mods to work with the different HW (brakes especially).

Course that's Elon time, so who knows, but at least confirms it's still coming.

A software mod was going to happen anyway, even if it was only for PUP. Brake pads and tires wear and behave uniquely, not just over time but after a single braking event at the track. So, the software still has to rely on sensor feedback. Furthermore, nothing would stop a PUP owner, a true track enthusiast, from upgrading tires, calipers, rotors, or brake pads. Track Mode would be a novelty if it only worked with stock brakes and stock PUP rims/tires. (Imagine you paid for PUP, then upgraded your car and lost Track Mode. I see PUP owners putting on aftermarket 18” winter tires already.)

That said, I do believe that’s where they tested Track Mode first and focused to get it out. So, yes, it will need software mods or at least more extensive verifications. But a smarter, useful long-term Track Mode was really inevitable.

This all reinforces my original belief there’s a single “Performance Model 3” with optional brakes and tires. Certainly not worthy of a + or a - in the acronym or code base splintering over the long haul.
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So far that makes 2 deadline- and 1 referral- double-FUSC'ers here. :)

(I can feel the haters building up steam in the background... There's now many more of them, because "have's" have a tendency to become haters.) :mad: :mad::mad::D

Elon has more work to do.
He has now successfully double-PUP'ed, now he needs to fix the erroneous double-FUSC. (I know, nobody understands what that means.)
Also, the AWD crowd is getting uppity too. ( - and I do sympathise).

Right, there are 3 FUSC's.

The first two you mentioned are contractual, part of the deal for buying the car. (good, incentivising ideas.)
The third was an ELON gift to all, to somehow soothe the PUP inequality. (well-meant, but bad move!)

If you really want to take someone's contractual FUSC away then take it away from the "Super-Gifted" who managed to snag both FUSC and Free PUP because they were tricky and used a loophole.

PS: I'm one of the few who values FUSC more than PUP, or even $5K. My nearest Supercharger is 30 miles away, but I drive there often and it's always empty (I live out in the hinterlands.) I also plan to keep the car for as long as it drives, or as long as I live, whichever ends first. :)

Get real... you’ve been bitching about 5K for weeks and now you’re saying you value the FUSC more... sounds like you just want to bitch about something.

You also keep making it sound as if people are driving around with 8 wheels and charging twice as much with your non-sensical lingo... I have double FUSC but still can’t charge my car more than 100 percent... maybe I should start bitching 5 posts in a row every 10 minutes?

Elon made his deal and applied it equitably across P owners... 5k or FUSC.
Man there are a lot of hurt egos on here now....

and if not a lot....at least two.....:rolleyes:

What do you mean? No one should be upset for Tesla making people happy and moving on to bigger things.

$5000 per car for a few cars isn’t going to be much in the long run if they are making and selling 1000 Model 3s per day.

Objectively speaking, Tesla still doesn’t owe anyone anything.

Anyone who runs a business knows that “winning” (what is right) can cost you more than “losing” (pay the ransom and make a problem go away)

Elon happened to dig himself a hole by engaging with Fred instead of ignoring him or telling him to FUSC off and refuse to engage on this topic.

Hole kept getting worse, to the point of being driven off Twitter.

Legal team tells Elon he done goofed and here we are.

I’m glad that everyone can move on and hopefully enjoy their cars more. Happy customers are good for all of us in the long run.
Get real... you’ve been bitching about 5K for weeks and now you’re saying you value the FUSC more... sounds like you just want to bitch about something.

You also keep making it sound as if people are driving around with 8 wheels and charging twice as much with your non-sensical lingo... I have double FUSC but still can’t charge my car more than 100 percent... maybe I should start bitching 5 posts in a row every 10 minutes?

Elon made his deal and applied it equitably across P owners... 5k or FUSC.
Nope, "wanting to bitch" is nowhere on my agenda. I'm not much of a forum-goer anyway. I'm just being vocal about perceived unfairness.
I knew the "old have's" would continue to hate ("want to bitch") on the double-FUSC'ers.
And I also figured the "new have's" would now suddenly develop some hate too and "want to bitch" on the double-FUSC'ers. So it is.

The whole time I was fighting with the Stealthers to get "equivalentized" to the PUP'sters. I never wanted, nor expected, $5K. I also have always said my FUSC is "off the table" (i.e. non-negotiable) because it was contractual, and incentivised by Tesla's "Order Now!" carrot.

And btw, I still don't want the $5K (but I still want to be "equivalentized"). I always preferred FUSC over PUP but I never stressed the point because most Stealthers wanted the PUP or $5K (and I didn't want to water down their argument). Now that the Stealthers are by-and-large taken care of (they are the "new have's") it's time to fight for the double-FUSC'ers - who are both Stealthers and PUP'sters btw.

Guess I have to fight both Tesla and a new batch of haters now. Oh well, no problem. :)

PS: The "lingo" is not that hard to figure out - but I guess it does take some sort of effort... (Ask me which terms you don't understand.)
- And yes, I know I can't charge my car more than 100%. o_O
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Yea I was excited about the FUSC, but I only went to one once to try it. The other times It wasn't worth my time to save $5. I'd be a double FUSC due to the referral, but I'm not sure that's a thing. Either way 5k in my hand now, is worth more than saving that amount over the life of the car. If it was transferable, that would make the decision harder :)
Yup, I hear you. For almost everyone taking the $5K, and disregarding the type of FUSC'er you are, is the easiest and most economical way to go. I'm glad for all of you, and I'm glad Elon's heart is still in the right place!
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There is only one "trade-able FUSC" - the one that Elon gave to ALL.
I'm not one of your other categories... I'm just like you. I met 3 of the requirements for FUSC. So, I guess you could call me a triple. But I recognize that I only have it once, and that Tesla's "offer" is FUSC or $. Which is clear, rational, and also a very fair deal. I'm not a "hater". I'm not going to tell you that you can't or shouldn't ask for both FUSC and $. Just that you will not get it by rolling up posts in this thread. If you are under any illusion that this thread is why Musk has relented on $ option for Stealth... let me disabuse you of that right now.
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I'm not one of your other categories... I'm just like you. I met 3 of the requirements for FUSC. So, I guess you could call me a triple. But I recognize that I only have it once, and that Tesla's "offer" is FUSC or $. Which is clear, rational, and also a very fair deal. I'm not a "hater". I'm not going to tell you that you can't or shouldn't ask for both FUSC and $. Just that you will not get it by rolling up posts in this thread. If you are under any illusion that this thread is why Musk has relented on $ option for Stealth... let me disabuse you of that right now.
To each his/her own, of course.
I'll guess I'll stop "rolling up posts" for a while... (how many is that now.... 275! Wow!)

You really think Elon is not tuned in here in some way? That's too bad (it's better that Twitter!). I was hoping. Oh well, you're probably right.

I'll just lay low for a while (again), watch how the checks flow, contact Tesla directly again, and decide about the roadster...
Mods should just completely close this thread now that P3D- owners get equitable treatment. Light this whole cesspool on fire and put it behind us.
I just had a feeling someone would say that - checked in - sure enough...

So, before I go away let me say:

He (Elon) double-FUSC'ed, when he should have double-PUP'ed.
But wait, he has now Double-PUP'ed! Yay! (for most.)
But the FUSC'ing equality red herring remains out there.
FUSC'ing has no more to do with PUP'ing equality than EAP'ing, or paints, or seat colors, or any other option. :)

See ya! :cool:
Same here.

+1 (or +2 as it were).

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