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Remote S: Tesla app for Apple Watch, iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch

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Any chance of mimicking the ability to drag the roof open to a desired level? For example, instead of the diamond of four buttons, perhaps you can use that real estate to display a top-down wireframe which you can drag left or right to the desired level? The percentage open could be displayed "above your finger" as you drag and then return to inside the wireframe when you let go. The instant you let go, the command can be sent to match the percentage you selected.

To me, one of the most magical moments is how intuitive the dragging works on the 17" screen. When guests see it, it gets the best reaction of anything on the UI. I'd love to see that in the app. That diamond of options doesn't instantly register. I'm sure it'll be very easy to remember and learn, but I wanted to throw the thought out there.

Added to my Done list.


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Hi Allen, is there any way to add another "account"?

I have a personal account and soon will be taking delivery of a few business Model Ses so I would like to keep them separate if possible but accessible through the one app.

Hi Allen, is there any way to add another "account"?

I have a personal account and soon will be taking delivery of a few business Model Ses so I would like to keep them separate if possible but accessible through the one app.


Did not realize that there was a demand for this. Currently there's only a way to switch cars within the same MyTesla account. If you have more than one account, you'd have to log out and log in with your other account. I guess the benefit of having a separate Tesla app from the official one is that you can log into one account on one app and then another account on the other app.

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Picked up my car today and bought this app on my iPhone. Waiting for my Apple Watch to ship now.

My display does not show interior and exterior temperatures, does it take some time for this to work?

Turn on and off the HVAC, and it will display. This is not the fault of the app, but rather the fault of Tesla. Their sensors don't read interior/exterior temps until you run the HVAC. It's the same behavior in the official app.

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Estimated, Rated and Ideal range must be switched up, right? Ideal should always show the highest number (except after a lot of downhill driving or slow driving where Estimated may show unrealistically high)

When I logged in as you when you gave me your credentials for testing purposes, I also noticed that. I checked my code and it wasn't switched. It really does say that your ideal battery range is lower than your current battery range in the response that I got back from Tesla's API servers. Out of curiosity, what does it say in the official Tesla app? What does it say in your car? Did you choose to display the Ideal miles as your primary range in the car settings? Maybe that's what switched the two numbers?
When I logged in as you when you gave me your credentials for testing purposes, I also noticed that. I checked my code and it wasn't switched. It really does say that your ideal battery range is lower than your current battery range in the response that I got back from Tesla's API servers.

This is because European/Australian/Hong Kong spec cars have "rated" and "typical" instead of "ideal" and "rated"
To add confusion, our "rated" is based on European NEDC testing which gives a much more optimistic range (hence the photos with more than 500 km "rated range") whereas "typical" is closer to the U.S. "rated range" (hence a lower number)

And to add even further confusion the Tesla API says "ideal_battery_range" (and charge_miles_added_ideal) when it really means "typical" range

To work around this, you can look for "eu_vehicle: true" and rename "ideal" to "typical" in your app
This is because European/Australian/Hong Kong spec cars have "rated" and "typical" instead of "ideal" and "rated"
To add confusion, our "rated" is based on European NEDC testing which gives a much more optimistic range (hence the photos with more than 500 km "rated range") whereas "typical" is closer to the U.S. "rated range" (hence a lower number)

And to add even further confusion the Tesla API says "ideal_battery_range" (and charge_miles_added_ideal) when it really means "typical" range

To work around this, you can look for "eu_vehicle: true" and rename "ideal" to "typical" in your app

Thanks for the info. I did not know that, because I don't have an eu_vehicle to test with. There's one other thing I always wanted to know, since you seem to know about the API: df, dr, pf, pr stands for driver front, driver rear, passenger front, passenger rear. They represent the doors on the car. But the driver seats are switched from left to right in EU vehicles, right? Does the DF still represent the left hand door or does it now represent the right hand door?
There's one other thing I always wanted to know, since you seem to know about the API: df, dr, pf, pr stands for driver front, driver rear, passenger front, passenger rear. They represent the doors on the car. But the driver seats are switched from left to right in EU vehicles, right? Does the DF still represent the left hand door or does it now represent the right hand door?

I'm no expert, but I've been playing around with teslams

Not all "EU" vehicles are right-hand-drive but UK, Hong Kong and Australian ones are
Also Japan vehicles, which I suspect have eu_vehicle: "false" because they have the same charge port as North American vehicles (EU style vehicles have a Mennekes-compatible, 3-phase power capable charge port)

I have a variable "rhd: true" on my car, so you can use that to see if you need to swap.

I just opened my driver's door (right hand side) and rear passenger door (left hand side)
df: 1,
dr: 0,
pf: 0,
pr: 8,

So yes df here represents the right hand door.
Nice solution MDK.

FOr reference here are two screenshots taken 5 seconds apart from the official app and Remote S. Obviously Remote S is displaying rated as ideal and vice versa on the EU cars.
(Screenshots are cropped to remove personal info)

Hi Johan

Obviously Remote S is displaying rated as ideal and vice versa on the EU cars.

Not quite, "rated" is shown as "rated", "typical" is shown as "ideal" - switch your car to "rated" and you will see what I mean.

The difference is that for EU cars are rated via the New European Driving Cycle while North American cars are rated to U.S. EPA guidelines
I assume that is so they can be compared to other cars marketed in the same region, but it means you can't easily compare between markets.

+1 !!! :biggrin:
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