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Reputation points?

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Bonnie and NigelM can't give negative rep anymore.
*But* I can... bwahaha...

I wrote people like bonnie and NigelM.
That of course includes you!
See us all shiver in fear of your power. And every smart person shivers in fear of bonnie's power, either way :)

Regardless, asking for reputation point trades subverts the system and upstanding honest contributors like us would never engage in something like this
I wrote people like bonnie and NigelM.
That of course includes you!
See us all shiver in fear of your power. And every smart person shivers in fear of bonnie's power, either way :)

Regardless, asking for reputation point trades subverts the system and upstanding honest contributors like us would never engage in something like this
Yea right. :) Careful I wore my Mr. Sparkle sock today and when I got home my Mr. Sparkle T had a arrived in the mail. Yea I know a picture or it didn't happen.
2015-03-19 19.33.03.jpg
But the icon is pure win!
Sorry, in comparison to the Mr. Sparkle socks the icon does nothing for me...
HRHLGP Mr. Sparkle... he may not have a lot of green bars (actually, embarrassingly few for a moderator, but we don't say that in public so keep this to yourself)... but those socks? They are KILLER.

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Bonnie and NigelM can't give negative rep anymore.
*But* I can... bwahaha...
/me just realizes he has more reputation points than TEG. bwahaha...

/me also realizes that pointing that out might be foolish...

to click "Post" or click "Cancel"... that is the question...

Post... Oops...
Sorry, in comparison to the Mr. Sparkle socks the icon does nothing for me...
HRHLGP Mr. Sparkle... he may not have a lot of green bars (actually, embarrassingly few for a moderator, but we don't say that in public so keep this to yourself)... but those socks? They are KILLER.

Paul's new as a moderator, I'm sure he'll attract more bars soon enough; but wearing socks with a picture of his boss on them?? :eek:
OK, so here are the data we have (in black)

5 dark400
5 dark + 1 light 500
5 dark + 2 light>600 (700​)
5 dark + 3 light 900
5 dark + 4 light> 1028 (1200)
5 dark + 5 light 2000
5 dark + 6 light3000
If we assume that this is somehow progressive, my guesses would be the numbers in orange.
More data? Anyone?

I can now confirm that the number for 5+2 is indeed > 600...
My edit to the existing table is in the quote as I can't edit the old post anymore
Well, there is a point where you need 300 points per bar. And then it just gets worse from there. Every bar represents even more points. You think you're about to get another bar, then ... crickets.
That's why I'm trying to document things here... give people an idea how much more they need to beg to get to the next level...

BTW: I do take point donations so I can document the exact number when you hit 5+2 :)

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I'm at 1099... so you're saying I have to get 101 more for another bar? :eek:

Hard work! Puff puff puff puff!
Right now that's speculation. But wait, let me know in a moment if the threshold is 1100 or more :)
edited to add... I see you at 5+4 now... so unless you got 101 reputation points in the last 32 minutes I'm guessing my number is wrong...
Need to work on subtlety.
Added to my already yard long (in 8pt font) list of personal growth areas...

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LOL a couple of people added points "for science!", and I'm now at 5+4. The threshold is 1100!
Keeping that last comment from bonnie in mind, I'll point out that I am the driver of the science here in this thread...

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Current knowledge in black, guesses in orange

5 dark400
5 dark + 1 light 500
5 dark + 2 light>600 (700)
5 dark + 3 light 900
5 dark + 4 light1100
5 dark + 5 light 1400
5 dark + 6 light1800
This would match a pattern of +100 up until "5+1", then +200 up to "5+4" and then +300, +400 after that (based on bonnie's earlier comment)