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Reputation points?

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Some interesting stats.
19 members have five dark green bars
10 members have the elusive first bright green bar
2 members have two bright greens
4 have three
1 has four
no one five
and bonnie as SIX

An impressive pyramid (roughly) - and the air is getting really thin up there :)

Yes, there is one. :)

Way to mess things up, Nigel. :) Now, of course, there is no one with four.
Some interesting stats.
19 members have five dark green bars
10 members have the elusive first bright green bar
2 members have two bright greens
4 have three
1 has four
no one five
and bonnie as SIX

An impressive pyramid (roughly) - and the air is getting really thin up there :)
Yes, there is one. :)
That's cheating. My post is almost three weeks old. And CONGRATS.
In the meantime most of my numbers are off...
bonnie with six (same)
NigelM with five (new)
no one with four (new)
5 with three (new)
1 with two (new)
14 with one (new... a few people moved up, including me)
19 with five dark bars (some people moved up, some new ones added)
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Congrats Nigel.:cool: The question is will you get to 6 before Bonnie gets to 7?
The thresholds past the first light green one (that's 500) appear to be a well kept secret. So who knows how many more thousand points Bonnie needs for 7 (12 total)...

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Clearly I'm slacking. All other categories have 'new'.
Everyone, help Bonnie to move up!
Staring more at the numbers (because, really, what else could I do? try to follow the Elon anti anxiety thread?) I realize an interesting detail.
The group of people with two light green (seven total) or more has stayed the same; just a couple of promotions.
And for each person who moved from five dark to five + one, one person joined the rank of five dark.
All this hard hitting analysis - and no love...

Ha, that was my analysis. Now I'm miffed.

The points gap between green bars seems to get ever wider so that last one took me forever to get; this means that although Bonnie has one bar more than me she is literally hundreds of points ahead (and probably deservedly). Ergo, the rate of growth in the number of people with >7 light green bars slows to the point of (almost) remaining static.
Ha, that was my analysis. Now I'm miffed.
The points gap between green bars seems to get ever wider so that last one took me forever to get; this means that although Bonnie has one bar more than me she is literally hundreds of points ahead (and probably deservedly). Ergo, the rate of growth in the number of people with >7 light green bars slows to the point of (almost) remaining static.
So yes, change up in the stratospheric heights is slower. But what's interesting is that we had 2 of the top 8 move up (25% moved up). In the same time 4 people out of 19 moved from 5 to 6 (first light gree) - 21%. Yet none of the 10-14 people with 6 bars moved from there to the range of 7 or more...
My theory is that up to six bars every 100 points gets you to move up a notch. But after that it gets harder. That's why there's the "wait" at six bars.
And that the two changes up above are just random noise :)

(I'm a mathematician by training - I love explaining data that doesn't fit my theory as "noise") :rolleyes:

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Noooooo! I appreciate the sentiment, but I want to earn these the hard way. Otherwise folks like [name redacted] will say it's just a popularity contest. :)
And you are claiming that it isn't? :p
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Sorry, but I'm a bit confused about reputation points, dark green bars, light green bars, and Jr. Member vs Member, etc... Is there somewhere to go and read the explanation?
Don't want to stop the clever banter here, but help out a relative newbie