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Russia/Ukraine conflict

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give iron clad guarantees that Ukraine will not join NATO, not now, not anytime in the future. Give guarantees for Russia unfettered land access and water rights to Crimea. If US had done that in Jan of 2022, this war would not have started.

Putin’s Russia is constitutionally incapable of giving “iron clad guarantees” in return.

And it isn’t clear why Ukraine should be any different than Lativa, Lithuania, Estonia and now Finland. And even Norway and Poland (via Kalingrad) have borders with Russia. Russia is quite used to bordering NATO countries for many years.
If only you admitting your mistake can bring back a million dead Iraqis, millions more refugees who made/are making their way to Europe & North America (and as a side benefit, stops far-right politicians coming to power off the backs of “illegal” black/brown refugees from West Asia & Africa )

View attachment 1058039

Taiwanese people have agency. They are for maintaining the status quo, which means no invasion (*). But US doesn’t want to listen to the Taiwanese people.

Also, how is PRC “attacking” Taiwan when the US officially acknowledges that Taiwan is part of China? They are merely maintaining their territorial integrity just like Ukraine is. You can’t have it both ways.

(*) PRC’s official policy on Taiwan invasion circa 2005:

But here is the thing, if you’re going to call me a hypocrite because I’m in the US and the US has done dumb things, you’re a hypocrite too because Australia has done dumb things like joining in with the Iraqi invasion.

Therefore we can’t have a discussion if no matter what I say, you’ll just throw US mistakes at me saying my views and opinions are hypocritical as I’m guilty by association.
Let me play this a different way and see how this rhymes with you:

If Cuba an independent sovereign nation decides they want to be a full blown communist country and moves towards a strong diplomatic and military alliance with Russia (or CPC) opening its borders to military bases, the western US frauds in the name of "democracy and freedom" and their minions gets no say whatsover about that. Simple as that.

I will tell you what US would do. In a blink of an eye, missiles will be raining down on Havana and ground troops will be entering Cuban shores, long before the ink is dry. [...

@Daniel in SD and @wdolson has already answered this. A "a strong diplomatic and military alliance with Russia (or CPC)" would be tolerated. What matters are NUCLEAR WEAPONS. And the US is not stationing any Nuclear Weapons close to the Russian border.

Also: What "Russia"?!! "Russia" is a #-ing POS Military Dictatorship! That means that there effectively is no "Russia"! There is only the Mass Murdering Russian Dictator and his tiny little minions. And they should not get do decide ANYTHING! Their rightly place is before a Court of Justice! We will not know what "Russia" thinks until there are actual free and fair elections in that country. And as of yet that has never happened!

And no... Contrary to what you're lying about in your post here, the US IS a Democracy!
Taiwanese people have agency. They are for maintaining the status quo, which means no invasion (*). But US doesn’t want to listen to the Taiwanese people.

Also, how is PRC “attacking” Taiwan when the US officially acknowledges that Taiwan is part of China? They are merely maintaining their territorial integrity just like Ukraine is. You can’t have it both ways.

(*) PRC’s official policy on Taiwan invasion circa 2005:
The US does not acknowledge that. You had it right the first time, the US "acknowledges that all Chinese on either side of the Taiwan Strait maintain there is but one China and that Taiwan is a part of China"
I think it should be up to Taiwanese people, who have never been ruled by the CCP, to decide whether to reunify or declare independence. What actions the US do you think justifies violence against the Taiwanese people?

As I understand it, according to the article, deliveries to other customers won't be resumed 'until Ukraine can protect itself from [the Russian Dictator's Illegal and morally abhorrent Terrorist attacks (My edit.)]'.
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Romania is sending a Patriot system to UKR.

“Considering the significant deterioration of the security situation in Ukraine, as a result of Russia’s constant and massive attacks on civilians and civil infrastructure, especially on the energy sector, as well as the regional consequences of this situation, including on Romania’s security, in close coordination with the Allies, Council members decided to donate a Patriot system to Ukraine.”

If only you admitting your mistake can bring back a million dead Iraqis, millions more refugees who made/are making their way to Europe & North America
Per the UN and all reputable sources, the vast majority of Iraqis killed after the fall of Saddam were from their fellow Iraqis, Iranians and radical Islamist extremists from neighboring Arab countries over sectarian issues. It wasn't the US sending suicide bombers into Mosques, schools, voting booths and funeral services killing 300 people at a time.

Sure - the US has responsibility for not being able to prevent Muslims from killing Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan, but that is not remotely the same thing morally or legally as the purposeful targeting, killing and land grabs Russia is inflicting on Ukraine.
China(PRC) will not invade Taiwan unless the status quo changes & Taiwan declares itself independent of China. You can read up on the status quo on wiki, its too descriptive to document here. For example:
This is a very naive take. China (PRC) is making preparations already to invade Taiwan. It's pretty clear the goal is to "unite" Taiwan with the mainland, regardless of what Taiwan does. This parallels Russia's view of Ukraine (no matter what Ukraine does, Russia's goal is annexation). All US is doing is giving Taiwan the means to defend themselves in proportion to the military preparations the PRC is making.

Despite all the warnings the PRC made about the DPP (the party most for reducing ties with China), Taiwan have not made any recent moves to change their constitution to violate Taiwan being part of "China" (in this case the Republic of China). This remained true even with the current president who in the past claimed he was a worker for Taiwan Independence.

For people not familiar with the nuances of this, note the official country name for Taiwan (as well as a few areas not in the island of Taiwan) is Republic Of China (ROC).

The general position of people there and the current DPP government is that the ROC is defacto already independent of the PRC (the People's Republic of China, which controls mainland China today), so there is zero need to "declare independence". Basically the PRC never ruled the island of Taiwan and up to today does not control it (on the flip side although ROC controlled mainland China in the past, it no longer controls it) and this is the "status quo". The reason the claim still works for Taiwan being part of "China" is because Taiwan is still ruled by the Republic of China, and the ROC to this day still claims rule over mainland China (which opens a path to reunification).

The Taiwan Independence movement is essentially to change the name and flag of Taiwan to remove all references to "China" and to change the constitution to remove all references to having rule over mainland China or any ties at all.
The current ruling DPP party in the past pushed for this, but have long since given up. The previous president Tsai was a moderate in this regard, and although the current president have made claims in the past about independence, he has long since adopted the same stance of keeping the status quo, with no indication of changing anytime soon.
If only you admitting your mistake can bring back a million dead Iraqis, millions more refugees who made/are making their way to Europe & North America (and as a side benefit, stops far-right politicians coming to power off the backs of “illegal” black/brown refugees from West Asia & Africa )

View attachment 1058039

Taiwanese people have agency. They are for maintaining the status quo, which means no invasion (*). But US doesn’t want to listen to the Taiwanese people.
Taiwan just elected the most pro independence president in history:
That does not contradict with the desires of people to maintain the status quo (see my other post for details on the DPP's latest stance).

What the US is doing is helping Taiwan maintain that status quo by enabling them to defend themselves and to make a military invasion as difficult as possible, in order to deter military moves to change the status quo.

Also, how is PRC “attacking” Taiwan when the US officially acknowledges that Taiwan is part of China?
The US never officially acknowledged that Taiwan is part of the PRC (this nuance makes a big difference). You need to read the sentence that follows to understand the meaning (I added parentheses to clarify the sentence structure, and also bolded the critical part).
"The US side declared: The United States acknowledges that all Chinese on either side of the Taiwan Strait maintain (there is but one China and that Taiwan is a part of China). The United States Government does not challenge that position. It reaffirms its interest in a peaceful settlement of the Taiwan question by the Chinese themselves."

Note also the use of "China" instead of the "PRC". Officially the stance in Taiwan is also that it is part of "China", just that it is the ROC, not the PRC.

The US have also made multiple clarifying statements about the "One China Policy", which of course the PRC ignores and instead substitute with their own "One China Principle"

They are merely maintaining their territorial integrity just like Ukraine is. You can’t have it both ways.

(*) PRC’s official policy on Taiwan invasion circa 2005:
Let's make one thing clear, the PRC never ruled over Taiwan ever (just like how Russia never ruled over Ukraine). Thus it has nothing to do with "territorial integrity".

And before you bring in the UN, note the resolution only put the PRC as the representative of "China" in the UN (kicking out the previous ROC reps), it says nothing about Taiwan.
F-16 jets arriving this summer will make it difficult for Russia to continue using its guided air bombs due to F-16 ability to attack from long range.
Anatolii Khrapchynskyi, an aviation expert and former Ukrainian military pilot, said: “The Russians will be forced to change their tactics. We will be able to target their planes and missiles more effectively, and it will be really difficult for them to keep using KAB guided air bombs, which they need to launch from 50 to 70km away.”

Russia has been using KABs extensively against the city of Kharkiv in recent weeks, launching the bombs from planes that remain inside Russian airspace. Numerous Ukrainian sources said F-16s would protect Ukraine’s second city from these weapons.
Putin’s Russia is constitutionally incapable of giving “iron clad guarantees” in return.

And it isn’t clear why Ukraine should be any different than Lativa, Lithuania, Estonia and now Finland. And even Norway and Poland (via Kalingrad) have borders with Russia. Russia is quite used to bordering NATO countries for many years.

The USSR also had to contend with Turkey controlling access to the Black Sea. That was probably the primary reason Turkey joined the alliance back in the day. They knew the USSR could make a move to capture Turkish territory and get unrestricted access out of the Black Sea.

Taiwan just elected the most pro independence president in history:
That does not contradict with the desires of people to maintain the status quo (see my other post for details on the DPP's latest stance).

What the US is doing is helping Taiwan maintain that status quo by enabling them to defend themselves and to make a military invasion as difficult as possible, in order to deter military moves to change the status quo.

The US never officially acknowledged that Taiwan is part of the PRC (this nuance makes a big difference). You need to read the sentence that follows to understand the meaning (I added parentheses to clarify the sentence structure, and also bolded the critical part).
"The US side declared: The United States acknowledges that all Chinese on either side of the Taiwan Strait maintain (there is but one China and that Taiwan is a part of China). The United States Government does not challenge that position. It reaffirms its interest in a peaceful settlement of the Taiwan question by the Chinese themselves."

Note also the use of "China" instead of the "PRC". Officially the stance in Taiwan is also that it is part of "China", just that it is the ROC, not the PRC.

The US have also made multiple clarifying statements about the "One China Policy", which of course the PRC ignores and instead substitute with their own "One China Principle"

Let's make one thing clear, the PRC never ruled over Taiwan ever (just like how Russia never ruled over Ukraine). Thus it has nothing to do with "territorial integrity".

And before you bring in the UN, note the resolution only put the PRC as the representative of "China" in the UN (kicking out the previous ROC reps), it says nothing about Taiwan.

Yes, the PRC never controlled Taiwan. Formosa was part of China back in imperial times, but the Japanese took it before WW II. China got it back in 1945, but then when the communists came to power, Chiang Kai Shek's people escaped to Taiwan and set up their government in exile there. That's why the ROC still claims sovereignty over all of China.

But Ukraine has been part of Russia. The borders of Eastern Europe have been quite fluid so not all of Ukraine was part of Russia at once, but most of eastern Ukraine was part of the Russian empire for a few centuries up to the fall of the USSR. Western Ukraine is a bit more complicated. It has been part of Poland, Lithuania, briefly it's own country, as well as part of Russia. The westernmost part became Russian just prior to WW I, then became part of the newly independent Poland after the war, was taken by the USSR in 1939, lost to the Germans in 1941, and finally became Soviet again after 1945.

The Russians have been trying to erode morale in Ukraine by creating rumors that Poland is going to take back the territory the Soviets took and incorporated into Ukraine in 1945. It hasn't gotten much traction though.

Biden bans US sales of Kaspersky software over Russia ties

WASHINGTON, June 20 (Reuters) - The Biden administration on Thursday announced plans to bar the sale of antivirus software made by Russia's Kaspersky Lab in the United States, citing the firm's large U.S. customers, including critical infrastructure providers and state and local governments. [My u.]
Moscow's influence over the company was found to pose a significant risk, Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo said on a briefing call with reporters on Thursday. The software's privileged access to a computer's systems could allow it to steal sensitive information from American computers or install malware and withhold critical updates, enhancing the threat, a source added. [...

Yes, the PRC never controlled Taiwan. Formosa was part of China back in imperial times, but the Japanese took it before WW II. China got it back in 1945, but then when the communists came to power, Chiang Kai Shek's people escaped to Taiwan and set up their government in exile there. That's why the ROC still claims sovereignty over all of China.

But Ukraine has been part of Russia. The borders of Eastern Europe have been quite fluid so not all of Ukraine was part of Russia at once, but most of eastern Ukraine was part of the Russian empire for a few centuries up to the fall of the USSR. Western Ukraine is a bit more complicated. It has been part of Poland, Lithuania, briefly it's own country, as well as part of Russia. The westernmost part became Russian just prior to WW I, then became part of the newly independent Poland after the war, was taken by the USSR in 1939, lost to the Germans in 1941, and finally became Soviet again after 1945.

The Russians have been trying to erode morale in Ukraine by creating rumors that Poland is going to take back the territory the Soviets took and incorporated into Ukraine in 1945. It hasn't gotten much traction though.
Note, to clarify, I'm talking about the "Russian Federation," not historic "Russia". Much in the same way I'm talking about PRC in the above, not "China" which may include territorial claims from previous governments that were also known as "China" (ROC, Qing Dynasty, etc).
Putin claims strategic battle field defeat would mean the end of Russian statehood, while the rest of world wonders where the party would be.
Putin claims strategic battle field defeat would mean the end of Russian statehood, while the rest of world wonders where the party would be.

No. It would just shrink the Russian statehood, perhaps to just the Kremlin ;) /s

Balkanization welcome ...
Putin claims strategic battle field defeat would mean the end of Russian statehood, while the rest of world wonders where the party would be.

I've heard this before. I find it utterly baffling. I don't know if he really believes this or if he just wants the world to think he believes it.

If this war is getting too painful, just leave. It's not like Ukraine is going to invade Russia.

I've heard this before. I find it utterly baffling. I don't know if he really believes this or if he just wants the world to think he believes it.

If this war is getting too painful, just leave. It's not like Ukraine is going to invade Russia.

Ironically, the only country that might conceivably invade a nuclear armed Russia is China.

I have seen so many videos of Chinese touring the Russian lands near the Chinese border, they almost always have the same reaction. "Such good land and nobody is using it."
How does one know if Putin is close to defeat? By the frequency of nuclear threats.

Putin claims strategic battle field defeat would mean the end of Russian statehood, while the rest of world wonders where the party would be.