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Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

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400 contracts?:eek: We’re in a different league here. I’m lucky to sell 4 contracts, though this is in an IRA so no margin and they must be covered. I did buy 50 contracts of some OTM calls a while back, but couldn’t handle the volatility and sold most of them earlier during this week’s run up. I’m still holding a handful until the next week or two.

Maybe they are naked calls. I would not be here if I could sell 400 covered calls :eek:.
You should be able to set an alert on the contract value itself--I recommend you use the ask instead of last, as that will be more accurate.

You are right! Alerts can be done on the contract. THANK YOU!



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Maybe they are naked calls. I would not be here if I could sell 400 covered calls :eek:.

These January 900 short calls are “covered” in the sense that I’m holding 400 call option contracts at various (lower) strikes:

January 15th 600 C (200)
December 31st 750 C (50)
December 31st 700 C (20)
January 15th 700 C (20)
December 24th 700 C (20)
December 24th 600 C (10)
January 15th 650 C (10)
January 15th 500 C (10)
December 31st 440 C (10)
December 31st 600 C (10)
December 18th 435 C (10)
December 18th 520 C (10)
January 15th 800 C (10)
December 24th 550 C (10)
January 21st 500 C (10)

I’m kind of regretting spreading my bets across all these weeklies and various strikes, as it’s made a real mess out of my brokerage :)

Can you tell I’m new at this??

The plan is to sit back and do nothing until next Friday, and then start rolling the expiring calls first. I’ll have a friend who’s more experienced give me some coaching and I’ll report back on here when i make some moves.

There’s no where else I’d rather be than this thread, where I’ve been lucky enough to learn options and see tremendous success in a matter of months. Thanks @adiggs!
It *could* happen, but most likely you wouldn't lose those shares until expiry or very close to it; like hours.
These January 900 short calls are “covered” in the sense that I’m holding 400 call option contracts at various (lower) strikes:

January 15th 600 C (200)
December 31st 750 C (50)
December 31st 700 C (20)
January 15th 700 C (20)
December 24th 700 C (20)
December 24th 600 C (10)
January 15th 650 C (10)
January 15th 500 C (10)
December 31st 440 C (10)
December 31st 600 C (10)
December 18th 435 C (10)
December 18th 520 C (10)
January 15th 800 C (10)
December 24th 550 C (10)
January 21st 500 C (10)

I’m kind of regretting spreading my bets across all these weeklies and various strikes, as it’s made a real mess out of my brokerage :)

Can you tell I’m new at this??

The plan is to sit back and do nothing until next Friday, and then start rolling the expiring calls first. I’ll have a friend who’s more experienced give me some coaching and I’ll report back on here when i make some moves.

There’s no where else I’d rather be than this thread, where I’ve been lucky enough to learn options and see tremendous success in a matter of months. Thanks @adiggs!

By my math, you've got to have millions in play. And while I applaud that, I'd also caution others to do nothing more than sit back and watch.

Really hoping this works out for you and I also applaud @adiggs for all that they've done as many other folks have. Those of us that play options with TSLA are kinda mad in the sense that just HODL should be good enough for the extreme gains we have seen.

I have a 10th of what you have in play and I feel exposed, but am doing something similar. I just have puts in play as well as I had some CC's grab some shares away from me a few weeks ago. Happy to sell at those strike prices though (this is key), but I'm looking to get more back with high IV's.
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I can't believe that Dec 31 '20 $800 calls are at a premium of $18 ea. So tempted to sell CCs against all my shares... Any reason why not?
On 1k shares I got, that would net me $18k today and I would be more than happy to sell these shares for $800 on new year's (an appreciation of +30% plus my already purchased calls appreciation of probably +200% in the meantime). That would pop the champagne for sure. It really looks like the market is pricing in a larger rise than $800 this year? :eek:
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I can't believe that Dec 31 '20 $800 calls are at a premium of $18 ea. So tempted to sell CCs against all my shares... Any reason why not?
On 1k shares I got, that would net me $18k today and I would be more than happy to sell these shares for $800 on new year's (an appreciation of +30% plus my already purchased calls appreciation of probably +200% in the meantime). That would pop the champagne for sure. It really looks like the market is pricing in a larger rise than $800 this year? :eek:
you can, but I'd wait till at least Monday. Chances of it not gapping up and IV not going through the roof is 0%.
I appreciate the kind words. What makes this thread go, as is true for any such thing, are the ideas and stuff we all have to learn and teach each other. It takes many contributors to make a useful community, with a variety of knowledge and experiences.

I'm working my way mentally through @Tathagata idea of the covered call position using purchased calls and trying to figure out what to make of it. I think I'll need to spend some thinking time this weekend. :). I guess this works out to a calendar spread where the dates are different, and a debit spread where the expire dates are the same. I'll need to read more :)

I suppose the ideal outcome is to finish above the lower strike prices and below the 900 short calls, so the short calls expire worthless and you're "stuck" with the earnings on the other calls. Actually, I suppose the best outcome is to finish north of 900, so you receive max earnings on the spread in the strikes, with the premium for the 900 strike calls as a bonus. In effect, pre-selling the inclusion event result.

I suppose the mechanics on the close are to close a purchased call in combination with one of the sold calls, so that all of the short calls continue to have backing. And a critical component to making this work out well is just how cheaply the purchased calls can be extended (as necessary) out to the 900 short call expirations. Looks like a lot of time value sloshing around, with the unfortunate pre-close dynamic of the time value going down on the purchased calls, while increasing on the 900 strike sold calls (assuming that the shares continue going up).

Is this a position designed for early close, and if so, any ideas on roughly when or what target share price? Seems like those purchased calls are better off being sold early than carried to a Jan '21 expiration, which implies that the short calls also need to be closed at the same time.

Or maybe this is a particularly good idea for the DITM calls as a pre-sale on the high end, for premium now, where those DITM calls have little time value remaining, and thus little time value to increase or decrease as the share price changes.
I also did an informal stress test using Apple options to see how this income source would work with a highly liquid, but much lower IV options market. It wasn't great, but it was still adequate to my needs (where adequate is a higher income than while working, and ability to expand lifestyle - just not as much).


What kind of results were you getting with apple options? Many thanks!
I can't believe that Dec 31 '20 $800 calls are at a premium of $18 ea. So tempted to sell CCs against all my shares... Any reason why not?
On 1k shares I got, that would net me $18k today and I would be more than happy to sell these shares for $800 on new year's (an appreciation of +30% plus my already purchased calls appreciation of probably +200% in the meantime). That would pop the champagne for sure. It really looks like the market is pricing in a larger rise than $800 this year? :eek:

I would say go with your instincts. Maybe sell a few today and more next week. No one really knows where the SP is heading.

What kind of results were you getting with apple options? Many thanks!

Happy to answer, but important to realize this was a one time thought experiment using real numbers for TSLA and AAPL options on the date performed (August?). I haven't attempted to repeat the exercise, so I don't know how well this represents reality (projecting the future off of a single data point -- bad). I also know nearly nothing about AAPL or AAPL options, so I don't know if I really picked comparably risky options.

That said, my method was to look at a range of options I would be selling at that particular point in time for TSLA, and go find similar options (delta and expiration date) for AAPL. I assumed as input a cash amount for covered puts, a similar amount for buying AAPL shares, and then selling options using those two resources. Order of magnitude - about $800k of each (cash and shares).

I also didn't account for taxes or tax advantaged accounts - just looked at the end result. I wanted to answer the question - given that level of resource, would I be able to achieve a good level of income should IV on TSLA options drop on a sustained basis to something closer to AAPL options IV. I think at the time, that Apple IV was in the 40s.

The short ending answer is that I got the "low" IV option sales yielding roughly 1/2 of the "high" IV option sales. I would only do these actual option sales using TSLA (or some future company that I start studying closely), but that's an indicator of how these will evolve as TSLA IV goes down.

That "low" IV income was ~50% higher than a REIT or other 8% dividend yielding investment (such as one I already own a bit of).

Summary finding 2:
I was also testing income/month at different expirations in the future. It seemed like the income was fading as I went out in time, but it didn't fade very fast for the 1-3 month options, and faded a lot for the 1 year+ options. That leads to my initial conclusion and behavior change, of shifting to monthlies for routine option sales (this last month, and next month, are anything but routine).

One important finding for me - I could get roughly 25% better results from the weeklies, but I estimate my time/energy/effort as being 2x for the weeklies over the monthlies.

My baseline is an income oriented REIT I found from a company called Fundrise. That income oriented REIT targets 6 to 10% annual return / dividend, and has so far been very close to 2% per quarter (I've already got a small stake here).

On $1.6M, that's $32k/quarter and $128k/year, which I consider to be safe enough for my purposes. I also didn't fudge this downward at all, but took this as-is. If I were to use treasuries or short term bonds as the baseline comparison, then this will be a lot lower, and the comparison to option sales looks a lot better for the options sales.

For TSLA, the option sales assumptions I worked up for TSLA came to $360k/year. The actual option premium results were closer to $35k/month, but I fudged that down to $30k/month to provide some head room. Something like 60 to 90k/quarter, or 16-24% / year.

With similar assumptions (I need a lot more AAPL shares for instance, to arrive at a similar investment level in AAPL shares), I got to $20k/month / $254k / year. I fudged this down as with the higher IV options, but the margin here is thinner. I decide to treat this as $15k/month or $180k/year, roughly 1/2 of the TSLA results, to provide some additional margin in the numbers (I don't want every month to be too high of a minimum, in order to achieve the annual income number).

This was as far as I got. I haven't repeated the exercise, which seems like a REALLY good idea when TSLA option IV comes back down.
While I also have some sold puts and calls, I just bought some calls for Jan 8th 2021 $800 strike for $17.2 each. Very bullish we will see a big spike between now and then. Looking to at least double my money, but who knows what will happen :)
WOW wasn’t expecting all my covered calls to expired worthless this week: 620, 630, 650, 670, 700, 720, & 740.
All puts also expired worthless: 590, 580, 570, 560, and 540.
I had a narrow window 590-620 and got lucky.
Next week I have already lined up: 720c, 760, 800c and 590p, 560p, 530p, 500p, 480p.
I’m looking to sell more covered calls on a big up day if we get one Monday or Tuesday.
WOW wasn’t expecting all my covered calls to expired worthless this week: 620, 630, 650, 670, 700, 720, & 740.
All puts also expired worthless: 590, 580, 570, 560, and 540.
I had a narrow window 590-620 and got lucky.
Next week I have already lined up: 720c, 760, 800c and 590p, 560p, 530p, 500p, 480p.
I’m looking to sell more covered calls on a big up day if we get one Monday or Tuesday.

That's an awesome outcome!

Was there something that led you to choose those particular strikes? Were you sort of daring the market to take some of your shares at 620? For next week, what's your thinking behind those strikes?
That's an awesome outcome!

Was there something that led you to choose those particular strikes? Were you sort of daring the market to take some of your shares at 620? For next week, what's your thinking behind those strikes?
I sold the 620c 630c and 650c after we had a drop from local high near 600 to 550s. Honestly at the time didn’t think 630 and 650 had any chance being ITM. My margined shares averaged at 578 so didn’t mind had I need to give them up. I was also thinking we should see few down days before 12/18 had I need to buy back called shares. My goal is to keep my 600 margined shares into 12/21 and place attainable calls strike points to get rid of my margins at year end.

For next week my thinking is nearly no chance of share price going below 590. ( yes famous last words). That’s why puts are from 590 and down. With calls I’m expecting near 100 points movement. I’m tempted to sell 680c and 700c.

I did over 50+ trades this year just with TSLA shares that I probably be better off doing options.
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I sold the 620c 630c and 650c after we had a drop from local high near 600 to 550s. Honestly at the time didn’t think 630 and 650 had any chance being ITM. My margined shares averaged at 578 so didn’t mind had I need to give them up. I was also thinking we should see few down days before 12/18 had I need to buy back called shares. My goal is to keep my 600 margined shares into 12/21 and place attainable calls strike points to get rid of my margins at year end.

For next week my thinking is nearly no chance of share price going below 590. ( yes famous last words). That’s why puts are from 590 and down. With calls I’m expecting near 100 points movement. I’m tempted to sell 680c and 700c.

I did over 50+ trades this year just with TSLA shares that I probably be better off doing options.

Be nice to have those 680+ margined shares called away; 2 premiums plus a $100 move from purchase to sale. I bet that beats the margin interest by a lot :)
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@adiggs Thank you for sharing your experience, it has been extremely educational, helpful, and profitable.

If I may, what do you think of the following strategy:
Around the 17th/18th, or possibly Monday the 21st I'm considering trying to "time" the peak and sell covered calls that are 2-4 weeks out on approximately 1000 TSLA shares, at a call price between $800-1200. This call price of course depends upon the share price on those days and the price on the calls, and that range is just my estimate of what is a reasonable compromise between valuable calls and those with low risk of actually having the shares called away.

My motivation is to make some extra money on the shares, but to set a call price high enough that there is relatively low risk of them being called after S&P inclusion. I chose the 2-4 week time frame because I don't want to hold them longer that would put the calls at risk due to other TSLA news (Q4 delivery numbers, Q4/2020Y financials, etc.).
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@adiggs Thank you for sharing your experience, it has been extremely educational, helpful, and profitable.

If I may, what do you think of the following strategy:
Around the 17th/18th, or possibly Monday the 21st I'm considering trying to "time" the peak and sell covered calls that are 2-4 weeks out on approximately 1000 TSLA shares, at a call price between $800-1200. This call price of course depends upon the share price on those days and the price on the calls, and that range is just my estimate of what is a reasonable compromise between valuable calls and those with low risk of actually having the shares called away.

My motivation is to make some extra money on the shares, but to set a call price high enough that there is relatively low risk of them being called after S&P inclusion. I chose the 2-4 week time frame because I don't want to hold them longer that would put the calls at risk due to other TSLA news (Q4 delivery numbers, Q4/2020Y financials, etc.).

You're welcome of course. It's the reason I started the thread - as much for others benefit as my own. I expect we're learning from each other - knowledge, experience, insight into the market, and trade plans.

Except for the duration you mentioned, I'm keeping my eye out for the same sort of opportunity. Namely - sell a stack of cc at a local share price peak along with a high IV.

I'm expecting a drop of some degree after the spike (like everybody else) to happen in the same timeframe you mentioned. So selling somewhere in that peak, if there is a drop after, you should be able to close the position early. To the degree that my opinion is worth much of anything (remember that I only started selling options in March - I've done some study and done well in terms of my own standards, but I'm far from anything resembling an expert), our plan is similar to what I plan to execute, so I must think it's a good idea.

One idea to consider - I realize you don't want to go very far out - but you might want to consider the Feb monthly over the Jan monthly. That'll be more like 6 weeks out, but you might find you can get a further OTM strike along with a better premium from that extra month. March might be slightly better as well, but I suspect not enough better to be a good balance of risk and reward for your parameters.

If that share price drop is accompanied by a drop in IV (also something I expect), then the cc you sell will drop fast in premium. You might get a really fast close over such a short duration (I recently had a 4 or 5 week put close in 2 days, the option price moved so far and fast in my favor). That's another reason for the extra month - more time value to be destroyed by IV drop and share drop.

My own plan is to be looking at something in the 6-24 month timeframe; my guess is 9-12 months is where I'll land. I'm looking for a high "pre-sell" price, and a premium of something like $5-15/month (probably closer to $5). My thinking is that the shares aren't going to be used for something else, and if I can lock in a really good cc setup, then I'll be benefiting from that for the next year (over selling cc each month, which will probably have a lower strike and comparable or slight better premiums).
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