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Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2013

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Julian Cox wrote this (he has been banned from seeking alpha due to excessively logical pro Tesla commentary)

Really Julian has been banned? That is big news! Does the excessive pro-short users get banned as well? There are quite a bunch of them on SA. This is truly drama. Tesla never disappoint to entertain, even on a bloody day like today!

One thing I don't understand is he has tremendous vision and insight, and yet he didn't touch the stock. He would've made millions if he puts money where his words is.

That again reminds me vision along won't make you money, execution and mental is as important, if not more in this market.
Didn't Elon sign the giving pledge? This means he is donating at least half of his fortune to charity. He has more than enough money to live like the richest person in the world, and to invest in whatever projects he wants to, and is making millions annually from Space X, Solar City, and Tesla. I can't think of any reason he would sell his shares.
Elon has been really clear about what he is going to do. He won't sell anything until his master plan is realized. The master plan being a sea change to EVs, world wide. Once that goal is realized, I think he will eventually sell out, in order to fund his other master plan, to colonize mars.
I don't buy the GS BS for a second. It just sucks that that's how the market works. It felt good earlier this year making a fortune with cheap calls punishing the greed and incompetence of the short sellers. But in the end GS will always be on top and the retail investors who follow their advice will be screwed. Days like today make me feel guilty for making money on the stock market.

Goldman Sachs is IMO an unsavory company that practices immoral market manipulation tactics.

One need only look at the Fabrice Tourre matter and the creation and sale of Abacus 2007-AC1 (clearly a massive conflict of interest and a fraud) to know what kind of people are in charge at GS.

This kind of shitpaper deal helped run the economy into a ditch.

Julian Cox wrote this:

In essence this GS article looks true to form a carefully crafted measure to lure shorts into the stock ahead of a
hail of Q2 analysts beats, thereby rewarding GS clients handsomely at the cost of the comparatively ill informed shorts and skeptics with another significant short-squeeze.
This is a significant buying opportunity for the well informed for double digit gains in the space of 7~10 days with very high levels of certainty attached.

If this is true, it's shameful.

If this is true, anything GS publishes is shitpaper, just like the trash they used to peddle.
Goldman Sachs purchased a bunch of shares at $93. Goldman Sachs also provided Elon with a hundred million dollar loan to purchase more shares at $93. I agree that this smells like a trap for shorts, or an opportunity for someone to close out a short position..
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If I am reading this correctly, Stephen Mandel, a GS alumnus (then to Robertson's Tiger Fund, and now for more than a dozen years heading Lone Pine Capital, a hedge fund of some $16bn or so), has/d a short position of some 1.758 million TSLA. Now, perhaps Cox is correct in thinking GS is protecting its clients, perhaps it's protecting Mandel, perhaps Lone Pine's Puts have expired....or perhaps I haven't read his 13F correctly.

At any rate, I added a bit to my position late in the day at 108.31, so am just a leeetle bit in the black with the new stake. Just a bit.

Forgot the Lone Pine link. Here it is: http://www.streetinsider.com/13Fs/M...+(VRX);+Liquidates+Facebook+(FB)/8338176.html
This note from GS feels a bit disingenuous. It basically says Tesla is only worth $113 if Tesla can sell 200k cars annually, a figure that is 1/4 of what Tesla will likely achieve by 2018. Is GS saying Tesla is worth $400 if Tesla can sell 600k vehicles annually?

Yes, I guess not having been this involved in a single stock this is blowing my mind. The GS report looks fairly positive. They are just conservative with production numbers. They used historical precedent to come up with these. And even constraining Tesla to historical norms they say $84 at a 20% discount. Which is also crazy because ultimately they are saying the stock will be $120 worst case in 3-5 years even if things go very poorly. So maybe this is a manipulation. I just can't believe that traders can pay so little attention. I guess I'm in a good position if the stock rallies after earnings. I guess I should buy some more options though since it is quite possibly a great opportunity. But then how can I know the market will even react to a positive earnings report I mean I wouldn't have expected the GS report to send the market down. Ah well just my musings. The long term is far easier for me to figure out than the short term but the short term is just so tempting.
In the past Goldman Sachs analyst Patrick Archambault has revised his opinions of TSLA the day after the release of an earnings report and conference call. Now one must wonder why he presented his latest revision prior to an earnings report? He did raise his target, but to a level well below the current price. Perhaps he wanted to discourage anyone who may have gotten excited by Northland’s target for TSLA of $230 made public on Monday. Well, he discouraged a lot of institutional investors today.

Could this have been a setup so that Goldman Sachs and its favored clients could buy low before a blowout earnings report? It may allow some of them who were short to cover cheaply. Then based on the numbers Archaubault could say he is justified in raising his rating and target for Tesla and hand Goldman and its clients huge profits. It’s the job of Goldman’s traders to buy low and sell high. The company is in a position of knowledge and control that allows it to do better than just make guesses.

Goldman has a cozy financial relationship with Tesla Motors. I realize there is supposedly a Chinese Wall separating the analyst from the rest of his company, but he knows on which side his bread is buttered and can pick up hints from executives and traders even if they are not explicit. The trading activity on August 8[SUP]th[/SUP] could be very interesting.
TM has done extremely well in executing their planned vision and been rewarded with a high share price. Is $14B a bubble for a company who sets BMW and Porche in their sight? I don't think so. I believe TM has a better chance to increase their SP 2X than for it to half, but either is possible.
Is TM a bubble? I don't think so. AAPL at $655B in Sept '12, RIM (BBRY) at $75B in August '08, Nortel Networks in January '00 at $283B. Those were bubbles.
Yes TM is up 240% this year. Ford is up 600% since '09. Which company would you invest in? For me, it's TM, maker of EVs, the vehicle type of choice.

The conspiracy theorizing in this thread is unlikely to prove helpful to those reading, nor those posting.

It's not theory, just truth. This S--t has been going on in Wall Street since the NYSE was formed (since the wee beginnings of the stock market), what's new is they have a new stock to manipulate. Nothing has changed, this has been done before, it will be done again, and no one seems interested in policing the issue, especially the SEC.
I don't think this is complicated.

Pick your favorite term for it (I'm pretty good with disingenuous myself), Goldman Sachs put out statements to be picked up by CNBC, reuters, Bloomberg et al, but they did not write those statements to benefit the masses of people reading them through the press.

Goldman Sachs put out a "bull case" that has 33% fewer cars sold than Elon Musk talked about in June interviews. If your bull case is 33% below what company has stated and you don't mention the discrepancy, let alone explain your skepticism, well, isn't that just a number put out there, basis/motivation, unknown. (fwiw, re Elon's 300k, a couple of times he laid out as production as Gen III up and running, roughly 80-90K S/X, 200K Gen III car/small SUV, balance new Roadster).

To be fair, it cuts both ways the brokerage with $230 price target was over the top (and I REALLY like this company). It's just that people pay attention to Goldman Sachs, but not Northern Whatever co.
There's a simple explanation to today's large loss. Tesla went into the NASDAQ 100 index yesterday. With all the ETF and index money pouring into the stock in recent days, the shorts almost completely closed out their positions (I lend my shares out to the shorts - over the last week the interest rate first collapsed to 0.75%, then all my shares came back, indicating that no one wanted to bet against the stock until after the 15th). Today, however, the index related inflows stopped and the shorts likely re-established their positions. So in short order, the stock has reverted to about where it was before the whole NASDAX 100 madness began.

Jack Bowers
Ha ha. Went on holiday abroad today and just now got Wifi access. Saw the ticker and thought there was some technical glitch due to the hotel's wifi, but then saw the GS price target. I call BS. I don't for a second believe that the investment and analyzis branches don't talk amongst themselves. GS or individuals with inside info from GS made millions today from stocks and options.

My guess: GS know Q2 will be profitable. There is nothing really wrong with the research note but the timing gives the whole thing away. Clearly a set up. Of this I'm near 100% certain. I'm buying calls today, lots of 'em, fir cheap!

I agree! I bought calls today too. Granted, worth less than when I bought BUT I think 2Q will make this thing turn around. Going to sell My Puts from last week later this week. Made over 400% on them today. Covered part of my downside loss on calls from today.
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