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Snippiness 2.0

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There's not much room for opinion here. You've basically asked "I think 2+2=5 - what do you think?" and a number of math experts said "no, sorry, 2+2=4". You're now shopping for a different answer that's more to your liking. Good luck with that.
I thought WE could BE done. Look, you're ruining the thread. You gave your non-expert opinion and I value that. I'm looking for others as well. Those that agree with you and those that don't.

YES, I'm shopping for opinions. This we agree! Please be nice.
You are exactly why they have this limited. IT ISN'T YOUR CAR, so you should be driving it like it isn't, treating it with respect. You can beat the hell out of your own car, but this loaner needs to last through you and many more.
Lol how stupid and ignorant can you be?

The only reason its limited is for safety and insurance purposes. In the past, the loaners WERENT limited and werent locked.

And just because I said I want to drive it how I drive doesnt mean im going to beat the *sugar* out of it. I just dont like to be bottle necked when accelerating and of course it would be great to test the p90D ludicrious mode vs my M3P incase I'm interested in upgrading to a Model X in the future.

Also, whoever used the loaner prior to me is disgusting. At least I keep the car clean.

I like how you guys totally ignored my OP and decided to give your completely useless opinions about how one should treat a loaners and rental cars.

Thanks for the help.
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I'm sorry that happened to you Karen. But anyone who has been in the back seat of a car within the last 20 or 30 years knows how annoying "easy entry" can be. I can't imagine why you would use it if your passengers were so sensitive, nor can I imagine how any passenger could be surprised in 2022 by a feature that has been commonplace for decades. But most of all I wonder, why did you let the seat continue to crush your poor grandma until she "screamed in terror"? That just seems inconsiderate.
Fixed that for you.
Dude, go and read their PR. Don't make up BS about me. Your dishonesty has no bounds.

Stuttgart. Mercedes-Benz is the first automotive company in the world to meet the demanding legal requirements of UN-R157 for a Level 3 system1. The German Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA) has granted system approval for this on the basis of the technical approval regulation UN-R157, thus paving the way for offering such a system internationally2, provided that national legislation allows it. Germany has taken a pioneering role in this with the opening of the Road Traffic Act (StVG) for Level 3 systems in 2017.​
What they don’t say is “demanding“ means able to keep lane without hitting anything for 5 minutes ;)
Dude, go and read their PR. Don't make up BS about me. Your dishonesty has no bounds.
Dude, we have had that discussion about what legal requirements of UN-R157 rule requires and you are the only one who interprets that as only 5 minutes of testing required.

You are the only person who makes a habit of making up BS, I've never met a more dishonest person on this forum than you and you keep repeating it over and over again even when appropriately called out and corrected.


With nothing to back it up.
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Dude, we have had that discussion about what legal requirements of UN-R157 rule requires and you are the only one who interprets that as only 5 minutes of testing required.
You are the one who said I claimed it was demanding.

No - they said it was demanding.

I’ve provided proof of minimum 5 minutes that is in the regulation itself. Go, read it again. Stop the BS.
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Guns don’t kill. Nukes don’t kill either.

It’s people with guns / nukes that kill. So, we should ban people using those.

Sure, then they’ll just use something else. Car? Bus? Not a flamethrower? Pipe bomb? A sword? Nail gun? A plane? What’s your solution? Ban everything?

How many criminals do you think will wake up and think “ahh darn, wish guns were legal, I’d go shoot something up, but since they aren’t…. I’ll just stay home and watch TV”
Sure, then they’ll just use something else. Car? Bus? Not a flamethrower? Pipe bomb? A sword? Nail gun? A plane? What’s your solution? Ban everything?

How many criminals do you think will wake up and think “ahh darn, wish guns were legal, I’d go shoot something up, but since they aren’t…. I’ll just stay home and watch TV”
You certainly went left field here. Fact is people hate regulations and rules Till it effects them. Truth be told they don’t care if how it effects you vs the people You will harm not using common sense. These measures are to protect again people with your position.
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You are the one who said I claimed it was demanding.

No - they said it was demanding.
I'm pretty sure I am specifically referring to your constant claim that only 5 minutes of testing is required by UN-R157.
You know, same sentiment that was called out here by @momo3605. Don't play dumb or just being dishonest again you know full well what I am referring to. We had a discussion about your understanding or lack thereof the UN regulation which I kindly linked to above.
The only one saying they were going to test for 5 minutes was you lol. Of course they will test diligently so they can make sure the system is safe and not have to pay out with at-fault accidents all the time.

I’ve provided proof of minimum 5 minutes that is in the regulation itself. Go, read it again. Stop the BS.
Stop spreading that BS and as I have demonstrated on many occasions, you like to spread BS. Claiming Honda Legend wasn't tested properly and when asked to provide your sources for that conclusion you claim, it's on the internet somewhere. You engage in the most dishonest discussion on this forum.
I'm pretty sure I am specifically referring to your constant claim that only 5 minutes of testing is required by UN-R157.
To be fair, you edited it to say "not just the 5 minutes test I claimed was demanding", which is referring to the "demanding" part (which was actually claimed by Mercedes), not the 5 minutes part. If you were referring to the 5 minutes part, it probably should be worded differently.
You know, same sentiment that was called out here by @momo3605. Don't play dumb or just being dishonest again you know full well what I am referring to. We had a discussion about your understanding or lack thereof the UN regulation which I kindly linked to above.

Stop spreading that BS and as I have demonstrated on many occasions, you like to spread BS. Claiming Honda Legend wasn't tested properly and when asked to provide your sources for that conclusion you claim, it's on the internet somewhere. You engage in the most dishonest discussion on this forum.
To be fair, you edited it to say "not just the 5 minutes test I claimed was demanding", which is referring to the "demanding" part (which was actually claimed by Mercedes), not the 5 minutes part. If you were referring to the 5 minutes part, it probably should be worded differently.
To be fair Mercedes states UN-R157 is demanding, we've had this debate before when @EVNow started claiming that UN-R157 only requires 5 minutes testing which is intentionally or otherwise, a deeply flawed understanding of the regulation. If that wasn't obvious that's what I'm referring to, then my subsequent reply should be pretty clear no?
Long time Model X owner here, late 2016 vintage. My wife is about due for a new vehicle as her current A4 is almost 13 years old and showing it’s age. We’ve been thinking about a Y or a 3 for her but I’m getting second thoughts with everything going on, including price hikes, delivery delays, reports of service and parts issues, Tesla company antics, and Elon seeming more unhinged. I was looking at EV offerings from other companies but no one can match the range or charging infrastructure of Tesla.

I love my Model X but it had its share of service issues. Luckily my local service center has been good to me but there’s only so much volume they can handle unless more centers open.

Anyone else with similar concerns?

Enjoy your garbage Hyundai or whatever.
I'm sorry that happened to you Karen. But anyone who has been in the back seat of a car within the last 20 or 30 years knows how annoying "easy entry" can be. I can't imagine why you would use it if your passengers were so sensitive, nor can I imagine how any passenger could be surprised in 2022 by a feature that has been commonplace for decades. But most of all I wonder, why did you let the seat continue to crush your poor grandma until she "screamed in terror"? That just seems inconsiderate.

See? This is what I'm talking about. These chumps sleep with Elon Musk blow-up dolls.
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