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Snippiness 2.0

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Before you go on personal attacks idiot,

LOL, where exactly did I attack you? I told you to stop whining. You were whining so not an attack. I told you you don't know didly about cars. You don't, so not an attack. That's OK though, you keep on whining; good luck with that.

You know the Y Performance comes with summer tires, so what the F*&% are you whining about? LOL Now you just sound like a troll. Not an attack, because you really do sound like a troll. But go ahead, call me another name if it makes you feel better. It's kind of funny! :)
I too was not aware the Performance models came with summer only tires. Not a big deal, just not easy to find specific tire information on the tesla site. Shame on me for not digging deeper into what tire the car came with but I don't view it as bad. I've purchased a winter wheel/tire setup, now my summer only tires will last twice as long!
Why would they need to add such a limitation to the warranty?

To clarify. For the same reason people want to amend the constitution to add the Equal Rights Amendment -- even though we already have the 14th amendment. Some people still don't get it so you need to hit them over the head with explicit language that even an idiot can understand.

The user with the most posts in this thread has 1,717 posts in this thread alone... almost 13% of the thread. (Good lord...)
thread pollution should be cleaned up. I use the ignore button liberally.

stats I compiled about this thread

Hilarious that people disagreed with simply sharing facts.

Ed Niedermeyer

Niedermeyer is the biggest joke in the Tesla universe -- originally contributing to Tesla Death Watch, and even when the TACC founder ended that nonsense, he relentlessly predicted Tesla's failure on Model 3 and Model Y rollout. Between him and Bertll Schimitt I don't know which one has been more massively and publicly wrong about Tesla. At least Schmitt has the excuse that he is at age which causes some to have a psychological fear of new things. Niedermeyer is likely just lacking cognitive resources combined with a chip on shoulder from something.
Do you even read posts before responding?

Where did I say anything about financing a depreciating asset? What does “impressing friends and neighbours” have to do with lease vs finance decisions? Where did I say that lease is the only option?

Bottom lines is you have no idea what you are talking about. Just because you sold a few used Teslas and made a few bucks, that doesn’t make you an expert in lease vs buy tax implications. And clearly you are not. Cheers.
I have no idea what I'm talking about? ROFL. Nice try.
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Why would they need to add such a limitation to the warranty?

They added language to clarify. Why do they have to clarify at all when the original warranty already said that the battery energy and power is excluded? For the same reason people want to amend the constitution to add the Equal Rights Amendment even though we already have the 14th amendment. Some people still don't get it so you need to hit them over the head with explicit language that removes more ambiguity and is more clear.

[Sorry if you read this before -- the original post was captured in a snippiness move because another part of the original post replied to one of the many exceptionally reasonable and factual posts from @wk057 that inexplicably got moved to snippiness.... smh ]
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$140 x 12 = $1,680 (of savings per year). My premium in NYS (read: insurance, like everything else, is expensive) for auto, with $1,000.00 deductible on the collision is something like $900.00/year. Thus, my premium from someone other than TSLA in NYS would have to be higher than $2,780 before I would even consider buying auto insurance from TSLA. I realize auto insurance in California is expensive, but I doubt it's that high. Even if it is that high, good luck on any claim made on your auto insurance from a car manufacturer/dealer.
Hey, Buddy, you think you're my accountant?

Opinions are like a..holes.
And what happened to your home and umbrella when you started to buy insurance "unbundled"? Did you compare those costs? Insurance companies make their money on auto insurance, not the home and umbrella, so if you take your auto insurance business to TSLA, State Farm (or whoever) will goose your home and umbrella.
Yes, accountant pal, I did EXACTLY that.

What is with the home auditing crew?
Again, I may be way off base here but isn't the capitalized cost impacted by the down payment, which then reduces the monthly interest via the money factor?

Lol disagree emoji all you want it’s just facts. MF is usually set in stone by the financial institution. Sometimes you can get it reduced by making multiple security deposits and one lump lease payment. As far as I know, Tesla’s MF is quite high comparatively and cannot be brought down. Overall playing with numbers in a lease doesn’t change the total amount paid over the life of the lease. Only way you can accomplish that is to bring down the selling price (impossible with Tesla), bring down the MF (impossible with Tesla), or increase the residual value (also impossible with Tesla). You can accomplish these with BMW, which is why they are so attractive to lease.
Lol disagree emoji all you want it’s just facts. MF is usually set in stone by the financial institution. Sometimes you can get it reduced by making multiple security deposits and one lump lease payment. As far as I know, Tesla’s MF is quite high comparatively and cannot be brought down. Overall playing with numbers in a lease doesn’t change the total amount paid over the life of the lease. Only way you can accomplish that is to bring down the selling price (impossible with Tesla), bring down the MF (impossible with Tesla), or increase the residual value (also impossible with Tesla). You can accomplish these with BMW, which is why they are so attractive to lease.

Cool, Edmunds disagrees with you...but what do they know?
Yes reading is hard.

Ahh, I guess you didn't keep reading where I clarified that statement. "Again, I may be way off base here but isn't the capitalized cost impacted by the down payment, which then reduces the monthly interest via the money factor?" So yea, it seems so. But I am done wasting my time with someone who is just looking for an argument. Try to enjoy your day.
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Show me where I said MF is altered by the down payment. Reading is fundamental.
Ahh, I guess you didn't keep reading where I clarified that statement. "Again, I may be way off base here but isn't the capitalized cost impacted by the down payment, which then reduces the monthly interest via the money factor?" So yea, it seems so. But I am done wasting my time with someone who is just looking for an argument. Try to enjoy your day.


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Dunno. Seems like the wrong conclusion to draw, despite being plausible.

Take this close-to-home example (literally): About 5 years ago, a few people got broken into in my neighborhood (near the entrance to the development). (Before that there wasn't any similar incident for several years prior, either.) Afterward, almost everyone installed alarm systems. There were actually no break-ins for over 3 years, until there were two, near the same area, a few months ago which ended that streak. Did the alarms stop break-ins? Seems the answer is quite obviously no, but a year ago many claimed otherwise.

Did Tesla's updates prevent fires? Seems many think they did... just like the people in my neighborhood think their alarms stopped break-ins.... until they didn't. Pretty sure we're at a similar point of thought on this whole thing. "The fix worked! Yay!"

It's also like saying autopilot will prevent crashes. We see how that's going.
When did Tesla hire you to be their spokesperson on this issue?
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