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Specs change: 07/11

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2 minor Changes. Curious why the 500 songs flash was removed, if it was by mistake, is upped or removed as a whole...

Added: 85kWhbatteryhasan8year,unlimitedmilewarranty
Removed: :Flashmemory storage for up to 500 songs.

Well, they've never supported storing any songs. Either they've given up on the idea, or at least decided to update the page to reflect current reality.
PM me your address and I'll send you one. Can not have you going around feeling unloved.

lol no worries, I have too much storage space already ( <--- software dude ). just sayin it to make a point

... now if only I could get the Tesla to play out from my multi-terabyte movie server.....( i mean it's really just a linux PC AFAIK in the Model S so one day I'll dig around a bit and see what I can do ;)
I would love to be able to stream netflix! Or any video what so ever. Weather it be from USB or YouTube or Netflix. I see no reason we cannot have video on this car. Even my POS Nissan Cube can play DVD's.
At least let us have video when not in motion (park). Would make waiting for a charge sooo much better. Especially to keep kids quiet.
I would love to be able to stream netflix! Or any video what so ever. Weather it be from USB or YouTube or Netflix. I see no reason we cannot have video on this car. Even my POS Nissan Cube can play DVD's.
At least let us have video when not in motion (park). Would make waiting for a charge sooo much better. Especially to keep kids quiet.
Stream video? My gosh, a lot of folks, yours truly included, would be happy if the web browser worked with a degree of reliability and speed on static web pages.
If the space has indeed been re-allocated to caching Google Maps, that's great news as most of my long trips involve travel through areas with no cell service (thus, no Google Maps).

However, I also agree that Tesla needs to find a way to communicate these changes without us needing to dig through an internet forum to find them.
Not so happy. First they nix the originally advertised (optional) USB ports for the rear seats. Now they tell me, we don't need no storage b/c we've got plenty USB ports! Huh?! If you expect me to permanently block one USB port for music, then give me more of those!

Caching Google Maps is great, but it's no excuse. They have to have enough storage to do both. It's not like storage is any factor in terms of weight, size or cost. The real cost is in the software that supports that storage, and obviously they don't make the progress they want or need in that department. The Google Maps cache was advertised all along, it's not like a new idea that popped up over night and since they didn't plan for it they now have unexpected storage requirements... Not.

It's certainly a good thing to have the website reflect what customers actually get. There's no debate about that, but they should not give up on the idea of internal storage for music altogether.
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