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Still worth getting a Model 3 if Electricity costs more than Gas?

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Yeah, that's a terrible TOU plan. I won't anger you by telling you my TOU plan here in Colorado other than to say the peak period is 2-6 pm which lines up much better with solar production.

At least we have 3s coming soon! First--world problems.
Yeah, that's a terrible TOU plan. I won't anger you by telling you my TOU plan here in Colorado other than to say the peak period is 2-6 pm which lines up much better with solar production.

At least we have 3s coming soon! First--world problems.
No I'm already angry with SDG&E, your TOU makes sense and that's great and does not anger me at all :) my TOU plan angers me greatly, but I already knew other's places power plans are more reasonable. One day SDG&E is going to get caught for some scandal I know it in my heart.
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What stops you from staying in the grandfather'd PV plan and charging the EV during off-peak hours ?
There are no off-peak hours under the grandfathered plan (it's tiered) so thats why I'm currently paying 40 cents per kWh. I believe you have to switch to NEM2 in order to get an EV TOU plan. Unless I'm mistaken, but I'm 90% sure anyways.

Well technically its the beginning of the month so not really 40, but considering I'm usually just out of or just over tier 2 at the end of the month with no EV (due to having solar!) I can pretty much count anything additional as .40 per kWh or .47 in the summer. Once I ditch the volt and get a model 3 there is a good chance I'll be reaching tier 3 which is even more (47-55 cents per kWh) at which point it would make more sense to pay for terrible EV-TOU plan hands down.
So just add another 4 hours to my 11 hour work day?

I wasn't going to get custom plates, but I might see if SDGESUX is available :)
Chargepoint for me is a 3 minute walk from the office. The car charges while I'm at work and I pick it up and bring it in back in at lunch time. 23 miles per hour * 8 hours, for $8. Couple days a week.
Chargepoint for me is a 3 minute walk from the office. The car charges while I'm at work and I pick it up and bring it in back in at lunch time. 23 miles per hour * 8 hours, for $8. Couple days a week.
That's about 18c/kWh. That's really, really good for 3rd party charging, I can't anything near that around here, less than half the prices I've found. That's nearing SC pricing here.
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Chargepoint doesn't own the chargers or set the prices, it just sells the chargers and support. For example, the Chargepoint chargers at my work are 0.26/kwh.
I see. All the ones in the area where I live are $1 per hour up to 4 hours. Then past that point it's variable. Some charge $10 per hour, others charge $3 per hour.

Edit: I checked other areas including Los Gatos CA there are a few charge point stations at that price ($1 per hour), and some at the price you mentioned (26 cents per kWh).
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Yes -- sorry.
I intended to delete the question but you are too quick.

Did you look into adding another kW of PV ?
Or finding more conservation/efficiency measures ?

I gather you have a 6 kW PV array. What is your average annual generation ?

no need to apologize. ;)

It was supposed to be 7kWh, but I think there are only 6.5 kWh of panels. We have a 5kw inverter and a 2.5 kw inverter. I have no way to see my annual generation as the company never came back to install the monitoring equipment. (One of the inverters has bluetooth, and the other is Ethernet so I couldn't figure out on my own what I needed to connect them together to monitor them). If in fact I have only 6.5 kWh I could install another 1kWh of panels (I think) without having to re-permit and get sucked into NEM2 and TOU. But I'm not sure where the panels would go, I may have to spend another few grand to cut down a neighbors tree to utilize that part of my roof.

I'm thinking about getting a propane water heater, which sounds great for power savings (water heater costs us roughly $1500 a year if we mostly stay in tier 1), but I think it would take about 5 years or so to recover the cost of adding it (probably be more beneficial if we had kids or something).
Unfortunately solar works different under the EV plan. It will not cover my peak usage for the hours 4-9pm for peak. This is why the grandfathered tiered plan is so much better (if you don't have an EV) with the grandfathered plan you put in "x" amount of kW and get credit for "x" amount of kW. If I switch to the EV plan I will get a credit for power at the rate @ for which time period the power generated. So energy produced on non peak is only worth 12 cents per kW. Since peak hours is 4-9:00 I won't be producing much power off solar during that time. Notice how much the price jumps for those peak hours? That is how they get you! You send them power all day for 12 cents per kW until 4:00 then you buy power back from SDG&E at 5 times the cost (yep 60 cents!). So for every 6 hours of power you send them, they will give you back a credit for one hour. It really pisses me off to be honest which is why I'm hesitant to switch plans, but I would be pretty much forced to switch if I buy a model 3.

I suppose a powerwall would be another option, but then I'm looking at significant expenses to have an EV (Maybe something like $15,000 extra?)

Sorry if this is answered in an earlier post, but does your work/office have an EV charging station?