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Sudden range decrease

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I’ve got a 2013 P85 with 52k on it. Recently I’ve noticed the range when battery at 100% has dropped significantly, and all of the sudden. I’m not positive but it seems to coincide with the V9 update. The car used to charge to 251 miles at 100%, and suddenly is only charging to 211 miles. I’ve tried fully discharging and recharging several times and I’ve made sure the setting is correct for displaying the range. I’ve tried charging on home charger and supercharging and there is no difference. Has anyone else experienced this, and does anyone know if this is enough degradation to warrant a battery replacement? Thanks everyone!
How frequently do you charge to 100%; do you have a record of 100% on various times you have measure it?
I almost never charge to 100% (leave it at 90%), but I noticed a decrease at 90% so I did a few 100% charges to see the numbers and they are low.

Anyways, I called Tesla and told them the issue, about two hours later they called me back and said they remoted into my car and the battery is reporting some error codes and they need to get the car in the service center ASAP. Going to drop it off tomorrow and will keep the thread updated as info comes in.
It’s both Un-nerving and awesome at the same time that they can “look” into the car and diagnose this.
We have come a long way from the cars of my teen age years. I love technology and welcome these changes.
It creeps out and worries others I know. I can see how people worry about the robot takeover
To each his own.
It’s both Un-nerving and awesome at the same time that they can “look” into the car and diagnose this.
We have come a long way from the cars of my teen age years. I love technology and welcome these changes.
It creeps out and worries others I know. I can see how people worry about the robot takeover
To each his own.
I think most people who are worried are mostly worried about privacy and being manipulated, rather than robot takeover.
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Hi all, I have a 2013 model s 85 also, and since v9 I have noticed an efficiency drop or increase on tesla from 56% to 188% for the same drive in 2 hrs apart. Same temp etc. Called Tesla today and have not heard back yet. Will keep you informed.

What percentages are your referring to? The car doesn't show efficiency in %. Can you elaborate.
Hey all, quick update. Tesla called and said they are replacing the HV battery and the drive unit. I didn’t ask for details, but will post when I have more. Great news though anyways. In the meantime they gave me a 2018 P100D loaner, which is awesome but a little bit of a let down overall for the amount of money it costs (window sticker in glovebox for $142k).