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Supercharger - North Bend, WA - North Bend Outlets (under construction May 2024, 24 V4 stalls)

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I defer to your expertise, but I would think we should call something V4 only if it has the never seen V4 cabinets and V4 posts together? I so want to see V4 cabinets, just to feel like there's going to be progress.
Following that logic there would be no V4 listings on supercharge.info but there are so I was just following what has been established. I also don’t think we will see V4 only cabinets anytime soon because they can use the current V3.5 with both. And the 800V part is only compatible with Cybertruck so I am guessing anything that does 400V and 800V will always be V3/V4 (V3.5 in Tesla terms).
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Following that logic there would be no V4 listings on supercharge.info but there are so I was just following what has been established. I also don’t think we will see V4 only cabinets anytime soon because they can use the current V3.5 with both. And the 800V part is only compatible with Cybertruck so I am guessing anything that does 400V and 800V will always be V3/V4 (V3.5 in Tesla terms).
Have we confirmed that V3.5 cabinets can charge a Cybertruck at 800V?
Have we confirmed that V3.5 cabinets can charge a Cybertruck at 800V?
I thought the spec sheet showed capable of 800V output? But I guess that is dependent on whether or not they activate it. We just need someone with a CT to charge at a V4 (if it hasn't been done already). I would imagine if it has, someone would have posted about the 500kw output (unless they turn down the amps to keep it at 250kw).
From the shot I saw of the badges on the side of the cabinets (which I can't find now… it might have been in one of Branden Flasch's videos), they're the same as V3 – 1000V on the DC bus between cabinets, but 500V max to the dispensers.
This is what I've seen with V3 cabinets, If Tesla were launching new V3.5 cabinets that can dispense 800V it will be huge news. It's pretty audible when Cybertruck splits the pack for 400V charging. Many people have charged the CT at V4 sites with V3 cabinets and reported 400V charging. I just haven't seen any sites that have V3.5 cabinets. Someone needs to look at these site placards ASAP to see what they can output.
This is what I've seen with V3 cabinets, If Tesla were launching new V3.5 cabinets that can dispense 800V it will be huge news. It's pretty audible when Cybertruck splits the pack for 400V charging. Many people have charged the CT at V4 sites with V3 cabinets and reported 400V charging. I just haven't seen any sites that have V3.5 cabinets. Someone needs to look at these site placards ASAP to see what they can output.
Here’s the data sheets from some site plans. Main difference is the DC post output is rated to 631A on V3.5 vs 350A on V3.

Here’s the data sheets from some site plans. Main difference is the DC post output is rated to 631A on V3.5 vs 350A on V3.

Very strange... We've seen V3's charging at over 700A. So it feel weird that they are designating a 3.5 change to more accurately represent the amperage...
Could just be an oversight on the data sheet but V3 was different architecture than V2 so that would be quite the oversight. There are different ratings for NACS vs CCS2 so maybe it was the V2 handles were rated lower and they didn’t update when they switched to V3 liquid cooled.
Stopped by yesterday. Busy pulling wires. Bases are in. All equipment on site except transformer.
Looks to me like the ground is paved & finished, I can see a diagonal trench that goes across the lot to ut. That must be the power trench, they've paved it over pretty carefully and there's a line of chargers, you can pull up on either side, making it easier for all those people with charger ports in nontesla spots. There's several big white cabinets, but I think that must be Tesla supercharger infrastructure. So waiting on transformer till the cows come home.


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