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Supercharger - Santee, SC

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Time to expand the station at Santee!!

Two P85+ (one blue, one green), one P85 with red calipers (black), and a S85 (black)


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I think there's not many more than a dozen Model S in the entire state of SC, so to see 4 Model S at the supercharger... ;) Once Lumberton and Savannah open up it will give more choices to those going south/north on I-95 and that should help us from having people have to wait.

First: Congratulations on your first open Supercharger in South Carolina!!

You're correct.
The Superchargers are not intended primarily for the locals in that area, but for the travelers on their route toward their destination.
Once a couple more SpC stations open on the East Coast, and Florida to Boston is a reality, this station will get used.
A Whole

Then the waiting begins...:rolleyes:

I can answer for Jonathan. He was there for the ribbon cutting. Unfortunately he had a class to teach in the afternoon and missed the weekday buffet at Clark's Restaurant. Let this be a warning to all Tesla owners, plan your visit to this supercharger to coincide with the 11-2 or 3 o'clock $10.95 buffet. This is seriously good Southern cooking. The sweet potato souffle is to die for. This was my third supercharge at Santee, but the first one during a weekday lunch time.

Jonathan, did you make it out there this morning? Were you able to get any information about when Lumberton will come online?

I met one of the service guys from Raleigh who drove down in a Model S. I asked him about Lumberton and he said that without lumberton he wouldn't have made it. He arrived at lumberton with 7 miles remaining apparently. He said Lumberton was "still in testing."

Videos from the event today!
Thanks for all the info from everyone who attended. Looks like you're a celebrity now, Jonathan :). I'll ping my contacts at the raleigh service center to see what they know about Lumberton. Do you know who it was that came down? I would imagine it would probably be Trevor.
I just used this SC twice last week on our trip from Virginia to Florida and back. On the way down, an officer came by to chat about the car, that he'd been out catching people going 100+ today on I-95, etc. He also mentioned that recently an owner could not disconnect his car from this SC and TM came out to remedy the issue but he was stuck for two days. Anyone have any more information on this story? Just curious. I imagine it would have been a car problem, not a SC problem...?
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