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Supercharger - Santee, SC

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Sorry Shumdit. I went up to Santee from Charleston today because I wanted to drive my week old Model S to Augusta to record a midnight service on Christmas Eve, coming back on Christmas Day. But it looks like finding a place to eat, much less a recharge, will be a real challenge on Christmas Day. Santee would have been ideal since there is a Waffle House across the street from Clark's Restaurant, which is, of course, open 24-7/365. So I share your pain. It's back to the Accord.

The contractor was very friendly and helpful. I'm sure he would have turned the thing on if he could. But he gave me a complicated explanation of why he couldn't. If I understood him correctly, the supercharger equipment is too new to have been rated by Underwriters Laboratory. So Tesla is hiring an independent company to test and approve each installation. The testing company has fallen behind because so many superchargers are coming on-line right now. (I wonder if this is a consequence of the earlier Tesla supercharger map that showed the East Coast covered by Fall 2013, tomorrow being the Winter Solstice.)

He also said that he had come from doing the Chicago supercharger site, and was currently working on both the Lumberton and Santee superchargers. The trucks were labelled "J.Rank, Mt. Pleasant, MI." I know Tesla has been very closed-mouth about the superchargers, and I really don't want to get this guy into any kind of trouble with Tesla. He is clearly the kind of person Tesla should be hiring. He said I was the fifth owner to come by the Santee site. He was impressed with Tesla, the technology, the interest and enthusiasm of the owners ("It's like joining a club to buy one of these.") He said they have a schedule of many supercharger sites across the country in 2014, "and we are not the only contractor." So I think the supercharger revolution is truly ramping up. I asked him what it was like working in Santee (which is pretty far out in the woods, swamps and lakes). He said the local electrical supply house only delivers to Santee once a week, so he was making frequent two hour trips to the nearest Home Depot. But he pointed out that the weather made up for that. He was wearing a short sleeve shirt, which I bet did not see much use in Chicago.

He implied he would be going to MI for a brief break next week. So I don't think he will be back on-site before January 3rd. But some one will be there on the 27th. I plan to drive up there that day just to see if I can learn anything else. It is just under 70 miles from my home in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina. I assume that someone from J. Rank will be there with the representative of the testing company. After that, my guy says Santee will go live and pop up on the in-car list of superchargers.

airj1012, I am one of those old people who is incapable of seeing a use for social media. A Google employee once told me that if I wanted to participate in social media and remain anonymous, I should join Google+. So I did, despite the fact that I believe he was making an ironic comment.

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Sorry Shumdit. I went up to Santee from Charleston today because I wanted to drive my week old Model S to Augusta to record a midnight service on Christmas Eve, coming back on Christmas Day. But it looks like finding a place to eat, much less a recharge, will be a real challenge on Christmas Day. Santee would have been ideal since there is a Waffle House across the street from Clark's Restaurant, which is, of course, open 24-7/365. So I share your pain. It's back to the Accord.

The contractor was very friendly and helpful. I'm sure he would have turned the thing on if he could. But he gave me a complicated explanation of why he couldn't. If I understood him correctly, the supercharger equipment is too new to have been rated by Underwriters Laboratory. So Tesla is hiring an independent company to test and approve each installation. The testing company has fallen behind because so many superchargers are coming on-line right now. (I wonder if this is a consequence of the earlier Tesla supercharger map that showed the East Coast covered by Fall 2013, tomorrow being the Winter Solstice.)

He also said that he had come from doing the Chicago supercharger site, and was currently working on both the Lumberton and Santee superchargers. The trucks were labelled "J.Rank, Mt. Pleasant, MI." I know Tesla has been very closed-mouth about the superchargers, and I really don't want to get this guy into any kind of trouble with Tesla. He is clearly the kind of person Tesla should be hiring. He said I was the fifth owner to come by the Santee site. He was impressed with Tesla, the technology, the interest and enthusiasm of the owners ("It's like joining a club to buy one of these.") He said they have a schedule of many supercharger sites across the country in 2014, "and we are not the only contractor." So I think the supercharger revolution is truly ramping up. I asked him what it was like working in Santee (which is pretty far out in the woods, swamps and lakes). He said the local electrical supply house only delivers to Santee once a week, so he was making frequent two hour trips to the nearest Home Depot. But he pointed out that the weather made up for that. He was wearing a short sleeve shirt, which I bet did not see much use in Chicago.

He implied he would be going to MI for a brief break next week. So I don't think he will be back on-site before January 3rd. But some one will be there on the 27th. I plan to drive up there that day just to see if I can learn anything else. It is just under 70 miles from my home in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina. I assume that someone from J. Rank will be there with the representative of the testing company. After that, my guy says Santee will go live and pop up on the in-car list of superchargers.

airj1012, I am one of those old people who is incapable of seeing a use for social media. A Google employee once told me that if I wanted to participate in social media and remain anonymous, I should join Google+. So I did, despite the fact that I believe he was making an ironic comment.


What a great write up. Thanks for the information. Kind of funny that he was from another Mt Pleasant.

Completely understand with Facebook. We have a group on there and share similar information like this. Once we got wind of this location some of the members started to head to the location to check it out themselves. We probably account for all of the other members the contractor was talking about. Some of the visitors dropped by with food and drink so they definitely like Tesla owners. Doubt they get this much attention on any other sites that they have. We have a Carolina's Member Directory too if you're interested in seeing that. Just message me and I'll provide you with a link. A decent amount of the members are from the Charleston area.

Exciting news as always. Thanks again for the report!
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As if I haven't already written too much about the Santee supercharger site, allow me to suggest some things to contemplate (or google) while waiting on your Model S to recharge there. The surrounding flat, rather boring coastal plain played a pivotal role in the American Revolution. In colonial times, this very sandy area was mostly creeks and swamps. The chain of artificial lakes that runs past Santee marks the center of the watershed in which Continental General Francis Marion developed what would today be called guerilla tactics. He managed to cut Cornwallis' supply lines, thus literally turning the course of the Revolution in 1780. In the process, he earned the sobriquet Swamp Fox.

Americans of a certain age will remember the 1959-61 Walt Disney TV series "The Swamp Fox," or at least the doggerel from the chorus of the theme song:

Swamp Fox, Swamp Fox, tail on his hat,
Nobody knows where the Swamp Fox's at.

You can actually listen to the Disney theme song via Youtube audio. But I warn you, it will be stuck in your brain for another 50 years. In googling this topic, the most astounding thing I discovered was the actor who played Francis Marion was the late Leslie Nielsen, in his pre-comedic days!

We are three hours north of Santee and making a run for it. Met a Tesla guy at the Glen Allen VA supercharger who said he was responsible for supercharger deployments. He indicated the Santee testing was completed this afternoon, with the station going online tomorrow. With a hope and a prayer (and a sleeping four year old) will post in a few hours that it is open---otherwise we will beat Shumdit to the flatbed.
We are three hours north of Santee and making a run for it. Met a Tesla guy at the Glen Allen VA supercharger who said he was responsible for supercharger deployments. He indicated the Santee testing was completed this afternoon, with the station going online tomorrow. With a hope and a prayer (and a sleeping four year old) will post in a few hours that it is open---otherwise we will beat Shumdit to the flatbed.

Great! Post some pictures when you're done. I am glad to have more Superchargers in the southeast. I'm not even a Tesla owner, and I am still excited at more Superchargers down here. :)
Just got an email from Tesla:
We drove up to Santee to check on the supercharger today, since I heard that someone might be on site today. We had a really nice lunch at Clark's Inn and Restaurant. You can order off the menu everyday of the week, but there is a $10.50 buffet M-F between 11 am and 2 pm ---- genuine traditional Southern food. It's worth going out of your way for. We finished around 2:30 and wandered back to the supercharger behind the Inn. Several people stopped and used the area to walk their dogs, but no one from Tesla, the contractor and the testing company was around. The area was cleaned up and there were no barriers or tape around it. The transformer was humming, but there was no other sign that it was operative. (I didn't actually try to charge, since I was taking pictures and it was cold and windy outside.)

When I got home from supper, I found the 7:39 pm email from Tesla announcing that it was open. And I see it appeared even earlier as a red dot on the Tesla site supercharger map. So I assume it was turned on while I was driving back to Charleston, just as the contractor predicted it might be last week. Or it could have been on while I was there.

Somebody go up there and try it out. I'll gain too much weight if I go back too soon.

35 degrees, heat off, hyper milling from Rocky Mt to Santee--arrived with 4 miles remaining after picking up 12 miles and a bite to eat in Florence. Wow, Charging at 370mph while thawing out family. Looks like DC to Savannah in one day; this SC could not have come at a better time!


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We went through on Sunday. First time I have ever seen/used a supercharger. It does spoil you for anything else! I hit the lot with about 70 miles of range left and left about 20 minutes later after a quick bathroom break with about 220 miles of range left. Impressive. I forgot to look at the charging rate at first but grabbed this shot on my phone as we were walking across the street to the restaurant:


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