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Superchargers in VA

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The VA Supercharger as of 12:30pm October 13, 2013. I spoke with David L.(Tesla owner) and Rich H. (Site Manager). I enjoyed the conversation(in the rain) with both of them. If there are no delays, the site work should be complete by the week of the 21st. I don't know when it will open for use, hopefully soon after.
VA SC 101313.jpg
I did swing by this afternoon. Virginia Dominion Power was there to do service hookup. Tesla's cabinets and charging gear was already in place.



They are definitely working hard.


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Thanks very much

Appreciate te the regular updates. Making a trip on the 21st or 22nd from Raleigh to NYC and hope this will be up in time so I have don't :rolleyes: have to really break journey !

I did swing by this afternoon. Virginia Dominion Power was there to do service hookup. Tesla's cabinets and charging gear was already in place.

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They are definitely working hard.
Appreciate te the regular updates. Making a trip on the 21st or 22nd from Raleigh to NYC and hope this will be up in time so I have don't :rolleyes: have to really break journey !

i keep posting to the wrong thread. I posted more info in the other thread under charging. They are aiming for the 21st, but until it is done, there's always the possibility of delay.
Anybody have a guess on when the grand opening will be? I'd love to be able to take that day off and be there. I think someone said they usually send out an invite 5 days in advance, so if that's the case, it's not likely to be open by the 21st.

I wouldn't be so negative. They usually set the opening date only after it's been confirmed to be operational. The one in Burlington, NC *just* came online late last night and it looked like this on Saturday: Burlington, NC Supercharger - Page 3

They set the grand opening for next Tuesday, so a full 5 days after it's live. You may very well see this one ready to go this weekend.
Live testing with a Model S is supposed to happen today. It is possible that supercharger is actually live this weekend. There is still site cleanup after the electrical is done, partially because of the speed that the supercharger went in and the very rainy weather lately. The grand opening date may not match with when the charger is operational as we have seen with other openings lately.
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Anyone available to drop by and test it out? I'm leaving for Charlottesville for my anniversary tomorrow and my wife is wimping out about taking the S. If this puppy's up it will be the magic ticket to convince her.

When I left around mid-afternoon today, they were still trying to get the chargers wired up. The white covers are not in place. They where hoping to get to live testing with a Model S today and the site itself is blocked off. Tomorrow is pretty aggressive - it may come down to exactly when you are going by and if they run into problems.
I can't charge at the inn we're staying at, since there isn't any power anywhere near the parking. I know about the charging options (Arden Apartments, UVA Parking Garage, and a contact 20 miles north of Charlottesville) but they all involve a level of inconvenience above what the wife is willing to tolerate this weekend. Total bummer :(...

- - - Updated - - -

Sound's like the timing of the return trip is key. It's only 208 miles from Smithfield to Charlottesville and back to the Richmond Supercharger...

That would be gutsy. If it's ready by Sunday, I'm a hero. If not, I'll hear it from my other half! She just doesn't want to have to worry about any of it over the anniversary trip.
Sorry, not trying to be negative, just trying to figure out what the date is (crossing my fingers I can work around my work obligations to make it). Good to know that it will be operational first and then they'll schedule the opening. So maybe next week? Any guesses?
Todd - happy anniversary, have a great trip, and let us know how it works :)