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Active Member
Nov 18, 2014
Bay Area
So...mostly out of curiosity laced boredom I've been compiling charging data from recent supercharging events. So far I have a couple hundred data points over 15-20 charging events. While not helpful for anything specific, (and they're somewhat predictable based on findings from others), the results are at least interesting to postulate. Note that I have a 60 with a B pack.

So, for a little housekeeping, I charted voltage. It mostly helps to make sure I don't fat finger data entry (OOF points are pretty obvious), but its also interesting to see the taper ramp up as capacity gets higher. Also of note is the 362v max. Amperage more or less mirrors the charging power below, so no point in posting it.
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Here's my charging (in kW) vs range. There's a few interesting things going on here: First is the taper, which visually confirms what everyone else already knows. Then there's the funneling--its clear that there are variables that affect charging power at lower SOCs which either damp out or drop out as SOC increases. Most interesting however is that the data spirals down two distinct trends. See the next chart for that. Also, I only had one event that was pairing limited (the four points in the lower left)), and I only had one event where I got anyhwere near 90kW.
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After contemplating the source of the dual funnel peculiarity, I decided to break out the actual SC locations. As it turns out, the socal chargers I've visited (Harris = socal :cool:) all fall into the upper funnel and Fremont/Gilroy populate the lower funnel. That's a good indication that, as many already know, all superchargers are not alike. Its also good indication that chargers are actually pretty consistent within a location.
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I take screenshots of the app's charging tab every couple minutes that I later manually input into excel. I originally wanted to see if I could create some conservative-ish algorithm to predict charge time for trip planning (I also record time in the spreadsheet) but I haven't gotten that far.
I take screenshots of the app's charging tab every couple minutes that I later manually input into excel. I originally wanted to see if I could create some conservative-ish algorithm to predict charge time for trip planning (I also record time in the spreadsheet) but I haven't gotten that far.

I'll say it again - that's an impressive amount of data to collect in that manner! Kudos to you for compiling it and sharing your results here.

With today's announcement about 6.2, it looks like they've figured out how to calculate charge time on Superchargers (see below). Considering that your data shows variation from one location to the next, I wonder if they've accounted for that?
