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Supercharging.Life database

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Active Member
Supporting Member
Feb 1, 2015
Northern Virginia
Supercharging.Life is a relational database for the Superchagers Visited competition. Completed in the summer of 2022, it replaces the Google Sheets approach used for the last couple of years. This thread also largely supersedes the Superchargers visited 3.0 thread.

The database focuses on enabling competitors to register check-ins to track their visits to new-to-them superchargers. At launch, it provides a rudimentary map for each competitor to see nearby chargers they need to visit as well as those they already have visited. The power of these maps is that they are dynamic and include the latest data. There is also a link to a new Tableau site with more elegant visualizations, but Tableau does not allow automatic connections so the site has to be updated manually.

Supercharging.Life leverages data from Supercharge.Info and we work closely with the admins there to ensure data integrity. We keep additional data fields not available in supercharge.info.

How to login without becoming a competitor​

This is the default configuration. You will be able to track your visits, but no other competitors or non-users will be able to see your check-ins. Only the database admin will have visibility. You will not be included on the leaderboard, you will not have a Tableau map, and you cannot collect "firsts".

  1. Go to Supercharging.Life and select guest and then login.
  2. Select the authentication you'd like to use (Google or GitHub)
  3. Start recording your visits.
If you have questions or run into any problems, you can reach us in the following ways:
  • Contact at least three of the admins (list below) via private message here on TMC.
  • If you do not have a TMC account, you can email us at [email protected]
If you ever want to become a competitor, just contact us (as above) and ask us to make you an "active" competitor.

How to login and become a competitor​

As a competitor, you will be included on the leaderboard, have a Tableau map, and be able to collect "Firsts". Your visits will be visible to others.

To use Supercharging.Life, you need either a Google or GitHub account as they perform our authentication.

Send a Private Message here in TMC to at least three of the admins below. Tell us which of the authentication mechanisms you intend to use and the email address that is associated with that login. The admins will then provide you instructions depending on whether you are an existing competitor or a new competitor.
If you do not have a TMC account, you can email us admins at: [email protected]

Process for having admins enter your visits

This system is designed to make it easy for you to enter your own visits. However, if there are extenuating circumstances where you would like the admins to enter your visits for you, post your visits to the Wiki - Superchargers Visited thread and include a specific statement that you want the admins to make the entries. You'll still be able to use supercharging.life as a guest, including accessing your entries.

Overview of key functionality

On desktop or mobile, you will be presented with a list of actions you can take. At launch, this list is as follows:


  • "Me" - shows your check-ins and other key information, like any badges you've earned. This is a simple, single-click way to access your information.
  • "Supercharger List" allows you to browse the entire global supercharger list and all of the details associated with each.
  • "Supercharger Map" puts superchargers on a map in our normalish colors: Red for open, Yellow for Construction, and Blue for permit. To ensure the map is responsive, it will only load North American superchargers by default, but you can select "Load all" if desired.
  • "Competitors" allows you to find and view a competitor's check-in record
  • "Check-in Now" allows you to create a check-in. It will show superchargers near you for easy check-in but you can also search for any supercharger if you are entering data later.
  • "Recent Check-ins" - creates a list of all of the recent check-ins from all competitors.

Competitor View

In the competitor view, you will see key metrics about yourself (or whoever you are viewing). The "Map" link will take you to an up-to-date view of superchargers for that specific competitor. Grey pins are locations they've visited. This map view pulls directly from the database. The Tableau link takes you to the competitor's view on Tableau where there is more information available and the map is more configurable. However, it is not updated dynamically so may be behind by hours or days. Tableau includes a variety of other views and tools, like the ability to see the state of the supercharger network at any point in history.


Below the competitor information are the individual check-ins. Here you can see details of each check-in by clicking the date, which also allows you to delete that check-in if you made a mistake. If you want to see details about the supercharger, click the name.

How to search the competitor or supercharger lists
On a desktop computer, when you mouse over the Region, Name, or Status headers on the superchargers list, or the Name header on the Competitors list, you will see a hamburger menu. When you select that menu, a filter selection will present itself and you can type a few characters of whatever you're looking for to narrow the list.

On mobile, long press in the heading field to pull up the search tool.


Adding Supercharging.Life to your smartphone's home screen​

It is easy to add a link to Supercharging.Life right to your smartphone's home screen. This will give you single-click access to the database at any time.


  1. Open Supercharging.Life in Chrome.
  2. From the hamburger menu, select "Add to Home screen"
  3. You can then find the icon on your home screen and drag it to wherever you want, like a travel folder, as shown below. To organize an icon on your home screen, long press on it and then move it.


  1. Open Supercharging.Life in the browser.
  2. Click the share icon at the bottom
  3. Click "Add to Home Screen"
  4. Name your icon


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Great work on this you all. I’m glad it is removing a lot of the pain points for you admins!

What is the guesstimate for go-live?

I will likely stick to having you guys enter for the next few weeks on this trip, but will give it a whirl as soon as I can.

We are going live Saturday evening. We'll lock the spreadsheet about 5 pm. We'll have the database migrated by midnight.
Yay! Now my first feature request, tag the supercharger that we hunters live near as ours so when someone checks in at our charger, or chargers in my case, we get a ding so we can chat them into waiting for us to do a meet up. It can take 10 minutes to supercharge and if we live near one or many we can be there in that time...

Perhaps it could be done in the vein of as they check in they are asked if they wanna ding us and we can register with a specific Supercharger(s) if we wanna be dinged and don't if we don't.
My data looks a little funky on supercharging.life. It appears to show me having checked in at several locations that I haven't checked in at. It lists 169 checkins with the earliest being 2014-05-30 - 4 years before my Tesla ownership. My count should be 81, as of today, according to the spreadsheet. Maybe this is because this site is flagged as being the DEMO site when I connect to it and that data will be corrected when the final import happens this weekend.

Edit: I haven't been west of Estes Park, CO, east of Nashville, TN, or north of Spearfish, SD. All the entries in California and Canada for me are invalid.



Also, hopefully, you'll allow people to backdate checkins to dates in the past. I don't feel comfortable advertising to the Internet while I am traveling. I have always reported new checkins when I return home from trips.
  • Informative
Reactions: Darren S
My data looks a little funky on supercharging.life. It appears to show me having checked in at several locations that I haven't checked in at. It lists 169 checkins with the earliest being 2014-05-30 - 4 years before my Tesla ownership. My count should be 81, as of today, according to the spreadsheet. Maybe this is because this site is flagged as being the DEMO site when I connect to it and that data will be corrected when the final import happens this weekend.

Edit: I haven't been west of Estes Park, CO, east of Nashville, TN, or north of Spearfish, SD. All the entries in California and Canada for me are invalid.

View attachment 828676

View attachment 828677

Also, hopefully, you'll allow people to backdate checkins to dates in the past. I don't feel comfortable advertising to the Internet while I am traveling. I have always reported new checkins when I return home from trips.
You're welcome - easiest 88 superchargers you ever visited!

It was my error in exporting data from the spreadsheet. Your counts in supercharging.life should be corrected when we do the next refresh of visit data from the spreadsheet. When that happens, I'll check to make sure it worked. Thanks for the heads up!
  • Informative
Reactions: swaltner
Has this app been tested in areas of bad cell reception?

To a limited extent. I live in a relatively bad-cell-reception area, and I've used it both on my phone and in the car. The "Check-in Now" functionality (the most important part) is most likely to work with a slow/bad connection, if anything is going to. But we'll learn more as people use it. (Don't plan to use the map or any of the other pages on a crappy connection though, as most other pages load quite a bit of data.)
Forgive my impotence. I have a backup email account that is NOT with gmail. However, the email is routed through gmail and Google. The address is ******* @alumni.usc.edu. But to access it, I go through Gmail.

Will that address work for this purpose?

You know, hitting an 85 MPH curve was much easier than trying to figure all this stuff out. But that was 50 years ago.......
  • Funny
Reactions: NKYTA and Polly Wog
Forgive my impotence. I have a backup email account that is NOT with gmail. However, the email is routed through gmail and Google. The address is ******* @alumni.usc.edu. But to access it, I go through Gmail.

Will that address work for this purpose?

You know, hitting an 85 MPH curve was much easier than trying to figure all this stuff out. But that was 50 years ago.......
It needs to be an address that you use to sign into Google; it doesn’t *have* to be a gmail address. If you use your USC email address to sign into Google (for mail or otherwise), that will work.