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Supercharging Speeds

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With the addition of our first V3 supercharger I thought I’ll ask the following.

Some of you may have seen my comment on the other thread. I tried the V3 in Park Royal and had really disappointing results so wondered whether it’s my car as I never get decent speeds.

I’ve attached some of the results I got today.

I selected South Mimms Supercharger to navigate to. Drove for 1 hour+ to precondition the battery, arrived at South Mimms with 12% battery, and parked in 5A (5B was empty). Initially it sped up to 111kWh but quickly dropped down. I’ve attached some screenshots.

Under these ideal circumstances, I would’ve expected 150kWh. I also appreciate that charge rate drops with increased SoC but are these numbers expected from your experiences?

P.S. I only got 80kWh from the V3

Under 20% wouldn’t pre-condition when enroute. You’ll know because you get a notification on the dash when it’s happening.

then would have been wasted kW as it was charging, to then precondition the battery.

give another go with plan to arrive at 20% or drive longer to get battery up to temp. (45°C IIRC)
I don't think you are too far from the norm, if it all.
During the summer I saw about 135kW but never saw 150kW.
I have seen a graph on a thread, which because I'm looking for it, I can't find at the moment which shows 'the charging curve'.
I'll keep looking but I am sure someone here will find it and post it.
Do you have TeslaFi? Would be useful to see the charge graphs. Apologies that they don't show charge rate on graph, that I know.

LR battery, so faster than a SR.

What I notice is your HVAC may be skewing what you see in some images. That could be borrowing a considerable amount of kW from the charge.

26-92% - peak at 131kW (approx 480mph=119kW, 360mph = 89kW, 240=58, 120=~32)

25-80% shared with model S which had priority - peak 88kW

15-80 initially shared - peak 143kW

18-90% - peak 129kW (approx 480mph=116kW, 360=87, 250=58)
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The older cars are seeing BIG decreases in supercharging speed and Regen curve has been raised several degrees.

I think we are seeing what is now just circumstantial evidence Tesla now believes the batteries need narrower limits. Put another way it is beginning to look like the BMS has allowed abusive use of the pack for years and Tesla is now scaling it back. That begs the question, was the high charge rates and cold Regen allowed in the past due to optimism which data is making them rethink or was it a calculated risk for the marketing advantage of saying it charges fast.

I like my car, no intent to get rid of it but when cars that used to charge at 120kw are now being capped at 70 without a good explanation I think the community needs to prepare for the likelihood Tesla was pushing the limits and has narrowed those limits.
The older cars are seeing BIG decreases in supercharging speed and Regen curve has been raised several degrees.

I think we are seeing what is now just circumstantial evidence Tesla now believes the batteries need narrower limits. Put another way it is beginning to look like the BMS has allowed abusive use of the pack for years and Tesla is now scaling it back. That begs the question, was the high charge rates and cold Regen allowed in the past due to optimism which data is making them rethink or was it a calculated risk for the marketing advantage of saying it charges fast.

I like my car, no intent to get rid of it but when cars that used to charge at 120kw are now being capped at 70 without a good explanation I think the community needs to prepare for the likelihood Tesla was pushing the limits and has narrowed those limits.

I think you may very well be right. The battery capping and huge reductions in charge rates are worrying for the whole fleet. The total absence of any communication from Tesla about this has led affected owners to start a class action and the NHTSA are looking into whether there’s a case to answer from a safety perspective.
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Only just got a chance to check this thread. You guys are so knowledgable! That’s reassured me so I’ll cancel my Tesla a service apt so someone who needs it can book it.

in other news, my updated app displays battery % (when setting charge limit) and it’s maxed at 92%. Wonder where my other 8% went
I'm a new owner of a SR+ and used 120KW supercharger twice. Each time I started from 45% - 50% battery. I only got ~55kw to begin with and soon it dropped to ~45kw and evern lower. Is this normal?

Outside temperature is ~40F and I came off from ~20 miles of highway drive. Maybe part of the reason is that my battery was still too cold?

Membury services (M4) a few weeks ago.
Also watch the most recent Fully Charged when Bobby gets 250kW from Park Royal in his Model 3.

I can't answer why the OP is seeing slower speeds, but there are mny variables. TeslaFi helps to solve mysteries like these.
Only used SCHARGER once and was a great experience, so easy, not that quick at about 65ish kwh, but out of interest what cable should I have used for my M3 sr+? Does it matter?
The top/bigger cable - this is CCS2 - it's the only cable which will fit a M3.


The bottom/smaller cable it a tesla-modified Type2 cable - it only fits Model S and X

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I'm a new owner of a SR+ and used 120KW supercharger twice. Each time I started from 45% - 50% battery. I only got ~55kw to begin with and soon it dropped to ~45kw and evern lower. Is this normal?

Outside temperature is ~40F and I came off from ~20 miles of highway drive. Maybe part of the reason is that my battery was still too cold?

Yes, quite cold. You need to make sure you set the navigation on the car directly to the supercharger ... it will then warm the battery before you arrive to charge. However, as you get towards 50% state of charge the speeds will start to reduce anyway. Best to post you questions on a US part of the forum (this is UK/Ireland) so that people who are driving in the same conditions and using the same superchargers can reply.