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Tesla Model 3 in Australia

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I get the message "This doesn't appear to match the pattern of a Model 3 VIN number or you may have forgotten to replace the last 2 digits with 'XX'. Please ensure your VIN number is correctly entered and the last two digits are replaced." with the VIN of 5YJ3F7EB4KF4440XX
Looks like you've been able to submit it now (at least I can see it in there), or still having issues?
Nice! There should be a checkbox in settings for "Edit after submit", that's separate to "Collect email addresses".
Yer, I have that turned on, it looks like someone has already edited their response.
Can everyone get back into it to edit their response after submitting?


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Hey @Vedaprime and all,

I've created a form that we can use to track VIN's, confirmed VIN's, Dates, and Country.
For those who are privacy conscious I've allowed the ability to use XX as your last 2 digits, and for those who are happy to provide the full VIN, that's possible also.

If you have any issues with the form, or getting it to recognise the VIN (I've used pattern validation to match Model 3 VIN numbers), please send me a message with the VIN and I'll check what the issue is.

AUS / NZ Tesla Model 3 VIN Submission Form

AUS / NZ Tesla Model 3 VIN Submission Form (Responses)

Nice work, what about us VINless don't we count o_O
Might see a pattern if we are included rather than excluded
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Hey @Vedaprime and all,

I've created a form that we can use to track VIN's, confirmed VIN's, Dates, and Country.
For those who are privacy conscious I've allowed the ability to use XX as your last 2 digits, and for those who are happy to provide the full VIN, that's possible also.

If you have any issues with the form, or getting it to recognise the VIN (I've used pattern validation to match Model 3 VIN numbers), please send me a message with the VIN and I'll check what the issue is.

AUS / NZ Tesla Model 3 VIN Submission Form

AUS / NZ Tesla Model 3 VIN Submission Form (Responses)

I've updated the form to allow you to include your Tesla Motors Club Forum Username if you wish, it's not required, but just in case you want to add your personal touch, and incase VedaPrime or anyone want to ask a question, or become best of buds and go on fishing trips together, totally up to you.
OK all, form is back up and running again and now accepts the ability to add info if you don't have a VIN yet too. Have at it, and always welcome for feedback!

AUS / NZ Tesla Model 3 VIN Submission Form

AUS / NZ Tesla Model 3 VIN Submission Form (Responses)
Hey @Vedaprime and all,

I've created a form that we can use to track VIN's, confirmed VIN's, Dates, and Country.
For those who are privacy conscious I've allowed the ability to use XX as your last 2 digits, and for those who are happy to provide the full VIN, that's possible also.

If you have any issues with the form, or getting it to recognise the VIN (I've used pattern validation to match Model 3 VIN numbers), please send me a message with the VIN and I'll check what the issue is.

AUS / NZ Tesla Model 3 VIN Submission Form

AUS / NZ Tesla Model 3 VIN Submission Form (Responses)
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Facebook NZ model 3 owners group

Paul Cockerton:17/08/19
Just had some Tesla time in the showroom. The chap said that our customer cars are NOT in NZ yet but still expect deliveries at the end of the month. Contacting people a week or two prior to delivery which is effectively next week or early the following week. That’s all I could glean.

This sort of ties up with the little to no activity in NZ :(
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Facebook NZ model 3 owners group

Paul Cockerton:17/08/19
Just had some Tesla time in the showroom. The chap said that our customer cars are NOT in NZ yet but still expect deliveries at the end of the month. Contacting people a week or two prior to delivery which is effectively next week or early the following week. That’s all I could glean.

This sort of ties up with the little to no activity in NZ :(
Might also explain why we haven't seen any Model 3's on trailer trucks, or at the docks too. When we do see them, we may be kicking ourselves thinking "Oh, this make sense now".

Also, I feel for the captain of the Cap Capricorn if this is true, probably wondering why his AIS data is peaking and hogging all his bandwidth on his Cellular link, he's probably thinking "Yep, this is the trip, this is the one I get boarded by pirates, checking my location all the time", he's probably ordered a batch of snipers for his next leg of his journey.
Hey @Vedaprime and all,

I've created a form that we can use to track VIN's, confirmed VIN's, Dates, and Country.
For those who are privacy conscious I've allowed the ability to use XX as your last 2 digits, and for those who are happy to provide the full VIN, that's possible also.

If you have any issues with the form, or getting it to recognise the VIN (I've used pattern validation to match Model 3 VIN numbers), please send me a message with the VIN and I'll check what the issue is.

AUS / NZ Tesla Model 3 VIN Submission Form

AUS / NZ Tesla Model 3 VIN Submission Form (Responses)

Nice work. I am probably not best to add what I have vin scooping various social media to avoid duplicates this stage, and wait a bit.

I have DM Andy re his 4430xx sr+ vin.

This is the full range I have

July 7. Aug 1. Aug 11
4430xx 488xxx 517xxx
4432xx 489xxx
4434xx 499xxx

NZ seemed to be only in 4435xx - 4436xx but am not 100% given the gaps.
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At the outset I’ll state that I hope this helps ease some minds, but I also appreciate if some want to see their vehicles before ‘believing’ ... and I get that.

Yesterday it was stated very clearly to me, by a Tesla employee, that Model 3’s arrived in Sydney @ approx 11.30am (that would make it the Cap Capricorn based on my view out of my office window). On questioning the downstream source I was told this was an ‘official’ internal comms from Tesla ... and not employee speculation or social media sourcing. Read into that what you may, but personally I’m comfortable considering that as factual comms.

Further, vehicles will be arriving in multiple shipments and not just this one.

As I said, hope that helps relieve any anxiety, but appreciate that ‘facts’ may mean seeing the vehicles. Unfortunately, no information on that was available, but the 2-3 week estimate I’ve seen posted here seems sensible - remember that Tesla want cleared funds 7 days before delivery.

Well this seals it imo, and no doubt, if they are citing internal comms.
Facebook NZ model 3 owners group

Paul Cockerton:17/08/19
Just had some Tesla time in the showroom. The chap said that our customer cars are NOT in NZ yet but still expect deliveries at the end of the month. Contacting people a week or two prior to delivery which is effectively next week or early the following week. That’s all I could glean.

This sort of ties up with the little to no activity in NZ :(

Refer to my previous post on this a few pages back. #4615
Makes zero sense, and contrary to actions we are seeing in NZ with preparations. They are ahead in everything we have seen with website changes, and direct contradiction of what has been said in Auckland in the past week. Tesla NZ would not have possession yet if they are with a third party logistics team.
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For starters, I have absolutely no problem with Tesla not letting us know when exactly our Model 3s are arriving, which ship, which day, which place, etc.

I much rather have Tesla focus on manufacturing and follow-up service than
expensive pre-delivery communications - even 3.5 years into waiting for the car. If Tesla did provide early guidance on delivery dates and things change - as they invariably do, given the rate of change Tesla is experiencing - Tesla would get absolutely crucified for mis-communicating. This would then take up an inordinate amount of time and resources for Tesla to explain and rectify. But Tesla is damned if they do and damned if they do not.

I also 100% understand that Tesla has confidentiality agreements with various third-parties.

What I do not like is to
see some of our activities being referred to as "stalking" when clearly they are not.

Stalking is a crime. It is illegal and is directed against people. Our actions are not directed
against a person, but as enthusiastic Tesla customers, we are simply excited about the prospect of our cars arriving in Australia.

Yes, we are guessing, calculating based on publicly available information and I took some pictures of a ship that was
entering Botany Bay (even flagged beforehand that I might be doing so). However, we might very well be way off with our guesses and perhaps people (especially at Tesla) wryly smile if they hear about what we discuss here.

Tesla has had its fair share of problems with real stalkers who have
harassed their employees in search for information. For the record, I have not contacted Tesla in an attempt to glean any additional information.

I rather let them get on with their jobs. In no way do I want to
interfere with their operations.

I can not for the life of me imagine that anything that has been done or has been discussed here on this thread would be reason for concern for Tesla or be perceived as "stalking". As a Tesla shareholder, I certainly would let the company know if anything illegal was happening.

Quality post. Thanks for keeping it real.
Nice work. I am probably not best to add what I have vin scooping various social media to avoid duplicates this stage, and wait a bit.

I have DM Andy re his 4430xx sr+ vin.

This is the full range I have

July 7. Aug 1. Aug 11
4430xx 488xxx 517xxx
4432xx 489xxx
4434xx 499xxx

NZ seemed to be only in 4435xx - 4436xx but am not 100% given the gaps.

I'm in nz with a 517xxx vin
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Imo SR+ with no streaming and no carplay /android auto puts it a good deal behind others for music
Conversely (by all accounts) sounds great, has quick, rock solid Bluetooth and a nice spot to place the phone where you can see it. And, if you were keen you could mount the phone right in front of you if you wanted Waze, Android Auto or any of that and get a brilliant experience.
Imo SR+ with no streaming

SR+ will have paid access to streaming just as P- and P+ will have, but without 1 year free, that's it. It has the capability, everything is there (software and LTE connection) and only needs the service paid for annually when this becomes available, by the end of the year if you believe Tesla's timeline.
@Didaho, My VIN ends in 4430XX (where XX is obscured for privacy). Is yours in the same range?

Has anyone else seen a 4430 VIN?

I've looked back through @Vedaprime's posts and can't find any mention of those VINs before, and they seem lower than the others (although as I understand it, VIN order is not necessarily manfuacture order.
Yup, same range. First time I'd bothered looking.
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