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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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In the past when there was a bad news event for stocks money would move into bonds. Now bonds don't pay much of anything, so money rotates into the sectors of the stock market least affected or benefitted by the bad news. Green energy is one of those sectors today, so combined with the Adam Jonas upgrade TSLA should have a huge day.
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Stellantis, the new company created with the merging of Peugeot-PSA and FCA has picked its ticker symbol.

It was designed to only go up. And to the moon. Can you guess it?

Wait for it...

Oh now the funny name make some sense!
It’s obvious they first picked the ticker and then come up with something that made some sense for that ... :rolleyes:
Where did you find that table? I would be interested to see where the UK sits.

My gut feeling is we are around the 20% mark, but that most Brits are invested in fire and forget funds with a "decent" return (compared to a savings account!!!) of a few percent/annum.

If folk over here wake up to an awareness of the true size of invisible inflation they may be forced to become more active investors, or at least to invest in some tech funds (Baillie Gifford, SMT for eg, both of which own TSLA).

The effect won't be huge but better than nothing.
I linked to it in my post. It's a dissertation from 2017-2018 about stock market participation in the EU. The table I posted can be found on page 24/54 from the pdf file (labeled page 13 in the document itself).

This dissertation contains no data regarding the UK.

A quick Google search led me to this page:

In 2005/6 a survey by the Department of Work and Pensions suggested that 20% of UK households held shares (that suggests as many as 10 million people), but the vast majority held only a few shares which were rarely traded. A survey by Mori in 2002 indicated that 22% of adults held shares, but 12% held only privatised or demutualised shares. The median value of share portfolios was about £5,000 and the median number of companies held was only 3. In 2015 a BIS Department Consumer Omnibus Survey confirmed that 20% of the public held shares directly or via ISAs/SIPPs, equivalent to about 12 million people at that time (see the Paper entitled “Research on the Intermediated Shareholding Model”).

So basically around 20% of UK adults hold shares, but most of those have tiny portfolios.
Considering tech futures are -2% and falling, I'll be surprised if this TL0 run to over $750 doesn't drop after U.S. pre-market opens.

As of this post, the QQQs are getting hit, the DOW and S & P are flat, and all things renewable are popping!

TSLA up due to upgrade of course, but not stopping there!

All my Solars are up. TAN is up about six percent! FSLR, JKS SEDG etc etc. FAN indicated up as well.

Market hates the idea of more taxes, but of course is more than happy to slide on over to perceived winners.

Another great day in the works...hope it sticks.
I charged my plug-in hybrid car for a while with a cable that was fine for ordinary use but clearly didn’t like the amperage drawn by the car. I had to replace it (the cable, not the car :(, by one that can do it to avoid risk of fire). I doubt that the cables for street lightning are over dimensioned to the extent that this really is a solution.

replacing the lamp fixtures with more energy efficient ones helps a tiny bit.
To cover this off before market opens. I walked across the road and took a couple of pictures of streetlamp charging in London.

The charge port is just below the sign in the bottom pic. I regularly see vehicles using the service. Most blocks have at least one streetlamp charger and they get a reasonable amount of use. If I wanted another streetlamp to get a charger I can call up the council and ask them to put one in so it should scale well for some time.

There's also at least 15 non-streetlamp chargers of between 22-50kWh within a 10 minute walk.
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I'm entirely on board with "TSLA is going to the moon", I just think a long pause will be in order if we approach $1T any time soon. Hoping to sell none of my share and hold out for $10T in 2035, but OK if I can't hold onto them all. Hell, where do you think the cash will come from to short the entire fossil industry over the next 2-3 years?

@TheTalkingMule that is a gem of an idea! Any details you can provide on who you will target and approaches, will be of great interest to many here who will like nothing better than playing the happy music as Fossil Titanic slips beneath the waves. From the lifeboats of course. :D
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Charging Forward - Dec 25:

Why does everyone seem to ignore/forget/downplay that even the bottom end cybertruk, much less the higher end ones are a combo of TE and TA? (Tesla Energy and Tesla Automotive)

when I get my CT it will be my mobile/stabile over 5 PowerWalls, with wheelezz
I'm starting to think that investing in TSLA was a good idea. Shorting it...no so smart.

Tesla short sellers lost $40 billion in 2020. Elon Musk made more than triple that - CNN

In fact, the losses endured by Tesla shorts were more than the short losses for the next nine companies -- combined. Losses on No. 2 Apple (AAPL) in 2020 came to $6.7 billion, which is only slightly more than Tesla shorts lost in the month of December alone. Amazon (AMZN) cost the shorts $5.8 billion, according to S3.
Similar here. Last year I decided to offer cheap lease deals on Tesla to all my wider family. To make them affordable I offered 6 year contract hire leases with 50% residual value at 1.5% interest. Obviously not profitable for me, but I've leased out 7 cars on that plan and expect to do more more as the remaining ICE cars come up for replacement.

Edit: typos

My daughter was talking to my wife in the other room over thanksgiving and said she was getting ready to buy a new SUV I went running in and said no you're not, you're buying a model Y and I will pay whatever amount it takes to get you to do it I then also told my son the same thing.

both of them are gonna buy a model Y for their next vehicle and I'll pay whatever percent they think will make it worthwhile.

I am guessing maybe 30 shares of Tesla will do it.

It makes more sense than giving them the money when I die.
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In the UK

"Carmakers have already faced costly disruption related to import troubles, and Japanese carmaker Honda on Tuesday said it was halting output at its Swindon plant for two days due to delays.

Honda, whose factory is due to close permanently in July, blamed “global supply issues”. Honda, Toyota and Jaguar Land Rover were all forced to suspend output before Christmas as global supply chain problems were compounded by Brexit stockpiling."

Mmm. Sounds more like a lack of demand to me.

But in the meantime:
"However, while there were steep declines in sales of petrol and diesel cars, sales of battery electric cars nearly trebled during the year to just under 110,000, accounting for about 6.6% of overall sales. Adding plug-in hybrid electric cars – which combine internal combustion engines with externally chargeable batteries – meant the market share of plug-in cars rose above 10% for the first time."
My daughter was talking to my wife in the other room over thanksgiving and said she was getting ready to buy a new SUV I went running in and said no you're not, you're buying a model Y and I will pay whatever amount it takes to get you to do it I then also told my son the same thing.

both of them are gonna buy a model Y for their next vehicle and I'll pay whatever percent they think will make it worthwhile.

It makes more sense than giving them the money when I die.

seems like if you really love them you’d get them the model X :p