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But maybe the space saved can allow for better engineered cooling system?
OT: The space saved is not within the pack. It's in the funk area where all the components go. The cooling capacity is going to be based on the size of the heat exchangers, flow rates, compressor capacity, etc... not the superbottle itself. None of the vehicles we are talking about are so space constrained in that area that the few cubic inches the superbottle may save is going to make the difference as to if Tesla can engineer a cooling system of any given capacity.

This is kind of like having a car key and keyfob on a keyring vs. having a key/fob combo. It's convenient to have the latter, but it's not going to make a reasonably material[1] difference as to operating your car.

[1] SWIDT?
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2018 Q1
7 Series 2,000
6 Series 1,030

2019 Q1
7 Series 2293
6 Series 625

BMW Sales | GCBC
Geez Rob, cantcha make it easier by posting MS & MX sales right next to it?:rolleyes:

It’s like now I gotta hunt for Tesla figures!:)

Fire Away!
Lex Fridman on Twitter
MIT HCAI Autopilot study paper is out.
Elon also retweeted.
The following is our paper on driver functional vigilance during use of Tesla Autopilot driver assistance system. We analyzed 18,928 Autopilot disengagements. 3+ years of hard work with an incredible research team at MIT. Example videos out next week.

Here is the full paper PDF if you have problem opening the summary page:

Seems to be very positive so I expect ZERO coverage from MSM.

Btw: seems Elon’s retweet crashed their server.
Btw: beaten by humbaba but I am not deleting this post since I am attaching the PDF. :D


  • tesla-autopilot-human-side.pdf
    2.2 MB · Views: 2,801
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It's interesting... we were congratulating ourselves at how many vehicles Tesla was delivering in Europe... while in practice, Tesla was struggling with how few they had managed to deliver, due to logistics problems across the entire chain. As many as they delivered, they apparently planned to deliver even more, and had to struggle just to move as many as they did through the system.:p

Anyway, first ship of the new quarter is at Pier 80, and it's a biggie :)

GLOVIS SONIC Current position (Vehicles Carrier, IMO 9798387) - VesselFinder

Now let’s keep it real here. Everyone knows it’s what goes IN the ship that makes it big!;)

Que the parking lot drones, let’s get a better boarded number this time around. There ain’t enough meat on a crow to make worth eatin anyhoo.:p

Fire Away,
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Here is what I posted on our local group's Facebook page.

Good morning Tesla friends! Just got back from a short drive to try out the new 8.5 Nav on Autopilot update. Short response...this seems to be a fully function complete FSD for highway use. Very impressed. That said, some very interesting observations.

First some background. I was on the highway in moderate traffic with light rain (but with the spray from the traffic I am sure the system thought it was much heavier). I had the driver acknowledge turn lane turned off and the turn lane notification set to both wheel vibration and chime. In the future I will probably turn off the chime but each to his/her own. I also set it to automatically default to "no acknowledgement on each trip' so any time I put in a destination it will automatically go to these settings. There are other options.

First off, it seems the system would not engage without first acknowledging the driver presence, aka torque on the wheel. It wouldn't engage for me the first time I tried for this reason and gave me a red prompt to put my hands on the wheel. Very smart I think.

Next, the on ramp performance seems MUCH more confident. My exit is a two lane on ramp and it smoothly accelerated and moved over one lane then did the same to enter the highway flow of traffic. MUCH BETTER!

Next thing I noticed was that it seems to require the same "driver presence" verification before performing any lane changes. In other words, it would signal but would not move over until my hands were on the wheel. Again, I think this is very smart on Tesla's part. Keeps people from abusing the system I think.

Next thing I noticed was that it appears to be more sensitive to poor weather. It went from Nav on Autopilot to regular Autopilot three times during my trip for this reason. Each time it would re-engage when the rain let up or when traffic cleared out and there wasn't as much spray. Lane changes were all smooth and confident. It would wait for an opening and then smoothly accelerate into the new lane. It would then return to the right lane to get out of the passing lane much more readily I think than before.

Overall, on this short trip, I was blown away. Can't wait to try it on dry roads and a longer trip. Sorry for the lenghy post but thought some of you might be interested. Of course, everyone will have different opinions, but I think this is a BIG step forward for the system. Can't wait to see what Hardware v.3 has to offer when the time comes.

Hope that helps.

Thanks. At some point FSD should include auto honking for aggressive cars (lane cutters, blockers), and also maybe some reverse honk for tailgaters.
It is astonishing that the SEC lawyers think that they can mislead the judge like this!

What arrogance is it to ignore her questions, make up legalese word salads on the fly (“could reasonably considered to be material”), even attempting to blatantly misrepresent plain facts in evidence before her, even portraying the sequence of events she herself witnessed in a way that obviously defies reality.

Profoundly disturbing. The implications extend far, far beyond TSLA, and it's punished shareholders. The whole Market devolves into a collection of scams with no exit, from end to end, if the "watchdog," is both corrupt and insane.
Sorry, but what's the difference between a tweet or Tesla releasing a blog article announcing material info.

If anything, the tweet is more ubiquitous.

I can accept that anything tweeted needs to be correct, sure, and maybe the exchange needs prior notice, sure, and maybe some things should be outside regular market hours. But otherwise it makes no sense and this "deal" is ridiculous.

The difference is. Now Elon think about a twit 3 times before posting.

Assuming Elon is Autist, twitter magnifies that as it facilitates spewing out whatever thought comes to your mind. Even thoughts that has not properly formed yet.

It is enough to have Elon stop and think whether each twit is material and to go to the counsel when there's any doubt.

Once it is approved, it is the same as a press release (I am not disputing this) , but there is probably a 10 min delay. Not much of a difference between not getting it filtered. And the amount of ppl it got leaked to prior to release is only 1.
Easy. Politicians do what they are paid by industry--and a few very wealthy individuals--to do with a very few exceptions (who are usually ridiculed in the press). In some cases enough phone calls, emails, and tweets from citizens can make a difference on an individual egregious bill (such as the Tesla no-service allowed bill in Texas), but there will be dozens of other bills that support corporate profits over citizens wellbeing. The political parties generally insure that no one who promotes citizen wellbeing over corporate profits has a chance of getting nominated.

That's absolutely correct. However, there is still a lot of power in customers' hands (or rather pocket).
The responsibility is entirely ours to make responsible and informed choice.
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S Padival on Twitter

With the EPA giving it a range of a mere 204 miles, @audi will be finding it very difficult to polish this Étron (<- French word for turd ).


Lex Fridman on Twitter
MIT autopilot HCI study paper is out.
Elon also retweeted.

Here is the full paper PDF if you have problem opening the summary page:

Seems to be very positive so I expect ZERO coverage from MSM.

Btw: seems Elon’s retweet crashed their server.
While on the one hand it may seem trivial, I think their proposed model for a "Functional Vigilance Framework" is significant because it supports Tesla's autopilot as being a sound methodology that he then backs up with research.

If Tesla published an identical work it would be less impactful due to it being developed in house, but when you have an independent researcher saying what you are doing works and here's how it is formally modeled -- that is a lot harder to ignore.

Being careful (and not a house organ) he adds significant caveats (e.g., "[Does] not imply that driver attention management systems are not potentially highly beneficial additions to...") but, just like the judge taking Musk's representation to task, this just underscores the validity of his conclusions. Not that it stops the immediate ad hominem attacks, but they lack as much impact as they would have on his conclusions if he were not careful to properly bound his findings.

FWIW, the PDF also seems to be under an implicit DOS attack... too much interest :eek: