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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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Is it wrong to feel like we are in '13 again
..that would be close to a $3k stock price by the end of this year :p
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And what's interesting, is that Tesla is in a much better position now than it was in 2013. It has better cars, more models, expanding manufacturing capability, the SuC network, 5-10 years clear advantage over rivals, in fact there aren't any rivals and the competing products are being regulated out of existence, and these companies have to pay Tesla in order to survive.

This is the bonkers situation we find ourselves in, that all of us here have known about for years, but the rest of the investment world seems to have finally realised.
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Doomsday conspiracy theory... all the major oil companies, plus SA PIF, Koch Idiot Inc., etc., form a secret pact to buy $TSLA on the open market, each keeping below the declaration limit, until they've got a controlling stake between them, they then force buy-out of the remaining share-holders for $4000 per share, and quietly kill the company...

We've seen this kind of thing before!

The consortium would have to disclose when they reached over 5% as a group. Otherwise all their purchases over that amount would be subject to judicial reversal.
Re, Ghosn... as a reminder. It's possible for a person...

1) To have done a tremendous amount of good (re: electrification)
2) To have been subjected to an unfair, abusive criminal justice system
3) To have had the charges dug up for "political" reasons by opponents within Nissan
4) ... and to still be guilty as sin concerning the charges at hand.

The whole situation concerning Ghosn is dirty and ugly. But that doesn't mean he's actually innocent of the charges.

As a reminder of what the charges actually are:
Carlos Ghosn: the charges against him - France 24

The charges are trumped up charges and the only reason they were applied was for political purposes. Even if they are true, like Ghosn pointed out, they are being vindictive making him wait 5 years for a trial, not seeing his wife, solitary confinement, no lawyer access, no access to evidence against him and many other things. From his description of his incarceration is sounds like Guantanamo Bay. They were trying to force a confession by pressuring him, rather than seeing the truth. The whole story is not about what minor infringements Ghosn may or may not have committed are, it is about:

1) political persecution and backstabbing by Nissan over the merger
2) how horrendous the Japanese justice system is

Of course you can make it about the charges, but they you are just buying into the false narrative...

Perhaps he is guilty of some misconduct, perhaps not, we will never know for sure because of how *sugar* the Japanese justice system is. Although, during his presentation he had a lot of documents to support his position which he released to the press, so now that we can hear his side of the story, I think the Nissan execs and Japanese prosecutors must be feeling pretty awkward right now. He actually refuted the charges pretty well in his presentation, enough for me to think he was being framed. It's a pity he didn't want to name names inside the Japanese government who were part of the conspiracy against him, only the Nissan execs.

So to imply he is ''guilty as sin" (or at least might be) is the same as the Japanese system of guilty until proven innocent.

It reminds me of the whole debate about Snowden or other whistleblowers where the disinformation campaign was all about shifting the debate to Snowden, and away from the criminal activity the US gov was doing by spying on everyone. Better to focus on what they are trying to shift the attention from which is how Nissan sabotaged the merger by using the corrupt Japanese legal system to overthrow Ghosn, and Nissan is now performing badly.
Um...no! Many here seem to be awesome individuals, but there is no way I’d want to build an EV company with y’all. That’s my line in the sand. Oh, and that you’re to stay off my islands.
If you guys start buying islands I will absolutely short you. Islands aren't going to do well with climate change coming. ;)
If Tesla decides to move 10% shares to China, this stock could double in a few weeks. I hope they don't do that yet. I am still in accumulation mode.
Short Interest comes out today after the Close, right? That's how many shares should be moved to China.

And Zach should annouce it as the 'one more thing' on the 2019H4 CC. :p

A lot to go through. I was planning on commenting on excerpts but have trimmed that out. To me it was an obvious read. Each agency is tasked with doing what it should be doing. Its a pretty industry-friendly document. Industry should arrive at standards on their own without government interference, let the market decide which approaches are economical. Which seems bullish to me: no attempt to legislate LIDAR as a requirement and (lack of economy) works against it. They want data driven solutions -- where Tesla is in an accelerating lead. This being out already lends more credibility to the notion that Tesla may gain regulatory approval this year. I'm still skeptical, but this document is laying groundwork for that (and Waymo).
People, be reasonable. @Krugerrand is a cat living on an island. Do you really want to visit a litter box?

Sorry to be THAT person, but the Romans and Mongols never fought each other. The Mongols invaded medieval Europe but that was 500 years after the Eastern Roman Empire collapsed.

Welcome to the age of mongoxl. The new brand of rocket fuel, for faster higher burns.
While I'm hoping to hold onto TSLA for a long time, I am thinking about selling a modest fraction of our shares to help pay for a future Tesla vehicle, a new multi-head heat pump system for our home, and other good things. As there's no rush, it would be nice to time such a sale reasonably well. It appears to me that the current bull run still has a ways to go, so I'm just waiting and watching. Another option would be to sell zero TSLA shares and cash out of something else, but that would do nothing to mitigate the "key person risk" that's inherent in having TSLA as a very sizable fraction of our portfolio. For everyone's sake, and for our planet, I hope that Elon is being very diligent about his personal health and physical security!

I put down a deposit for an MY performance a few months ago with the hope that by the time they got to me in Fall 2020 the SP would have reached 500 or more and I'd sell some shares to help pay for it. I never imagined SP might reach near 500 the first month of 2020!
When my MY is ready and I sell some shares, I'll also pay off the interest free Home Depot credit card loan I used to get the multi head heat pump system just installed in my VT home. Great minds and all.

Btw, when the time comes to diversify a portion of your Tesla profits, check out ARK Investment. Their portfolios hold mixes of companies with promise to one day disrupt existing industries. ARK's largest holding is.... you guessed it! :D
Paging @anthonyj


Will Meade


Over 5000 $TSLA 1/17 $700 calls for 36 cents have traded today and they’re buying more now. That is not a misprint as Tesla is $497 right now

This is the most interesting trade data I've seen all day. Is that 5000 contracts? Because if this is protection from a short position, that would mean $180,000 worth of protection to prevent shorting losses from prices above $700 before 1/17/2020 (which would imply $10 million of losses between $500 and $700). And they would need to cover before earnings or be exposed to further potential losses (because their calls would be used up).

If that's not evidence of not-for-profit shorting by big oil, I don't know what is.:confused: