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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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The leaked email says much about much more than just semi production.
. Tesla has a plan to expand production. Elon Musk's words are now taken like the words of God after the SpaceX launch so when he says Tesla will build more factories there is no demand problem in general.
. Tesla is ready to produce the million mile battery. Without it, it's hard to build and sell these things profitably
. NKLA traders are now flocking to Tesla. Why bet on a POS when you can bet on same product made by the GOAT?
We're in a new phase where Tesla can do no wrong. Congrats everybody. You've done extremely well.
What don't you understand? I know i am on a board chock full of seasoned veterans investing in TSLA stock. My question was posed to those that would still purchase at these levels for future gains. If you think its time to sell, there is no mistake in locking in gains. I was simply asking if anyone would still consider adding now that TSLA is in the 4 digits.

If I didn't have the bulk of my portfolio already in TSLA I would buy more at these levels.

When you start out with too much TSLA and it goes 5X, then you still have too much TSLA. Did I really just say "too much TSLA"? :confused:

If I didn't have the bulk of my portfolio already in TSLA I would buy more at these levels.

When you start out with too much TSLA and it goes 5X, then you still have too much TSLA. Did I really just say "too much TSLA"? :confused:

I have a significant amount in TSLA as well....dont think you can ever say "too much TSLA"...im gonna be adding on pullbacks...but definitely makes you think twice if you've been in since the $300, $400, $500, even $600-$800's. :):):):):)
What don't you understand? I know i am on a board chock full of seasoned veterans investing in TSLA stock. My question was posed to those that would still purchase at these levels for future gains. If you think its time to sell, there is no mistake in locking in gains. I was simply asking if anyone would still consider adding now that TSLA is in the 4 digits.

well. i did. of course being invested early i have made money but i made the same mistake i made in 2012 when i sold a portion of my core holdings (this time after Elon's tweet). kicking myself for making SAME mistake twice. I realize it can go down, but wanted my core shares back. Only reason sold was i got greedy, figuring with Elons tweet and poor Q2, I can add 25 per cent shares! Instead I lost equivalent of 13 per cent of shares in cash. I cant take it anymore! its just buy and hold. funny enough that was my initial thesis many years ago, when I bought my first stock JDS Fitel, which changed to JDS Uniphase. I worked there as a summer student, and with my last 2 paycheques, (one month of work) totalling 1000 bucks, bought stock. that stock surged to 60 000..and I figured when I finish school I will use it to pay off my debts. Then market crashed, JDS imploded, and I lost it all but about 1000 , with a buy and hold approach. Can't win sometimes.
Of course we will see this type of stuff. Natural to have employee churn.
Not natural to have article after article written about it like it is the end times.

It is game set and match...I'm loving it.

As far as I recall, Robin Ren is a close personal friend of Musk's and seems to have been the person most instrumental in smoothing the path for the Shaghai gigafactory.

That said, he may have been pinch-hitting at Tesla. Mission accomplished, time to focus on other things.
What's this, 10 pages of people saying "OMFG, it's above $1000 :eek:"? :cool:

OK, so I revise my Friday closing price to $995, up from $945 - news shifts the needle...

Rationale, there are so many calls at $1000 that I can't believe the MM's will accept it. On the other hand they might delta-hedge it, or given that they already bought several millions of shares (4.3% I believe) during the C19 dip, they don't actually care any more...
I have a significant amount in TSLA as well....dont think you can ever say "too much TSLA"...im gonna be adding on pullbacks...but definitely makes you think twice if you've been in since the $300, $400, $500, even $600-$800's. :):):):):)

In since 2015 with an average price of $220. Original idea was use stock proceeds to offset the cost of a Model 3 but I just held on from reading this forum.

Told my wife it scary how much money we have made but I am not selling.
What's this, 10 pages of people saying "OMFG, it's above $1000 :eek:"? :cool:

OK, so I revise my Friday closing price to $995, up from $945 - news shifts the needle...

Rationale, there are so many calls at $1000 that I can't believe the MM's will accept it. On the other hand they might delta-hedge it, or given that they already bought several millions of shares (4.3% I believe) during the C19 dip, they don't actually care any more...

The prophet has spoken!
This memo on top of the recent outrageous buying enthusiasm for nkla perhaps. I think it'll get knocked back down though...
Upper-BB is now sitting at $971.22 which is above the intraday ATH, setting up support for an ATH Close :D


And its only Wednesday. This rally may have some legs.

What's this, 10 pages of people saying "OMFG, it's above $1000 :eek:"? :cool:

OK, so I revise my Friday closing price to $995, up from $945 - news shifts the needle...

Rationale, there are so many calls at $1000 that I can't believe the MM's will accept it. On the other hand they might delta-hedge it, or given that they already bought several millions of shares (4.3% I believe) during the C19 dip, they don't actually care any more...

Well if they bought 4.3% (around 8 million stocks) in Q1 they can potentially have made something like $4 billion. So they could probably afford let it go to $1001.
IDK, that email is very stark. "The rest to be produced in other states"

Like, he only has California so far as an option. GF New York maybe, but they're pretty far away from GF Nevada. GF Texas/Tulsa isn't even a blue print right now, I'd not think.
Keep in mind that "the rest" for Semi is really the easy part. They could have volume production within less than nine months. I have no idea if they will, but they could.