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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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Except to extract only the relevant information from 3 seconds ago would require more than one snapshot of the cameras at that timepoint. At any given time, computer vision algorithms are going to need multiple timeframes (e.g. video) to figure out which objects are relevant. Human brain? You know how massive human brain processing power is for vision? Like orders are magnitude bigger than HW3.

Sensing you think the FSD computer still needs more power. I think it will be fine for the goal of 10x safety, and the errors will be pretty unique and seemingly stupid, but safer overall. Want even more safety or some race driving skills? Ya bigger computers, and will likely follow Moore's Law. Personally, I don't think 10x is enough for me and will want the upgrade next year to 25x safer... Yes, I would pay for this, again and again, just like I upgrade my computers. Their computer swap out design was no accident.

Full disclaimer, I also asked Craig Barrett (before CEO of Intel), in person, in front of about 50 coworkers, why anyone would need faster than 20 MHz computers. (It was the very beginning of Intel's Better, Faster, Cheaper push.) At the time, it wasn't a stupid question, excel was fast enough, no?

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Usualy the tail don't wag the dog. If S&P waits too long, TSLA will enter the NDX in the top ten equities by weight. This would require a seismic volume of cash to be moved into TSLA.

Ralph Nader whined about Tesla triggering a collapse of the market in TV interviews he did back on about Jan 30. If the S&P Committee wants to play 'little dutch buoy' and keep their finger in the dyke, it'll be 'well howdy' when she finally cracks and blows out.

Personally, I don't see them trying to prevent or delay the inevitable. Nor do I see them doing it early if for some unforseen reason eligibility were to be delayed. I think they play by their own rules, duck, and cover. It's the smart move. ;)


Thanks @Artful Dodger . Just noticed you're a fellow canuck! Appreciate your well thought through and well articulated positions.

A couple of questions:

1. If the S&P were to play hardball - how many quarters before TSLA ends up in the NDX "forcibly" ?

2. Ive been accumulating in the 400's, and some in the 950's, and just added some more just now in $1370's. The goal is a long term hold so I guess it won't matter much, when the SP is $2k -$5k (here's hoping'), but would like to enter in as favourably as possible.

Would you be adding more on a day like today in the $1370's ? or do you think we'll see a better floor / entry point in the next few days / weeks ?

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Tesla Downside If China Arrests Musk
US propaganda is crazy enough for this story to actually affect the stock. Many people have zero understanding of Asian culture. But propaganda = fear + (manufactured) hate.

Now if the reverse were suggested, such as that a Western country, like my own, might arrest a top Chinese financial figure, that would be quite believable.
Anyone heard of Navigate Consulting?

Gordon "Bozo" Johnson quotes them today on a Yahoo finance video as a company that rates self-driving cars, and who list Tesla as dead last in autonomy

Just to fact-check I googled them and found nothing. Anyone here heard of them?

It is Navigant Consulting. Here is an article about their report: Tesla trails Waymo, Cruise and others in self-driving strategy, study claims - Roadshow

And the graph:


They just have no idea what they are reporting on. (IMO)

Just look at where they put Volkswagen! :eek: And we know how good they are with software.
Anyone heard of Navigate Consulting?

Gordon "Bozo" Johnson quotes them today on a Yahoo finance video as a company that rates self-driving cars, and who list Tesla as dead last in autonomy

Just to fact-check I googled them and found nothing. Anyone here heard of them?

The video is titled "Tesla stock surge 'completely detached from reality" on Yahoo Finance homepage. the clip I mention is at 3m 20s.


Navigant. They’re a consulting firm for the Detroit OEMs. They have always been anti-Tesla. Sam Abuelsamid is the guy there who pumps out the FUD. He’s on Twiiter. TSLAQ listen to him. ‘Nuff said.
OT but interesting for market sentiment

Just had the locksmith at the house to fix a door/lock in the garage. He was here a year ago. Always gets excited when he sees the Model S. He noticed I had a brand-new one this time and we got to talking.

And that's when he shared his views on the company--views entirely coming from his exposure to the media:
• It's too bad the company is having such financial difficulties
• "It's all about the taxes"
• "They're doing all kinds of things so as not to get hit with taxes"
• Oh, and the "subsidies" keyword was mentioned, of course

His general tone was, such a shame the company's going under. The implication was, why would you buy ANOTHER Tesla knowing the company's going down the tubes.

I did my best to assure him the company is actually in pretty good shape, and in fact is now the most valuable automaker in the entire world, more valuable than even Toyota. You could see the blank expression on his face, like my statement went right past his ears--it didn't faze him one bit. He just reiterated the dire-straits financial condition of the company, etc. Completely brainwashed.

As Spock would say, it was "fascinating" to observe. Though, exasperating. I could not convince him that his views were, shall we say, in error. It was like talking to someone who'd hung out for beers with Mark Spiegel or Gordon Johnson and all they talked about was Tesla, and now his head was full of information that he assumed was true.

I had a very similar experience with my brother last week. I have been telling him for a few months now about the opportunity that lies ahead for Tesla and why I think this is the most disruptive company in the world right now.

We visited him last week and the conversation went something like this. Keep in mind he is very risk averse and usually just invests in ETFs.

Me: Tesla is at an inflection point and are positioned to to make major impacts in Auto, Solar, Autonomous driving, utility etc etc
Him: But auto manufacturing is capital intensive and they have manufacturing challenges.
Me: Mostly cosmetic issues overblown by media. This is not just about Auto business. It’s about EVs, has fewer parts and they are making huge manufacturing improvements. You cannot just look at them as an Auto company
Him: But their CEO said they are overvalued.
Me: That’s not what he said, all he said was the stock price is too high. But that’s not the point, he always delivers.
Him: Yeah but analysts believe the stock is overvalued too and there is competition
Me: I’m not going to try to convince you but will definitely share some videos and fact based articles to show why they are succeeding( Product, improving margins, Munros videos etc)
Him : OK

After I sent him the information we did not have any follow up conversations on this topic.

This was last week prior to the most recent P&D report. We are still at his place and I have just kept quiet even though the stock is up 45% since that time. Oh well I tried...

I think the FUDs have much bigger impact on the casual investor. I don’t think a company like Apple had to deal with this *sugar*.
I've been hesitant to speak up about all this chatter about service, because in the past, whenever I did, the moderators deleted my posts and threatened to ban me from TMC.

I'll just say it is pointless to discuss service in this thread, and maybe anywhere on TMC in general, given the prevailing attitudes. You can't win. But for those owners/investors new to this experience, and frustrated by it, know that there are others out there who sympathize and have been there, done that.

And now, watch this post be deleted by the thought police in 3... 2... 1...

It's OK, the draconian mod is long gone...
It is Navigant Consulting. Here is an article about their report: Tesla trails Waymo, Cruise and others in self-driving strategy, study claims - Roadshow

And the graph:


They just have no idea what they are reporting on. (IMO)

Just look at where they put Volkswagen! :eek: And we know how good they are with software.

Navigant Consulting is now called Guidehouse Insights.
Isn't it amazing that Ford is in the "Leader" category?
Oh look! The guy who likely published the research worked at Ford. How about that !:rolleyes:
Anyone heard of Navigate Consulting?

Gordon "Bozo" Johnson quotes them today on a Yahoo finance video as a company that rates self-driving cars, and who list Tesla as dead last in autonomy

Just to fact-check I googled them and found nothing. Anyone here heard of them?

The video is titled "Tesla stock surge 'completely detached from reality" on Yahoo Finance homepage. the clip I mention is at 3m 20s.


Navigant Consulting. Big engineering consulting firm. My former college roommate worked for them for awhile. They don't have a damn clue what they're talking about WRT autonomous vehicles. Sold to Ankura Consulting in 2018.

I mean really. Does ANYONE believe Tesla is LAST in autonomy? Not even a TSLA bear sh*tting in the woods REALLY believes that.
RT will be more like people use Uber today. Going to the bar, or going to work in a place where owning a car doesn't make sense. (cheap robotaxis will change that math). Private car ownership won't go away for sure, it will just be somewhat less common.

Renting a car for mileage is cheap, but at least in my experience I'm not renting miler, I'm renting time. I could rent a car, and drive to my destination and return it, but usually you want a car while you are someplace. I just rented one for a 10 day trip in CO. I doubt I will drive more than 200 miles total, but it's costing me about 500 bucks plus fuel. Now that's where RT would be awesome.
I also point that out in my thread, as well as how having YOUR Tesla as opposed to some other car would be an additional bonus.
Driverless Hotel Room Disruption... My thoughts from 8 years ago.