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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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Lightweight. Only half your net worth? I scoff at thee.

"Well over half" is 7 digits over half. Not half. Scoff all you want on your puny little island, I'll bring an entire fleet of heavy cruisers and two battalions of battle-proven mercenaries to secure the area. That's not counting the platoon of para-troopers. We will drink all your booze and lament the fact that there was not even one maiden anywhere in sight and laugh at your lack of defenses with which to provide a respectable challenge to my warriors! :oops:

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Big Thanks to @The Accountant. Their Jan 2020 post has helped me considerably, and repeatedly.

Given current events, I thought it was worth floating back to the top, in case it can be helpful for others too.

I remember it. With the constant, restless reiterating of @StealthP3D, they did convince me,
and so far I'm very happy. Every other move did in the end lose me money, I'm definitely not a good trader.
It's kinda incredible that a simple and so powerful idea like this is not common sense in investing...
Wow - TSLA is now worth almost twice Toyota (including treasury shares). Absolutely amazing. A little over a year ago, Toyota was worth SIX times Tesla.

No matter how much money Tesla throws at their cell development right now, it's not going to magically speed things up.

IMO this statement from your post is not yet established. On Battery Day there hopefully will be information on how applying Maxwell technology will change the hardware systems needed to mass produce these new batteries in quantities never before seen. I don't think we can assume that bottlenecks associated with the vehicle production GFs which can't be overcome more quickly by spending money faster will apply to the new battery terafactories. My understanding is the biggest single bottleneck to increasing production at Sparks has been the need for many huge ovens where solvents were baked out of the cells. Doing away with that bottleneck and introducing the custom Hibar cell production machines may well make it possible to stand up many lines in many locations. If you aren't constrained by cash to build them out near simultaneously once the first few are working well.
Let me get this straight. The dieselgate settlement required VW to spend millions (billions?) on green technologies like the Electrify America charging infrastructure. Then they figured out that every dollar they spent on Powerpacks was one more dollar's worth of batteries that Tesla would not be putting into cars to compete with VW?

I mean, they have to spend the money on something so why not use it to siphon more batteries away from Tesla's vehicle production?
Tesla could have said no, but they didn't so presumably there are enough batteries. Also I thought that TE batteries had a different chemical composition than the vehicle batteries.
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I find this comment quite funny.

Because when the share price was between $180-$300 last year, I was accused by a number of people as getting carried away, unrealistically bullish, too optimistic, and now I want to sell 10-15% to balance my portfolio for the first time and, to you, it means I'm not a "stalwart believer". Honestly, do you really think I would put well over half of my net worth in one company if I didn't truly believe it would be a great investment?

I apologize - I meant no offense.
You are one of my heroes and have contributed a lot to this site. Very insightful posts on many topics - thank you.
And you timed your buy-in perfectly from what I understand from your early posts. Perhaps a minor sell/re-balance id equally well timed? For sure - likely. Again you have been in this game for a long time, acc. to your posts and you know what you are doing.

Best wishes - sincerely.

I am of the - I freely admit - very bullish persuasion. Is there an 'over-the-top' bullish position? Raging bull?
I might loose it all.
So be it.

[3/5 of net wealth in TSLA - not than anyone is keeping score ... :) ]
I tossed and turned last night, not because I have options contracts that are volatile but because buy and hold has worked so well my account is majorly overweight in TSLA.

I’m considering selling a small amount of shares, maybe 5%, just so I can sleep better. Will decide before end of trading. Feel free to chime in with suggestions.

I'm at TSLA = 40% and feeling pretty good about it (although I don't own a house, so investments are 91% of my net worth). What does "majorly overweight" mean to you?
I had $10,000 in an etrade account ready to invest in Tesla shares when it was ~$35. the money had just cleared, and i was going to buy the shares the next morning. that night, i went out to dinner with my parents, and my father (who has made prudent and successful financial decisions all his life) was adamantly opposed to the choice and talked me out of it.

obviously i did eventually buy in, but it wasn't until about $230 per share. it's silly to complain, though. can't change the past, and i still did okay, haha!

by the way, went out to dinner with my parents recently, was bragging about my gains, and my Dad was like "why didn't you tell me to invest in Tesla?!" :rolleyes:

Did you tell him that the dinner you had with him cost you about $550,000..? No, I guess that would be cruel. :rolleyes: Just like me actually working out for you how much extra you didn't make! ;)
Gigafactory Shanghai progress (from Wuwa):

Buildings mostly completed, although there are unfinished fire escapes and they are still working on a few roofs. Still lots of landscaping and clearing up to do. Original plans showed a building where the current logistics and Model 3 loading yards are, not sure how they can build on that now.

Looks like the Model Y factory is pretty much done. Very nice factory. The drive unit factory looks like it has been manufacturing for a while. And what I assume is the cell factory looks like it will be brought on line soon.

I wonder whether they are sandbagging the 2021 target.
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I sold 2 more 2/10 (that's 10/2 to the yankees here) c4000 - they're double the price of yesterday, so got a juicy $6k for those and purchased 2 more $TSLA for the core pot (up to 571 now = 2855 on Monday => very unsatisfactory number, am working on getting something more pleasing...).

So why do I "risk" selling-out for $4k? As I said a some weeks back, $4k is my "magic number" to enable retirement, allowing buying a decent house in Brussels (wife insists to live in the city, if we moved 2km outside, half the price...) and a summer-house, somewhere pleasant.

As it happens, my wife has found a house she wants. Discussions ensue, but end of the day, happy wife = happy husband, so I'm a bit resigned to be selling at least some in the near future, so this gamble seems well worth the risk, in fact it's free money, unless we pop up to $1000k in the next month, which I honestly think is unlikely, but anything is possible.

Saving-grace is my trading account, which is solely mine. It's stuffed with massively (for the moment) profitable 2022 LEAPS, which I'll look to convert to shares when the time comes. So not all is lost!
I sold 2 more 2/10 (that's 10/2 to the yankees here) c4000 - they're double the price of yesterday, so got a juicy $6k for those and purchased 2 more $TSLA for the core pot (up to 571 now = 2855 on Monday => very unsatisfactory number, am working on getting something more pleasing...).

So why do I "risk" selling-out for $4k? As I said a some weeks back, $4k is my "magic number" to enable retirement, allowing buying a decent house in Brussels (wife insists to live in the city, if we moved 2km outside, half the price...) and a summer-house, somewhere pleasant.

As it happens, my wife has found a house she wants. Discussions ensue, but end of the day, happy wife = happy husband, so I'm a bit resigned to be selling at least some in the near future, so this gamble seems well worth the risk, in fact it's free money, unless we pop up to $1000k in the next month, which I honestly think is unlikely, but anything is possible.

Saving-grace is my trading account, which is solely mine. It's stuffed with massively (for the moment) profitable 2022 LEAPS, which I'll look to convert to shares when the time comes. So not all is lost!
yeah. I did peel a few core shares off today but sold several covered calls. Lowest are 3k on 9/11, highest 4k on 9/18. All nice premiums. If I get called at 4k I have enough that I could retire. Just not enough to buy a roadster and 50' catamaran that Youtube seems to want me to buy.

I'm at TSLA = 40% and feeling pretty good about it (although I don't own a house, so investments are 91% of my net worth). What does "majorly overweight" mean to you?
Can you see your toes?