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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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This offering is timed to relieve buying pressure when the S&P inclusion announcement hits. I think it is too little to prevent a melt up once the index funds have to buy, but the sales WILL occur after the inclusion announcement and not before. So hold on to your hats. S&P inclusion is happening soon, maybe as soon as tonight.
You Sir, may very well be right.
Sort of water mister on a cooking fire.
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I have no basis for this other than a feeling but I feel like we're going to see a big rise toward the close, and we might close near zero for the day. I dunno, today just feels shady. Like the big whales are trying to dupe the retail investors that recently jumped in for a quick buck, scare them out of their money, then get back in for the S&P rise.
I have no basis for this other than a feeling but I feel like we're going to see a big rise toward the close, and we might close near zero for the day. I dunno, today just feels shady. Like the big whales are trying to dupe the retail investors that recently jumped in for a quick buck, scare them out of their money, then get back in for the S&P rise.

Seconded. Headlines like these are engineered to make new longs panic: Tesla to sell up to $5 billion in stock amid its incredible rally

CNBC could say "capital raise" or "secondary offering" but they chose "sell." If someone bought their first shares yesterday, and then see that Tesla themselves are "selling" today, they could be impelled to sell as well
Shouldn’t that make him LESS noteworthy? Or should his Lack of ability to pick sticks make him less noteworthy?
Well, it all depends on how you look at it I guess. How many people have $10M of their parents assets under management and losing it all shorting $TSLA? In a perverse sorta way it is notable. Not the kind that should get him airtime for his Tesla bashing, but maybe an appearance on Jerry Springer... :eek:

(okay, not a current reference. Sorry, I'm not hip)
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I have no basis for this other than a feeling but I feel like we're going to see a big rise toward the close, and we might close near zero for the day. I dunno, today just feels shady. Like the big whales are trying to dupe the retail investors that recently jumped in for a quick buck, scare them out of their money, then get back in for the S&P rise.
I'm less sanguine, expecting a close where its at or lower. My sense is that the run up concluded and that yesterday's >12% rise was just a bit much. Combine that with the "even Tesla is selling stock" and you have a recipe for today.

But I don't expect it to hold. The more it drops today the more likely likely it is to recover tomorrow.
I don't know what you guys are going on about. Why would Tesla sell at these prices if it knows S&P addition is coming? That would be a disservice to the shareholders when they could have sold it at higher prices.

If they have sold it all, that would be bad news because to me as it indicates S&P addition is not coming for whatever reason and Tesla wants to immediately monetize some of these gains. This doesn't sound reasonable to me.

My understanding is that the S&P tells indexes who is going to be added a few days ahead of the public announcement to give the indexes a chance to buy to reduce front running. So for all we know, the indexes are buying right now and Tesla is selling right now.
My understanding is that the S&P tells indexes who is going to be added a few days ahead of the public announcement to give the indexes a chance to buy to reduce front running. So for all we know, the indexes are buying right now and Tesla is selling right now.

This is false. From everything I've read, S&P does an announcement 5-7 trading days before the actual inclusion happens and index funds are allowed to start buying as soon as the announcement happens. Index funds cannot start buying until the announcement happens
This offering is timed to relieve buying pressure when the S&P inclusion announcement hits. I think it is too little to prevent a melt up once the index funds have to buy, but the sales WILL occur after the inclusion announcement and not before. So hold on to your hats. S&P inclusion is happening soon, maybe as soon as tonight.

Exactly(I think we're saying the same thing). Tesla is announcing this offering but I don't think they've started issuing out shares at all yet. They're going to wait until S&P makes the announcement and then start offering the shares to give index fund as "fair" chance at buying them.

I wonder if some dumb*asses on Wall St don't understand the terms of this offering. It doesn't matter if they drive it down to 450, Tesla can simply say we're not offering the shares that price and they'll still be priced at 480. Normal Wall st shenanigans around offerings is Wall St drives the price down and then sets the offer price for the shares so that they get their discount. That's not going to work this time.

Stanphyl Capital letter to investors for the month ended August 2020, discussing Tesla’s stock split, vicious competitive landscape in China, and how it is a busted growth story.

We've carried a Tesla Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA) short position that averaged only around 1/5th the size of the QQQ short (i.e., approximately 10% to 15% of the fund), but year-to-date Tesla (the biggest bubble in modern stock market history) is up an astounding 495%

So our short positions have obliterated the profits from our long positions, and yet when this bubble pops we’ll be glad we have them.

As mentioned at the beginning of this letter, we remain short Tesla Inc.

How do shorts still remain shorts. Are they not thongs yet.
The Thong is gone, but the malady lingers on