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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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Tesla decides when and how much to sell. So know one knows until its sold out. Which is why it will be good to just get it over with.

Patience my boy, patience!

Nothing good comes from rushing the valuation. Stocks are like a fine beer - it takes time for the value to be created. Rushing it does no one any favors.

Or maybe you have gambled with some short-dated call options? o_O
Lots of speculation that the offering can mitigate chaos from S&P inclusion, but...Tesla can choose when to sell these shares, or to not sell them at all. Now, Tesla probably cares more about their balance sheet than triggering outsized gains in SP so it is likely they would actually sell some/all depending on the price at the time.
So our short positions have obliterated the profits from our long positions, and yet when this bubble pops we’ll be glad we have them.

As mentioned at the beginning of this letter, we remain short Tesla Inc.

You know what's funny here? He couldn't say "When this bubble pops, we will be glad we shorted Tesla". Because he doesn't have enough money at his disposal to cover all his losses. Instead, he had to say "yet when this bubble pops we’ll be glad we have (a short position)". In other words, he's already lost - there is no chance his life-long endeavor to short TSLA could ever turn out profitable overall even if TSLA went to zero.

Sticking to your personal conviction is only a positive character trait if your conviction still makes sense! That failed the litmus test long ago but he was unwilling or unable to change his mind. It's a terrible thing but least he's not wasting a beautiful mind.;)
in consideration of today's declining stock price I offer for your delectation

Is it possibly the case today that the naked shorties are back on it following the delivery of most of the shares?

This is not cap-raise related, cap-raises are positive for a stock.

Also shows Tesla's superior position right now compared to the other manufacturers.

I would ascribe most (almost all) of the selling pressure to two things:

1) Normal profit taking by longs after a historic run
2) Normal profit taking by momentum players after a historic run.
Seems like another "controlled event." It is almost disheartening. Not the loss of paper money, but the feel of the MM's still in charge.
There could be more than meets the eyes. I'm only speculating here but this 8K may have been designed to put a damper on the exuberance. Remember last time Tesla filed an 8K in Feb, it was filled almost immediately. This time the announcement might not happen until next week. Maybe this 8K comes out "early" to cut the rally short, making it easier for index funds next week. The only ones truly profitting this week are the short term traders. Their having to exit early is beneficial to us.
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I have sold a tiny bit just cause I don’t have a job and not much of a cash position. My friend sold all 5 of his shares and another friend sold 3 shares. Even though this is a tiny amount I assume there are plenty others that are selling.
I do find it amusing that I always see newer investors say things like "oh man, I wish I had bought Tesla earlier. Now it's too much. I'll wait for a dip." then when it dips they are too afraid to buy.