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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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So...blah blah stock price BUT GUYS! I think I found the gigafactory in Microsoft Flight sim :DView attachment 583256
View attachment 583257

Speaking of which, kinda pleased about creating this one about 10 days ago (I couldn't find it on Google Maps, thought I'd take the initiative) :cool:

Lots of speculation that the offering can mitigate chaos from S&P inclusion, but...Tesla can choose when to sell these shares, or to not sell them at all. Now, Tesla probably cares more about their balance sheet than triggering outsized gains in SP so it is likely they would actually sell some/all depending on the price at the time.

After reading the filing, seems the offering is capped at $5b, so the only variable is the number of shares they could sell if they decided to do so. Maybe they're waiting for the infinity squeeze and will sell 1 share for $5b or maybe Gordon Spiegel's wet dreams will happen all at once and they'll be forced to buy 5b at $1 each to save us from banwupcy...

But honestly, I don't think they'll sell any below $500, there's no need right now.
Nope, that would be insider trading. They inform the company that's to be added in advance, but then the general announcement is to everyone at once, with the funds typically given several days to start accumulating prior to inclusion.

So hypothetically, a company could be informed they would be included and take that opportunity to issue more shares that they have an unusual amount of control in selling. Hypothetically.
After reading the filing, seems the offering is capped at $5b, so the only variable is the number of shares they could sell if they decided to do so. Maybe they're waiting for the infinity squeeze and will sell 1 share for $5b or maybe Gordon Spiegel's wet dreams will happen all at once and they'll be forced to buy 5b at $1 each to save us from banwupcy...

But honestly, I don't think they'll sell any below $500, there's no need right now.

i.e. Just got the paper work ready for Post battery day.
I could honestly talk myself into inclusion happening tomorrow or Wed Sept 2nd.

The more I think about it I could see a scenario play out like such......if the speculation about the dividend part and shorts is actually true:

Tesla and S&P have been in talks. Tesla is unwilling to dilute at the current stock price so they announce this dividend stock split, forcing a short squeeze that takes the stock up to $2,000 or higher(I personally would want something higher than 2250 for a offering price)...at which time Tesla does a small stock offering on Sept 1st to appease S&P and inclusion is announced after the markets close on Sept 2nd. The stock offering would be the same percentage of shares as pre stock split but because the share float is much larger from the stock split, the total number of shares in the offering "seems" bigger than before. It would be window dressing for sure, but could be compromise in that it "appears" that Tesla is creating a larger number of shares to appease S&P but the dilution percentage stays the same to us.

Something had to have happened or been discussed in the background for Tesla to move up the stock split by nearly a month and a half.

So yeah, pretty happy with myself on this post haha :D

The stock split was to get the stock price up and "window dress" a larger offering number of shares while keeping the actual dilution very small. 7-9 million shares in an offering post split "appears" like Tesla is being more accommodating than Tesla offering 1.4-1.8 million shares pre split.

Now if the inclusion announcement happens after hours tomorrow I'll toast to myself tomorrow night lol
Sounds like a tiny system, just one Powerpack deployed. The equivalent of just over two Model S battery packs. Not sure why this is news. It's definitely positive, but really nothing to get excited about.
I'm extremely excited about it, as it's happening next door, and similar in size to the project we have planned for the farm whose infrastructure we'll be financing with obscene profits from some stock or other. I'm encouraged to read that there is an Autobidder-wannabe available at this scale, and REALLY CURIOUS to know whether Autobidder scales this low.
After reading the filing, seems the offering is capped at $5b, so the only variable is the number of shares they could sell if they decided to do so. Maybe they're waiting for the infinity squeeze and will sell 1 share for $5b or maybe Gordon Spiegel's wet dreams will happen all at once and they'll be forced to buy 5b at $1 each to save us from banwupcy...

But honestly, I don't think they'll sell any below $500, there's no need right now.

Almost seems like they are expecting another squeeze of the century, probably from S&P inclusion. So we now have everyone and Tesla waiting on the side line for the squeeze.
I don't know what you guys are going on about. Why would Tesla sell at these prices if it knows S&P addition is coming? That would be a disservice to the shareholders when they could have sold it at higher prices.

If they have sold it all, that would be bad news because to me, it indicates S&P addition is not coming for whatever reason and Tesla wants to immediately monetize some of these gains. This doesn't sound reasonable to me.
There seems to be a massive influx of lack of thinking here. Perhaps in a couple of days once the split accounting snafus have disappeared and the conspiracy theories have died down, sanity will return.
It actually feels a bit reassuring that there are still down days for TSLA but that they are unwilling to actually push it hard enough to trigger a circuit breaker. That's way different from how it used to be.

IV is all kinds of nutty though, I was watching the value of these 10/16 800C rising the whole day even though the underlying was down. Too rich for my blood, so I just added a highly speculative 69 shares.
The post stock split announcement climb and today's action makes me more of a believer in the naked short theory. The capital raise was such a good thing, signaling S&P inclusion any day now, and easy money for more factories. The SP should be up 10%, not down almost 5%. Nothing makes sense to me other than short selling, but who would be crazy enough to do it now?
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If Gali needs to liquidate 10% of his TSLA position to buy a MY, that means he is not even a Teslanaire yet... We really should start a GoFundMe campaign for the guy

Financing this purchase would be a better option than liquidating an appreciating asset like TSLA shares.

There is an emotional, almost celebratory satisfaction in paying something off in full (especially mortgages). I get that. However, IMO, the time to celebrate is reaching the ability to easily pay things off, not actually paying them off.

When I'm ready to partially hop off the TSLA train and cash in, all debts will be nuked and my credit score will snap back to >800. But we aren't there yet.
Today's action makes me more of a believer in the naked short theory. The capital raise was such a good thing, signaling S&P inclusion any day now, and easy money for more factories. The SP should be up 10%, not down almost 5%. Nothing makes sense to me other than short selling, but who would be crazy enough to do it now?
We know of 3 'analysts' that are crazy enough....well maybe...if they still have any funds left :)
Sold a couple puts for 9/18, $470 strike. I'm expecting to just collect the 4k premium on them but if I get called meh.
There seems to be a massive influx of lack of thinking here. Perhaps in a couple of days once the split accounting snafus have disappeared and the conspiracy theories have died down, sanity will return.
Some of us have more money than brains now. I don't think I do yet, but if I did then I wouldn't be smart enough to know.