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Teslafi and apparent insomnia

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I think you will find it sleeps more often if you check "no outside temperature Reading" and/or "no inside temperature reading". I currently only have the first one checked.

The normal sleep polling has no clue as to when the Tesla wants to sleep. It just tries at your specified interval. Apparently the two temperature readings are better indicators. As soon as TeslaFi notices a missing temp it can try letting the car sleep immediately. No wait (and no missed data). However, it's up to the car when it decides to go to sleep. You can only allow it to sleep, not force it.

If you are moving around with the fob within about 30' of the car you may wake it up, even if you are not close enough to trigger unlocking. That's my biggest wake event now. I think it takes an approach motion, so a stationary fob at a reasonable distance should be safe.
Been idling for 14 hours now. No settings combination that I've tried is working. It is usually not that bad. It is very cold outside so I'm not sure if it's related. Also, I still haven't had any upgrade notification so far. Earlier I meant version 50.3 but I wrote .53, sorry for that. Normally, I just have to turn off the logging in TeslaFI and wait 30 minutes and when I access the car from the apps, It says 'waking up' as opposed to instant access when it is idling. I will try that right now just to see.
Following with interest your discussion. I drive my Tesla since 23 Dec 2017. So I'm very new to all of this.

What I realized is, that I wasn't able to get the car asleep and it is always idling. I followed the advice of TeslaFi (Save mode on, Remote Access Off, etc), but with no success.

Since I turned the remote access OFF, all data requests by TeslaFi show an API error 405. Is this related?
Please help a new potential user. What does/would sleep mode do to the car? Is it purely for energy savings?

I left my car for 5 days at home in garage the week I got it. While I was away after day three I could no longer "see" the car with the android app. When I got home it took a while for the car to "wake up". Is this what you folks are trying to achieve?

Could it be temperature related? Temperature in my garage has been around 38F overnight and I have noticed more idling than sleeping. This morning, completed a charge at 3:39am, then 2 hours of idling, now it is sleeping.

This happened to me as well. Temp was 26 in garage and she woke up at 5:48 am and has idled since. Maybe the internal 12 V battery was being charged? We don't have any way to know that data I suppose, but car itself did not engage a charge from the HPWC.
Please help a new potential user. What does/would sleep mode do to the car? Is it purely for energy savings?

I left my car for 5 days at home in garage the week I got it. While I was away after day three I could no longer "see" the car with the android app. When I got home it took a while for the car to "wake up". Is this what you folks are trying to achieve?

Hi, basically when the car is idle, computer is turned on and waiting for the door to be opened and driving. It also accepts app connection very quickly.
After a certain period of inactivity both on the car and the app/other third party software like TeslaFi, if the power save is enabled, the car tries to turn off the main computer and save more energy. This state is called sleep. During sleep, doors can be opened but the car is not immediately drivable. It will take several seconds to prepare. Also apps need to wake the car's computer up before connecting and it will take up to one minute to connect.

If you plan to park the car at the airport for more than a week and the car is not connected to the charging station, you may want to save energy during that time so you can come home on your return to the airport. Otherwise you may not have enough energy to go home. That's why people take care about sleeping.
Car not sleeping could be a symptom of another problem. For example, if the 12V battery is not holding it's charge, its constantly up to recharge. Or if it's in the middle of a OTA download, it may forgo sleep altogether.

I suspect that there is some AI learning involved to determine when to sleep. I don't monitor my car with TeslaFi, but I normally park the vehicle by 7pm and don't drive till the next day. The few times I do go out at night, the car will go to sleep at my destination, so when I get back in to drive home, it has to wake up again.

This is probably all changing from update to update, so just when you think you've figured it out, Tesla goes and changes the algorithm. Furthermore, with AI learning, it will continuously change as it learns, without any OTA update, further complicating our understanding. Not only that, everyone's experience will be different, so we can't even use the forum to get a consensus on how this all works.
I am ready to accept whatever the car does as far as sleep or not. My mission on this thread is to make sure Teslafi is not keeping the car awake. Hence my testing and questions. But it seems I am in same boat as others and there are lots of unknowns.

To expand on what Teslafi is doing.

There are a bunch of API endpoints they are using to get data about your car. The very same ones the Tesla app uses. One of them just lists your vehicles and DOES NOT wake up the car. However, it also contains almost no data. Some basic info like car name, vin, etc. All other APIs wake the car up and keep it awake.

So Tesalfi when it notices its time to let your car sleep and you see the red banner it is only pulling the list of vehicles API which contains the current vehicle's state (asleep/online/offline). After 15 minutes if it hasn't gone to sleep they attempt the same thing again.

Unless Teslafi or Tesla has a bug I can't imagine this is Teslafi's fault. They have the correct logic in place to allow your car to sleep. Unfortunately by monitoring your car you are creating an observer effect.
I too am having the same sleep issues and also am using Teslafi, Their support looked at my account and said everything looked correct by the car will not sleep. It hasn't gone to sleep in the past two weeks. Verified the settings per the Teslafi sleep document, rebooted the main and MCU display, powered the car off then back on, Changed the Password to the Tesla Portal, sort of out of idea's at this point.

Version 2018.6.1.641efac AP2.5 MS75
I too am having the same sleep issues and also am using Teslafi, Their support looked at my account and said everything looked correct by the car will not sleep. It hasn't gone to sleep in the past two weeks. Verified the settings per the Teslafi sleep document, rebooted the main and MCU display, powered the car off then back on, Changed the Password to the Tesla Portal, sort of out of idea's at this point.

Version 2018.6.1.641efac AP2.5 MS75
What other Tesla related apps have you used before? Did you uninstall them? If not try uninstalling. You can keep OEM Tesla app but everything else.
Did you happen to have an account at TeslaLog?
What other Tesla related apps have you used before? Did you uninstall them? If not try uninstalling. You can keep OEM Tesla app but everything else.
Did you happen to have an account at TeslaLog?
The only App i have ever used is the Tesla App. Notice the Lack of Sleep from the website


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Seems to be like this ever since I connected to TeslaFI, I have never seen the car sleep per the TeslaFI logs. So i don't know if the car is truly never sleeping or if TeslaFi just isn't capturing/displaying it correctly. At this point i probably going to give up and just let it burn KWH at rest. If i have to go to the airport ill just hard power down the car.