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TeslaMate [megathread]

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The offline state comes from the Tesla API rather than Teslamate. Teslamate just reports the state.

Teslafi advise that offline means the car has lost connectivity to Tesla's servers although that may be an assumption on their part.

Perhaps there's a disconnection process when a car sleeps e.g. it tells the Tesla servers it's going to sleep. If it just loses the connection it may not have had that disconnection message and marks it as offline. As you say there are plenty of areas that have poor reception, so marking the car as asleep every time you lose connectivity may not be the best course of action.

Anything in the logs that look suspicious? Might be worth comparing a normal sleep with the offline event.

IIRC the last time I had this I went into the app and then came out again and it changed to sleep. (maybe online for a bit and then sleep - it was a while ago)
Yep - I assumed it was Tesla mothership to the car rather than teslamate to anything directly.

I’ve found a couple of other occasions and your idea of it maybe being linked to the mothership not receiving a “off to sleep” message could fit. None of the offflines are in the middle of a recognised sleep.
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Hi there ! :)

I'm running teslamate on my synology NAS. It's set to be accessible from outside with any browser with a redirection from the WAN port on my router to the local port on the NAS. Almost everything works fine : I've an issue regarding the loading of the map on the teslamate interface it just keeps loading but actually it does'nt do anything.

I've figured out that a.tile.openstreetmap.org , b.tile.openstr... and c.tile.openst... are the issue. If I redirect the 443 WAN port to local port on the NAS the map loads but then, I can't access anymore to anything else on the NAS (Neither my NAS web interface nor the synology photostation web interface nor my password manager web interface and I do not know how to redirect only the a/b/c . tile.openstreetmap.org loading to the LAN port.

I tried to redirect every / / / (wich seems to be the IP for the servers to tile.openstreetmap.org) from WAN 443 to LAN local port with no success.

Has anyone had this issue and manage to go around it ? (I have to admit I didn't go through all the 126 pages of the thread)
Hi there ! :)

I'm running teslamate on my synology NAS. It's set to be accessible from outside with any browser with a redirection from the WAN port on my router to the local port on the NAS. Almost everything works fine : I've an issue regarding the loading of the map on the teslamate interface it just keeps loading but actually it does'nt do anything.

I've figured out that a.tile.openstreetmap.org , b.tile.openstr... and c.tile.openst... are the issue. If I redirect the 443 WAN port to local port on the NAS the map loads but then, I can't access anymore to anything else on the NAS (Neither my NAS web interface nor the synology photostation web interface nor my password manager web interface and I do not know how to redirect only the a/b/c . tile.openstreetmap.org loading to the LAN port.

I tried to redirect every / / / (wich seems to be the IP for the servers to tile.openstreetmap.org) from WAN 443 to LAN local port with no success.

Has anyone had this issue and manage to go around it ? (I have to admit I didn't go through all the 126 pages of the thread)
A while since I looked at Synology implementations, but is it possible to put the web interface etc onto different ports?

Incidentally, you can limit your search to just this threads e.g. search for synology and you should get all mention of it here without reading the entire thread.

Edit: Reverse proxy comes to mind. Will need to do more digging though.
Search didn't pop out any response of interest in the matter to "map" "load" "openstreemap" or "synology" "map loading"

Reverse proxy is already setup :

Here's the reverse proxy for teslamate and my password manager

reverseproxy - copie.png

Here for the synology app and web interface
reverseproxysynologyapp - copie.png reverseproxyweb - copie.png
I wanted some more granular fuel savings data in my Grafana. Made a little dashboard with monthly stats for:

Distance Driven
Average Petrol Price per Litre
Charging Cost Total
Fuel Equivalent
Fuel Savings
Cost Per Mile (EV) vs Cost Per Mile (ICE)

It took a bit of setup including an additional table in the database to store the fuel cost data, which the government kindly provides in excel format: Monthly and annual prices of road fuels and petroleum products - GOV.UK

View attachment 849990

If anyone wants the JSON file for these panels I can upload it. You need to add a new table in your DB with the fuel prices.
I would also like a copy of this. Great work and thank you.
Anyone have any idea why certain trips aren't logging? For example, I took a short 2-mile trip this morning - not logged in TeslaMate. Doesn't seem to be any rhyme/reason for trips to be missing. Just that they are missing. On 1.27.1, car is on 2022.24.5.
Sometimes they don't get closed properly. You can manually close them and they'll pop up again. I'm off out tonight, but if you can't fix it with these instructions: Manually fixing data | TeslaMate DM me tomorrow and we can go through it. Note there is a typo on that page. There should be no ! after TeslaMate.Repo.get
Sometimes they don't get closed properly. You can manually close them and they'll pop up again. I'm off out tonight, but if you can't fix it with these instructions: Manually fixing data | TeslaMate DM me tomorrow and we can go through it. Note there is a typo on that page. There should be no ! after TeslaMate.Repo.get
Thanks for that. How does one get the start date of the drive if no drives are logged for this calendar day?

In addition, I know there was a drive on September 17 that wasn't logged, so I entered the command (without the "!") for that date but nothing was logged. Not sure if it's too late for that to be fixed, anyway.
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Hey can you please share the json & the db schema you used for the dashboard? This really looks very cool!

Yeah same. Thanks

Would love a copy of this please?

I would also like a copy of this. Great work and thank you.
Apologies for the delay. First off you'll need a table in the database with the fuel prices (date and price in pence columns), either a new entire database and data source in PostGres or a new table in the teslamate database. I found using a GUI like PgAdmin the easiest way to do this:

The price data for petrol is available from the GOV website in my initial post.

Then change the txt file to a .json file and import to Grafana. Adjust your parameters so it connects to that new DB source.
Change the 29 to your desired MPG in the 'Transform' tab of the table panel:

To be clear I'm no expert. This probably isnt the best or most efficient way of displaying this information but I just tried to learn some SQL and Grafana skills :)


  • Fuel Cost Monthly-1664395957791.txt
    22.4 KB · Views: 64
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Thanks for that. How does one get the start date of the drive if no drives are logged for this calendar day?

In addition, I know there was a drive on September 17 that wasn't logged, so I entered the command (without the "!") for that date but nothing was logged. Not sure if it's too late for that to be fixed, anyway.
You can work out the missing drive ids from the ones that are there. eg, you may have a drive with an id of 1001 and the next one is 1003, so you know 1002 is missing. You can also query the database for drives without an end_date. DM me and I'll tell you how.
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You can work out the missing drive ids from the ones that are there. eg, you may have a drive with an id of 1001 and the next one is 1003, so you know 1002 is missing. You can also query the database for drives without an end_date. DM me and I'll tell you how.
Sorry i should have been clearer, you don't need the start date, just the id of the drive that is missing/ not closed
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Question: Is there anything in TeslaMate that could be causing my inability to connect to the car when it’s asleep (I.e. no sentry), remotely? Even Tesla can’t connect to my car when it’s asleep. Once it’s awake (by using BT on my phone) I can then connect to it remotely. Wasn’t sure if TeslaMate could be having any effect on this…
Wasn’t sure if TeslaMate could be having any effect on this…
Nothing in TM that could cause this. Normally it is just a cellular signal/service issue where your car is parked but my car went through a similar phase and then started working again so probably a software issue, or a software update rebooted the LTE module and cleared the issue.

Get Tesla to diagnose/fix the issue.
Nothing in TM that could cause this. Normally it is just a cellular signal/service issue where your car is parked but my car went through a similar phase and then started working again so probably a software issue, or a software update rebooted the LTE module and cleared the issue.

Get Tesla to diagnose/fix the issue.
Right, thank you. Yeah Tesla have no idea, unfortunately, but did confirm they cannot connect to the car when at home, Sentry off, sleeping. I’m on Wi-Fi without issue, but as I understand it the car disconnects from Wi-Fi while asleep, relying only on LTE until it awakens.

I’m on 2022.24.5 since 2022.24.6 and 2022.28.2 (latest official) introduces an obnoxious buzzing sound from these new Ss. I have 2022.28.2 pending to the car. It’s possible an update might solve it, but I’m willing to suffer with this so that I don’t have the buzzing sound. It’s not a huge deal since I can locally connect to the car from anywhere in the house via BT anyway and issue a random command, which then wakes the car up. When I’m out, Sentry is always on so I can connect to the car then remotely. Just a little odd it’s misbehaving at the moment.

Thanks for the reply. Glad to know TeslaMate can’t be the culprit.
Question: Is there anything in TeslaMate that could be causing my inability to connect to the car when it’s asleep (I.e. no sentry), remotely? Even Tesla can’t connect to my car when it’s asleep. Once it’s awake (by using BT on my phone) I can then connect to it remotely. Wasn’t sure if TeslaMate could be having any effect on this…
Had the same issue yesterday. Tesla mothership issues?
Had the same issue yesterday. Tesla mothership issues?
Still the same issue today? Let’s not get this thread off topic. Can you post here?

I’ve been running Teslamate on a Raspberry Pi for about 6 months and absolutely love it. I find myself obsessively checking my car’s stats whenever I get home after a drive.

In the past month, I’ve been getting a “server not responding” fairly frequently when try to open the web page. This will often persist for a few minutes, but eventually if I hit refresh enough it will come back. Sometimes it will make me log back into Grafana. I’ve never had to reboot the Pi, or do anything more drastic than hitting refresh. And I have never seen it lose a bit of data, so I know it is constantly polling 24/7.

Anyone else ever seen this behavior? If so, is it anything I need to be concerned about? It’s more of an annoyance than anything.
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