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The Mystery of the Edit Button

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For those who have configured, there seems to be some randomness to whether or not you have an "Edit" button after configuration and ordering. A few theories:
- It's random or buggy
- It goes away after a set period of time (e.g. 24 hours after configuration)
- It goes away when something happens with "your" car (e.g. getting assigned a VIN on Tesla's end)
- Something else?

I'm curious if we can tell if it has any meaning with a bit of data. To start, for me:
Configured 6/26
Edit button visible through 6/27
Edit button disappeared 6/28
Ordered: LR AWD

Other experiences?
Thanks - good to know. I've seen some people comment that it disappeared shortly before getting scheduled for delivery. There's a reasonable chance that's just random or confirmation bias, so I was curious what others saw/have seen. In any case, it hasn't disappeared for everyone.

Also, realized I didn't note reservation details:
Reserved 3/31/16, In-store, Owner
Last edited:
I just created an account to help solve this mystery. My info:

Reserved 4/21/16
First production delivery estimate was Jul-Sept
Invited 6/27/18
Configured 6/28/18
RWD, Blue, 19in, EAP
Delivery estimate now says Sept-Nov

Edit link was there the whole time I was filling in my delivery profile BUT disappeared as soon as I finished the last item. I really hope this means I have a car.
I knew that mine dissapeared between 7pm and 7:30pm the day I was assigned a ViN. I called the next business day to inquire and they confirmed i did in fact get assigned that day.

Of course things and "signs" can often change.

That was earlier this month. I'm supposed to take delivery tomorrow if my vehicle makes it in time to the store.
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I just created an account to help solve this mystery. My info:

Reserved 4/21/16
First production delivery estimate was Jul-Sept
Invited 6/27/18
Configured 6/28/18
RWD, Blue, 19in, EAP
Delivery estimate now says Sept-Nov

Edit link was there the whole time I was filling in my delivery profile BUT disappeared as soon as I finished the last item. I really hope this means I have a car.
Same for me in terms of when Edit disappeared yesterday
I just created an account to help solve this mystery. My info:

Reserved 4/21/16
First production delivery estimate was Jul-Sept
Invited 6/27/18
Configured 6/28/18
RWD, Blue, 19in, EAP
Delivery estimate now says Sept-Nov

Edit link was there the whole time I was filling in my delivery profile BUT disappeared as soon as I finished the last item. I really hope this means I have a car.

Follow up for those curious or in the same boat as myself.

There were reports of edit button returing if you changed trade in option as this was the only delivery profile item that could be changed once filled out.
This did not work for me. No edit link.

I wanted to edit my order because after sleeping on it I decided to change my color to the MIdnight Silver.

I called the 888 number at least 15 times. Mostly you get an automated response that says they have a large volume of calls and to try again later. It then hangs up on you. Keep trying and eventually you will get an automated response that says they have a large volume of calls but to please be patient and your call will be answered in the order it was recieved. (So dont hang up too quickly. Hear it out).

I explain my situation to the rep and give reservation number she says Hmmm and puts me on hold. Comes back to tell me I had a VIN assaigned and I would be able to take delivery of the Blue in a couple weeks!! Or I could change it to midnight silver and be placed in a different queue which could take the 3-5months. No penalty fee. I changed my color and crossed my fingers.

Hope this experience can shed some light for a few people.

Interesting, makes me wonder if there are slightly different rules in the background for RWD and AWD. For example there is a much higher chance that someone with no edit button has a VIN behind the scenes if they ordered a RWD model.

People have mentioned changing the status of one of the details flips the edit button on and off. Out of curiosity, are there people who have completed all their delivery options (registration details, driver's license, etc.), who still have an Edit button?
RWD Config. Had the edit button all along.

I switched the financing to cash, and it locked it in, I can't go back now, but I assume this can be fixed when talking to tesla as I will be using my own CU.
Still had the edit button after that.
Switched Trade In to No.
Edit button went away.
Switched Trade in to yes.
Edit button came back.

So I have some feeling that the possibility of a buggy config system aside: the edit button and having "Pending" items versus All completed effects the edit button.
Another data point.

Reserved 3/31 Online
Invited 4/13
Configured 6/26, edit button was there, stayed there after I filled out all the delivery profile info.
Edit button disappeared sometime this morning 6/29, got an email from my ISA this afternoon. Email said my "Model 3 will soon be ready for Delivery"
I replied to her questions and asked if I have a VIN assigned. No reply yet.

LR, RWD, PUP, Aero, EAP, Red
After getting my VIN, changing my color, and then losing my VIN; I was able to make the Edit button play its game by changing the Trade In option back and forth.
Just tried that again and no Edit button to be found...I can't handle these emotions
Just a data point but my edit button still comes back if I change the trade option.
Possibly that means something? Hmm.

It's been over 2 years since my reservation (day 2), I can wait this out...!
Hmm, my edit button has disappeared. What does it all mean?
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Interesting, makes me wonder if there are slightly different rules in the background for RWD and AWD. For example there is a much higher chance that someone with no edit button has a VIN behind the scenes if they ordered a RWD model.

People have mentioned changing the status of one of the details flips the edit button on and off. Out of curiosity, are there people who have completed all their delivery options (registration details, driver's license, etc.), who still have an Edit button?

I never had an edit button.

Non Owner
Reserved online 4/1/16
Invite 6/27/18
Config and Delivery Details 6/28/18
Blue Metallic, RWD, LR Aero, EAP

I tried changing my Trade In preference, but that had no effect. I have never had an Edit button, all I can do is View Build Details. So I'm cautiously optimistic that the "Sept-Nov Delivery" is wrong.
I configured:

Red, AWD
Configured 6/27/2018 Immediately
Reserved 10/26/2016

I have an edit button and always have.

I completed all the items. However, I still have a pending trade-in as I plan to trade-in my car.
I configured yesterday, 29 June.
Blue, LR AWD, 18" wheels, EAP

The Edit Button was there through this morning, and I was lacking only one required item of delivery information (Insurance).
I went in today and added the Insurance inforrmation, and now I see that the Edit button is gone.

So... for me it seemed to go away once all my required delivery information was submitted.
Question, do all of you who configured have the "Payment Method" under a Pending section? Not sure if this may be holding anything up for me... I added a pic below.

I have Registration Details, Drivers License, Insurance and Trade-In portion with a green check mark and under Completed. But the Payment Method had a gray "dot-dot-dot" (...) and says Pending.


  • Pending Payment Method.png
    Pending Payment Method.png
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