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Tracking Multi-red production and sequencing

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I just feel bad because was waiting for a different color and now have to live with this. It's ok. Too much said. Hopefully I'll get used to it or cover it with something better

Why do you have to live with something you don't like? Do you like any other color than red, if so call tesla and swap it, I am sure there will plenty of people wanting your red. If you are pissed tesla, ask for refund. I dont get why you have to spend 100k and don't like it, unless you got to much cash to burn
ylyubarsky... we're gonna need to see some data points to calculate your TTL (true taste level). Please submit the requisite TTL survey (don't forget to include datafiles containing your music library, most recent Amazon purchases, and .jpeg image files of your wardrobe and home decor). We need verification you are in the 30th percentile of worldwide TTL.
Tesla S.jpg

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Do you see the difference?
To everyone who is complaining about timing .... just remember it could be worse. I had an appointment to pick up my car tomorrow 4/25 at the Chicago service center. I received a call from the delivery territory manager yesterday. Apparently while Tesla was backing the car off the delivery truck they managed to hit a post --- when I ordered my wife said it was crazy that the car doesn't have parking sensors as an option I guess she was right once again. On the bright side they told me about the damage and they gave me the option of a repair to the damaged panels or building a new car. On the negative side they are telling me that it is 5 weeks until I get a new car. I thought I would try to make the best of the situation, I had tried to order performance plus when it was announced but they told me the car was already too far along to make any changes. Since the car is being rebuilt I asked again about performance plus and I was told I can order it but it will be an additional $10,000 because they will not honor the 2012 finalized pricing so I have to pay $6500 + $3500 for the 21" tires (which were included in the 2012 pricing for free). They claim that no one with 2012 pricing was allowed to upgrade to performance plus without giving up the 2012 pricing. It seems to me that I have seen several in this forum who were able to upgrade for $6500, if that is the case, this is leaving a bad taste in my mouth. I am not asking for a special deal I am just asking to get what others who had a latter build date then me received now that I have a latter build date then everyone else. After waiting more then a year my choice is to get a damaged but repaired car next week, or wait five more weeks because of Teslas error for my car to arrive meanwhile the local showroom is quoting 4 weeks for a new performance car for someone who walks in cold off the street. I would appreciate hearing from any reds who paid 2012 pricing (free 21" tires) and were able to upgrade for $6500. My apologies for whining, I know I'm fortunate if I have problems like this, but I do feel like a five year old who learns that Santa is postponing Christmas at the last minute.

Reservation 8234 Former Vin 8946 Red P85 21" wheels most options except for 3rd row.
Displaying as silver is smart. Otherwise there would be endless debate as to whether its the old red, new red, whether they're the same. They'd try to prove their point by comparing photos taken in different settings with different cameras displayed on different monitors. I say stick with silver. Simpler that way! ;-)
StevePro. I don't want to argue with you, but if you are not blind you could read in my previous note that I saw both cars next to each other with the same lighting and cars have different colors. Why is it so hard to admit that we were f...... Sorry for my French.

I'm sure what you saw was accurate. I was poking fun at the endless debates on this thread and how people choose to prove their points. Not debating what you saw. Sorry if you took it that way. I'd love to see both cars in a single photo in identical settings! We're interested.
Swung by the Raleigh Service Center today and otoced the second one here had come in. Didn't get VIN I am afraid but hopefully anyone who is expecting might be able to take a guess. Here are some pictures nonetheless. If anyone wants me to will swing by agin and get the VIN.


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To everyone who is complaining about timing .... just remember it could be worse. I had an appointment to pick up my car tomorrow 4/25 at the Chicago service center. I received a call from the delivery territory manager yesterday. Apparently while Tesla was backing the car off the delivery truck they managed to hit a post --- when I ordered my wife said it was crazy that the car doesn't have parking sensors as an option I guess she was right once again. On the bright side they told me about the damage and they gave me the option of a repair to the damaged panels or building a new car. On the negative side they are telling me that it is 5 weeks until I get a new car. I thought I would try to make the best of the situation, I had tried to order performance plus when it was announced but they told me the car was already too far along to make any changes. Since the car is being rebuilt I asked again about performance plus and I was told I can order it but it will be an additional $10,000 because they will not honor the 2012 finalized pricing so I have to pay $6500 + $3500 for the 21" tires (which were included in the 2012 pricing for free). They claim that no one with 2012 pricing was allowed to upgrade to performance plus without giving up the 2012 pricing. It seems to me that I have seen several in this forum who were able to upgrade for $6500, if that is the case, this is leaving a bad taste in my mouth. I am not asking for a special deal I am just asking to get what others who had a latter build date then me received now that I have a latter build date then everyone else. After waiting more then a year my choice is to get a damaged but repaired car next week, or wait five more weeks because of Teslas error for my car to arrive meanwhile the local showroom is quoting 4 weeks for a new performance car for someone who walks in cold off the street. I would appreciate hearing from any reds who paid 2012 pricing (free 21" tires) and were able to upgrade for $6500. My apologies for whining, I know I'm fortunate if I have problems like this, but I do feel like a five year old who learns that Santa is postponing Christmas at the last minute.

Reservation 8234 Former Vin 8946 Red P85 21" wheels most options except for 3rd row.

i think you should email Elon directly or Blankenship . They definitely owe you for this !

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A few more


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I absolutely love the changes to the RED. The original sunset red was a little too bright and flat for my tastes. I love that it now has multiple personalities depending on the light. All the photos look beautiful. Keep them coming!

StevePro - I totally agree with you. When we walked around the corner and saw our RED for the first time at the Factory, it was AWESOME and far exceeded our expectations and hopes for the color. Much better then any of the other reds TESLA has produced. :biggrin:

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Displaying as silver is smart. Otherwise there would be endless debate as to whether its the old red, new red, whether they're the same. They'd try to prove their point by comparing photos taken in different settings with different cameras displayed on different monitors. I say stick with silver. Simpler that way! ;-)

Mobile app shows "RED" on mine.